Managing Core Universes


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Manage Core Universes.

Core Universe Synchronization

You can add or remove links to core universes and perform other management tasks for core universes linked to the active universe from the Business Layer Editor.

You can do the following management tasks for linked universes from the Core Business Layer tab of the Business Layer Editor:

Add core
Select a core universe in the CMS to be linked to the active universe.
Synchronize core

Synchronize all core universe structures linked in the active local universe.

Remove core

Remove a link to a selected core universe.

Include core

Integrate the core universe components into the local universe. The link to the core universe is removed, so the core business layers and data foundation are now fully functional components of the active universe.

You can synchronize the core universe structure and components in a linked universe with the core universe in the repository. Synchronizing ensures that a linked universe consistently contains the most recent version of its core universes. Synchronizing core universe components updates core objects, removes deleted core objects, and adds new core objects.


Perform a Synchronize Core action before you publish a new version of your current universe.

To Synchronize a Core Universe

  1. In the Business Layer Editor, click theCore Business Layer tab.

  2. Click a core universe name in the list.

  3. Click the Synchronize core button.

    A message box appears when the synchronization has finished. Depending on the differences between the repository and current universe version of the core universe, components may have been modified, added, or deleted in the updated core business layer or data foundation.

Link a Universe

You need to create a linked universe.

Common Table Priority

A linked universe can be linked to multiple core universes. If data foundations in two or more core universes contain a table with the same name, only the table from the first core universe to be linked is displayed. This process ensures component uniqueness in the linked universe. The table from the first core linked always takes priority. The table is considered globally so that any differences in common tables are taken into account as noted as follows.


Assume Table1 from Core1 universe is added to the linked universe before that same Table1 from Core2 universe.
Relationship between common core universe tablesWhat is displayed in the refreshed core universe table?
Table1 (Core1) and Table1 (Core2) are identical.Table1 (Core1)
Table1 (Core2) has extra columns not included in Table1 (Core1), for example calculated or new columns.Table1 (Core1). Table1 (Core2) is ignored and the extra columns also.
Table1 (Core1) has columns removed.Table1 (Core1). The common columns in Table1 (Core2) are not taken into account if they have been removed from Table1 (Core1).

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