Getting Acquainted With SAP Build Apps 


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Use and organize the SAP Build lobby
  • Use the SAP Build Apps interface

Getting Acquainted With the Lobby

The lobby is where the three SAP Build tools - SAP Build Apps, SAP Build Process Automation, and SAP Build Process Work Zone come together most closely.

Play the video to learn how to see SAP Build projects and create new projects of various types.

Creating a New Project

Play the video to learn how to create an SAP Build Apps front end project.

Getting Acquainted With Composer

To get acquainted with Composer, you can refer to the Front-End section of Unit Using SAP Build Apps, Lesson Taking a Tour of SAP Build Apps of Learning Journey APP110 - Compose and Automate-With SAP Build the No Code Way, but only the front-end part.

Link to the lesson:

While working, keep the project open on your phone using the SAP Build Apps Preview app, which you can find in all common app stores and download for free. But you can also use the web preview. To use the preview option, just click the Launch button above next to the UI Canvas.

Screenshot, showing the Preview app in the Launcher.

The default setting for the Preview device might be set to iPhone, but you can change this to match whatever device you are using. It’s a good idea to use the Preview app while building, so that you can see the changes you are making to the UI and the components in real time and test them out. Note, that the changes must be saved in the app project. Then the change will be made automatically.

Create a Project and the First Pages

Business Scenario

In this exercise, you will create a project for the Team app and the first pages in preparation before creating the UI. You will learn how to open a preview page for the app, which will be useful during development.

With the exercises in this Learning Journey, you will create a Team app covering many SAP Build Apps features. At the same time, these can be modified and transformed into different scenarios and adapted to different departments and areas. The team app consists of a start page with a health tracker for the user to save the history on an on-device storage and share images and messages among colleagues with a common database. A second social sharing page will demonstrate the use of an API using OData. Finally, a challenge or KPI/balance scorecard page will showcase more features of Visual Cloud Functions.

Exercise Options

To start the exercise, choose Start Exercise in the figure below.

A pop-up opens. You have the following options:

  • Start: the simulation starts. Follow the simulation to learn how to create a project and the first pages.
  • Open PDF Document: a pdf opens. Based on the steps described in this document, you can perform the exercises in your own system landscape.

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