How do you set up Organizational Change Management for your Cloud Project


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate typical organizational change management roles for your cloud project.
  • Decide between different options to embed organizational change management in your cloud project.
  • Initiate first steps to set up organizational change management for your cloud project.

Typical Project Roles for Organizational Change Management

The roles and responsibilities for delivering organizational change management in a cloud implementation depend on the size and complexity of the project.

In small projects, it is usually the project manager, or a business leader, who takes over the change manager role. In larger implementation programs, however, you will often find that a change management expert is added to the project team. This person then takes over the planning and implementation of organizational change management activities either in a part time or full-time assignment. This allows the project manager and other project experts to focus on the functional and technical side of the cloud implementation supported by the change manager who keeps track of the people-related topics and challenges.

For large implementation programs covering various cloud solutions, affecting many users and different locations, there is usually a high need for change management support that a single expert can’t cover. Thus, the necessary activities are assigned to several experts forming an organizational change management team.

When such a team is set up, the respective roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined and documented. This prevents irritations and double effort and fosters a smooth delivery. In addition, the required skills to fulfill the different roles should be elaborated upfront to ensure that the right people are staffed, or that necessary upskilling and training activities can be conducted upfront.

Depending on the available resources and skill set of a company, such an organizational change management team might consist of internal experts, external consultants or – most often – a combination of both.

The following chart gives you an idea how such a team set-up might look for a complex, large-scale cloud program. Click on the pictures to learn more about the specific roles!

In addition to the role descriptions shown above, it is also helpful to define the amount of time that must be invested to fulfill a role – both for the internal and the external team members. Often, change management roles are only part-time assignments, and the role owners remain in charge of certain line activities or support several projects in parallel.

And of course, regardless of the project size, there are usually people within the organization who support the people side of the cloud project without being officially assigned to the project: Experts in the HR, training and communication departments can provide important input and thus contribute to make the cloud implementation a success.

Organizational Change Management in the Project Organization

When you decide to support your cloud implementation with organizational change management, a common question is how to integrate change management in the project organization.

Every company and every cloud implementation is different. Thus, there isn’t the one correct way to position organizational change management in the project organization. Nevertheless, there are some overall Dos and Don’ts and recommendations that can help you here.

Curious? Then watch the following video!

Getting started with Organizational Change Management

You have now learned a lot about organizational change management and its added value for SAP cloud implementations. And maybe you want to integrate organizational change management activities into your own cloud project? The last video of this learning journey gives you some hints and practical advice on how to get started.

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