Creating Measure Calculations


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create measure calculations

Simple Calculations

For simple calculations, you use two or more available measures to create a new measure. For example, you can create a new measure that is the sum of two available measures. Use Ctrl+Click to select the column headers of the two measures. From the Analysis ribbon select CalculationsAdd Calculation and make your choice.

Calculations on the Analysis ribbon to add a simple calculation using two measures

Dynamic Calculations

For dynamic calculations, you use only one available measure for the calculation. For example, you can add a new measure that displays the rank of each division according to sales volume. If you filter out or add new divisions to your analysis, the rank numbers change dynamically. Select the measure column header. From the Analysis ribbon select CalculationsAdd Dynamic Calculation and make your choice.

Calculations on the Analysis ribbon to add a dynamic calculation on one measure


For a complete list of all options and their descriptions, please see the Analysis Plug-in User Guide.

Advanced Calculations

For advanced calculations, you can use the free-form editor to create formulas with the available measures in the workbook and with various functions. Select a measure column header. From the Analysis ribbon select CalculationsAdd Advanced Calculation. Use the New Calculation dialog to define your formula.

Calculations on the Analysis ribbon to add an advanced calculation

Similar to other SAP editors, you can press Ctrl+space for guidance in defining your formula.


For a complete list of all formula function options and their descriptions, please see the Analysis Plug-in User Guide.

Restricted Measures

You can add a new measure by restricting an existing measure by a dimension. For example, if a particular month of the year is significant in your business, you can restrict a measure to that month and see a comparison between the values for that month against the values for all months.

The New Restriction dialog and its result in the crosstab

Create Measure Calculations

As the company analyst, you need to add calculations to your analysis to further enhance the data set.

Task 1:

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