You transfer all customer, vendor, and material master data, and if applicable, bills of material (BOMs) relevant for preference determination and re-export control, from your feeder system to the SAP GTS system using Remote Function Calls (RFC).
A distinction must be made between the initial data transfer when the SAP GTS system is set up and regular transfers of new or changed data during operation. For the initial data transfer from SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA, you use transactions Initial Transfer of Material Masters to SAP GTS (transaction code /SAPSLL/MATMAS_DIRR3), Initial Transfer of Customers to SAP GTS (transaction code /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_DIRR3), Initial Transfer of Vendors to SAP GTS (transaction code /SAPSLL/CREMAS_DIRR3) and, if necessary, Initial Transfer of Bills of Material (transaction code /SAPSLL/BOMMAT_DIRR3).

In an SAP S/4HANA system, you can use SAP Fiori apps to schedule the transfer of master data for background processing instead.
After the initial transfer of all relevant master data, you use an Application Link Enabling (ALE) service, the change pointers, for regular automated master data transfer.
The change pointer creates a connection between change documents and the corresponding message type. When creating or changing a master record, the application program checks whether the change pointer function is activated. If the function is activated, the system saves a change pointer to the database.
For SAP GTS purposes, so-called reduced message types are used. Message types denote the data that can be exchanged between systems in ALE or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) scenarios, for example, MATMAS for material masters, CREMAS for vendor masters, and DEBMAS for customer masters.
In the delivery Customizing of your SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA system, you find the following message types for the replication of master data relevant for SAP GTS using change pointers:
/SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL (customers)
/SAPSLL/MATMAS_SLL (materials)

If the change pointer function is used for a reduced message type, only changes made to the selected fields generate change pointers.
For the purpose of re-export control and preference determination in SAP GTS, you can transfer material prices from the Accounting 1 view of the material master separately using message type /SAPSLL/PRCMAT_SLL. In addition, you can use the message type /SAPSLL/PSDMAT_SLL to transfer procurement indicators from the MRP 2 view of the material master for preference processing.
As a rule, the change pointers are evaluated in the background using the RBDMIDOC program. In ALE scenarios, this program generates Intermediate Documents (IDocs) for all new and changed data records. The function modules assigned to the reduced message types for master data transfer to SAP GTS generate RFCs instead.
By scheduling the RBDMIDOC program regularly as a periodic background job, you ensure that all new master data and all relevant changes to existing master data are promptly available in SAP GTS.
A detailed description of how change pointers can be used to regularly transfer new and changed master data to SAP GTS is provided in the Integration Guide.