Each preferential agreement contains a protocol that specifies the conditions under which a product is regarded as an originating product of the signatory states.
In the agreements, the requirements for the sufficient working or processing of the materials, referred to as rules of origin, are arranged in lists in tabular form. The reference level of the rules of origin is the HS chapter or HS heading of the product whose originating status is to be established.
In the EU's Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada, in the EU-Japan-EPA and in the TCA, many rules of origin refer to the HS subheading of the products.In preference processing, SAP GTS determines for each product whether the specifications of the preferential agreements are met with regard to the sufficient working or processing of non-originating materials. Therefore, the texts in columns 3 and, where applicable, 4 of all list entries relevant for your products must be "translated" into Customizing settings.