Introducing Staged Development


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explain the need for a staged development.

Need for Staged Development

Betty has seen a presentation explaining that the system landscape consists of more than just the Production system. Now she wants to know from Adam, why the additional systems are needed.

Adam explains, that similar to the on-premise world, besides the production environment, a dedicated test environment is needed. The production environment is the production tenant, the test environment is the test tenant

In any case a dedicated tenant for fine tuning is needed. The fine tuning is referred to as customizing. This is been done in the customizing tenant.

Depending on additional development activities planed by GloManCorp, a development tenant is needed also.

These are the systems and tenants needed for the staged development itself. Adam explains, that this is not the entire environment. Additional entities are necessary – depending on the needs of GloManCorp.

Adam knows from Carl the following:


The development tenant and customizing tenant are technically clients in the Development system. A client is an organizational unit in the SAP system. Clients have separate user master records and separate authorizations. Client-specific data is split by the client column in database tables.

Development objects are stored in database tables without a client column. Such objects are called cross-client and are accessible in all clients. Hence, when you, as a developer, create development objects in the development tenant, these objects are available in the customizing tenant as well. For instance, when you create a new SAP Fiori app and assign this app to a business catalog in the development tenant, the app is also accessible in the customizing tenant.

Master data and transactional data are stored in database tables with a client column. Such data is called client-specific and is only accessible in the respective client. Hence, when you, as an administrator, create a business role to a business user in the customizing tenant, this is only visible in the customizing tenant.


In an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, usually the development client has the client number 080. The customizing client has client number 100.

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