Making Basic Mapping Settings


After completing this lesson, you will be able to maintain mapping for document transfer from SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA to SAP GTS.

Organizational Units

Customers and vendors, as well as banks, that you transfer from your feeder system to the SAP GTS system are stored in the SAP GTS system in the form of SAP business partners, hereinafter referred to as business partners. With the exception of contact persons and persons responsible, business partners for SAP GTS are of the "organization" type.

You define the exact function that a business partner performs for your company by assigning a business partner role to it in the system. A number of specific business partner roles are supplied for SAP GTS in delivery Customizing.

For the purposes of document replication, you need to map your feeder system company codes and plants that are relevant for SAP GTS as business partners. You create business partners that represent company codes in the "Foreign Trade Organization" role (SLLFTO). The foreign trade organization maps your company with regard to customs and foreign trade law in SAP GTS. Plants relevant to SAP GTS correspond to business partners in the "Legal Unit" role (SLLSIT).

The diagram shows mapping of organizational units between the Feeder system and SAP GTS. The feeder system's Company code becomes the SAP GTS' Foreign trade organization, and the feeder system's Plants become the SAP GTS' Legal units.

In Customizing for your SAP GTS system, you have to assign the business partners of the foreign trade organizations to the company codes of the feeder system. According to the same pattern, you have to assign the business partners of the legal units to the plants that they represent in Customizing for the SAP GTS system (Global Trade ServicesGeneral SettingsOrganizational StructureAssignment of Organizational Units from Feeder System to Foreign Trade Org. and Global Trade ServicesGeneral SettingsOrganizational StructureAssignment of Organizational Units from Feeder System to Legal Unit respectively).

You mirror the assignment of the plants to be mapped in SAP GTS to company codes by linking the corresponding legal units and foreign trade organizations to each other (menu path: Global Trade ServicesGeneral SettingsOrganizational StructureAssign Legal Unit to the Foreign Trade Organization).

Partner Functions

In the feeder system, business partners are already assigned specific functions or roles in the import or export process. For example, customers are sold-to parties, ship-to parties, and payers. However, these functions are not always performed by the same partner: A sold-to party may order goods for a third party.

The graphic illustrates the integration of Partner Functions, such as, for example, sold-to party, vendor, and end customer data from the feeder system into the SAP GTS system.

You have to define all feeder system partner functions that are used in documents, relevant to the transfer, as partner functions in SAP GTS. In Customizing, choose Global Trade ServicesGeneral SettingsPartner StructureDefine Partner Functions.

In the next step, you link the partner functions in the feeder system to the relevant partner functions in SAP GTS. Choose SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsPartner StructuresAssignment of Partner Functions from Feeder Systems.

You group partner functions into partner groupings specific to application areas. For example, if you want to use the embargo check, you define a partner grouping for each direction of goods movement (receipt/issue). Assign all check-relevant partner functions to this partner grouping. This enables the SAP GTS system to identify whether it should check the embargo situation only for the country of the ship-to party or also for the country of the end customer.

The diagram illustrates the partner grouping for embargo checks (export) categories (sold-to party, ship-to party, bill-to party, payer, end customer), which are managed by control settings for the embargo check.

In Customizing, choose SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsPartner StructuresDefine Groups of Partner Functions. You will see an overview of the pre-configured partner groupings for the individual application areas.

Partner groupings are assigned in Customizing for the respective application area at legal regulation level.

Document Types and Item Categories

To ensure that all documents relevant for your processes are replicated, you have to first flag these document types as relevant to SAP GTS in the feeder system. In Customizing for the SAP GTS system, you define document types as equivalents of the document types flagged in the feeder system. You then assign the relevant document types for purchasing and sales documents as well as deliveries to the applicable SAP GTS document types in Customizing.

Delivery Customizing already contains suitable document types. Separate document types are required for Compliance Management and for Customs Management application areas.

The diagram illustrates the assignment of document types between a feeder system and SAP GTS.

In Customizing, choose SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsDocument StructuresDefine Document Types for Application Areas to define your own document types, if required. Then choose SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsDocument StructuresAssignment of Document Types from Feeder Systems to link feeder system document types to SAP GTS system document types.

Document types must be activated for all application areas that work with documents of this type. Choose SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsDocument StructuresActivate Document Types for Application Areas.

For the application areas that are part of Compliance Management, a similar mapping is required at item category level. In SAP GTS, you only need a small selection of item categories. If you do not intend to use the item categories provided in delivery Customizing, you can define your own item categories. Choose SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsDocument StructuresDefine Item Categories for Application Area. Then assign the item categories to their equivalents in the feeder system (menu path: SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANAGeneral SettingsDocument StructuresAssignment of Item Categories from Feeder Systems).

If the mapping of an item category is missing, the SAP GTS system creates a replica of the feeder system document without the corresponding item data. The document is assigned the status Technical Mapping Incomplete in SAP GTS. To avoid the creating documents that are technically incomplete, choose the Automatically Transfer Item Category function when maintaining the item category assignment. The SAP GTS system will then retrieve all item categories from the feeder system and automatically assign the predefined SAP GTS-specific item category.


A detailed description of how to set up the mapping required for document transfer from the feeder system to SAP GTS is provided in the Integration Guide.

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