Identifying the Capabilities of SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprises


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Identify the capabilities of SAP Product Footprint Management.
  • Identify the benefits of SAP Responsible Design and Production.

Outline SAP Product Footprint Management

Explanation of the reasons, why we should care about product carbon footprints.

The production of nearly every product and even the use of a specific product causes a carbon footprint. Your company should monitor the carbon footprint for all of your products. This monitoring offers the possibility to optimize your product life cycles to decrease the amount of created greenhouse gas emissions. That is where SAP Product Footprint Management comes in. With SAP Product Footprint Management, you can monitor and manage your carbon footprints. Based on these insights, you are able to optimize your greenhouse gas emissions with your product lifecycles.

SAP Product Footprint Management

SAP Product Footprint Management: Overview

With SAP Product Footprint Management, you have a solution to handle your footprints through the following capabilities:

Integrate with supported business systems
SAP Product Footprint Management supports the integration with business systems (for example, SAP S/4HANA Cloud) to import your business data. Through that, you can extend your default capabilities from your SAP S/4HANA with additional capabilities for product footprint management.
Publish footprint information 
SAP Product Footprint Management allows you to publish footprint information as master data to supported business systems.
Import emission factors

Import emission factors from sources like Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) databases to the solution. You can import data from multiple third-party sources to suit your business needs.

Run calculations and monitor footprints

Use a calculation template to run mass calculations for product footprints and monitor the results.

Perform footprint analytics

Get an insight into your product footprints by leveraging the analytics services provided by SAP Product Footprint Management.

More Information about SAP Product Footprint Management here. You can also watch this short overview video.

SAP Product Footprint Management: Analyze Carbon Footprint

SAP Product Footprint Management: Analyze Carbon Footprint.

After having collected business data and relevant emission factors, the foundation is laid for the calculation of the footprints. SAP Product Footprint Management offers a pre-configured calculation template to define the scope you want to include in the calculation. The template selects a subset of business activity data needed for the calculation run. For material acquisition, this data includes quantity of purchased materials from suppliers, stock transfers from other plants, and purchased materials consumed in manufactured products for the period. The products are then associated with the emission factors from the LCI database to enable bottom-up footprint calculation. This association is done via pre-shipped templates of mapping tables, which can be configured by sustainability experts allowing them to determine the best match of business data and emission factors based on material, supplier, country, and material commodity code characteristics.

After successfully running the calculation, the Monitor Footprints application lets you view the calculated footprint results. The footprint results are displayed per product type, per unit, and in total, and are broken down on different granularity levels like, for example, suppliers of purchased materials. Moreover, a consistent monthly average is calculated automatically. You can also compare the footprints across the periods so that you can observe trends. To make the footprints available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, or to SAP S/4HANA, this application also lets you publish the footprints to these business systems.

Outline SAP Responsible Design and Production

SAP Responsible Design and Production Overview

With SAP's cloud solution, SAP Responsible Design and Production, you can manage your Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR) tasks easily. You gain the ability to calculate and report on EPR fees, plastic taxes, and corporate commitments through connecting existing primary data, structures, and business logic in SAP ERP and SAP Product Lifecycle Management to your SAP Responsible Design and Production. In addition to that, you are able to connect third party systems to gather data, or even Microsoft Excel template files provided by SAP Responsible Design and Production. With SAP Responsible Design and Production, you can analyze the impact of regulations on product and packaging material scenarios, or monitor your global reporting requirements for EPR schemes, plastic taxes, and public commitments.

SAP Responsible Design and Production is the right choice to calculate your EPR obligations, plastic taxes, and corporate commitments to optimize the material choices four your company and products.


EPR: Extended Producer Responsibility - a concept where manufacturers and importers of products should bear a significant degree of responsibility for the environmental impacts of their product

SAP Responsible Design and Production

Analyze Reporting Data

The Analyze Reporting Data application provides an overview of EPR and tax relevant data. In the Analyze Reporting Data application, you can save your view configuration. You can also share your view configuration with other users or use view configurations published by other users. In order to respond to ad hoc inquiries regarding packaging report data from different stakeholders, the application allows you to monitor the reporting results and drive analysis based on different filter criteria. For example, the bar chart displays the packaging weights grouped by material fractions for a Netherlands report configuration. Moreover, visual filters in the upper area allow you to further filter the data shown below. You can save your view configuration and filter combinations, and also share your view configuration with other users, or use view configurations published by other users.

Key Takeaways Of This Lesson

SAP already offers several standalone cloud solutions running on SAP BTP as SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprises. They can be used for different sustainability-based use cases like calculating product footprints or thinking about circular economy. SAP is also adding capabilities to make holistic sustainable reporting possible.

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