Setting Analysis preferences


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Set preferences for Analysis for Office.
  • Use profiles.
  • Troubleshoot workbooks.

User Settings

You can access User, Advanced, Platform, and Conversion settings from FileAnalysisCustomize AnalysisOptions. If your system administrator has enabled it, you can change these settings.

Analysis Settings options for User, Advanced, Platform, and Conversion

On the User Settings tab, you can define the following settings:

  • Recently Used List: When you choose Insert to insert a new data source into the workbook, you see a list of recently used data sources for quick selection. To define the number of listed data sources, enter the required number in the Maximum Number of Entries in Recent List field. If you choose Delete Recently Used List, the history of recently used data sources is deleted.
  • Number of Members Displayed in Filter Dialog: Here, you can enter the maximum number of members displayed in the Filter by Memberdialog for selection. To define the number of members displayed, enter the required number in the Maximum Number of Members Displayed in Filter Dialog field. If you filter on a dimension that contains more members than defined in the user settings, you see only the currently selected members, but you can search for all members.
  • Default Workbook Location: You can set the location of your default workbook. The data source is opened with the styles, formatting, and the workbook settings of the default workbook.

Advanced Settings

On the Advanced Settings tab, you can define the following settings:

  • Enhance Currency Conversion by Query Definition: Select this checkbox if you want the Use Currency Translation from Query Definition checkbox to be available in the currency translation dialog for measures.
  • Show All Time-Dependent Hierarchies in Analysis Tab: Select this checkbox if all time-dependent hierarchies for a dimension should be available in the design panel. If this setting is not selected, only the hierarchy for a selected period is available in the design panel.
  • Transfer filter values while assigning a hierarchy: When a flat presentation or a different hierarchy is assigned to a dimension, the existing filter values are transferred as far as possible.
  • Show Access Mode for Member Display: Select this checkbox to enable the access mode for the member display definition in the crosstab and for the Filter by Member dialog box. If this setting is not selected, the access mode option is not displayed in the menu.
  • Allow Client and Language Selection for SSO Logon: Select this checkbox if the Logondialog box should be displayed when using SSO with BW systems (locally or on the SAP NetWeaver platform). In the Logondialog box, you can change the client and the logon language.
  • Force Logon Window for SSO Logon on BIP: Select this checkbox if the Logondialog box should be displayed when using SSO with the BI platform. The last used BI platform is selected as default. In this Logondialog box, you can select one of the available BI platforms.

Platform Settings

On the Platform Settings tab, you can define the following settings:

  • Preferred Platform: Select a platform to define where to save and open documents. Choices are:
    • Selectable - This selection enables all platforms.
    • SAP BI Platform
    • SAP BW
    • SAP Analytics Cloud
  • Comments Storage: Select a platform to define where comments are stored. Choices are:
    • No storage
    • SAP BI Platform
    • SAP BW
  • Workbook Caching: Caching allows you to store copies of frequently used documents on a local client machine for quick access. In Analysis, caching can be used for documents that are stored on an SAP NetWeaver server. The documents are cached for each server (BW system) independently. The default location for cached documents is the directory sapaocache, which is located beneath the user’s Temp directory. You can change the Cache Location by pressing Clear Cache.
  • Replace System: This selection allows you to replace one or multiple systems in a workbook. In the dialog, select the system that is replaced (Current System) and the system that should replace the former system (Replace By System). To list the BI Platform connections in the Replace By System section, select the Logon to BIP icon and log on to the BI platform.

Conversion Settings

You can convert workbooks created with SAP BEx (Business Explorer) Analyzer 3.5 and SAP BEx Analyzer 7.0 to an Analysis workbook. You can specify which BEx objects should be converted and you can also specify whether a conversion log should be created.

  • Conversion Settings: Defines the scope of the conversion.
  • Refresh Workbook: Defines workbook refresh frequency.

  • Conversion Log: Enables or Disables the log.

  • Show Save Dialog After Conversion: Optionally, display a dialog after a conversion.

  • Migrate Analysis Views: Migrate analysis views that were created with Analysis version 1.x and which contain SAP HANA data sources to 2.x analysis views.


A profile is a set of user interface customizations that affect the appearance and functionality of Analysis for Office. You can customize the Analysis ribbons, context menus, File menu options, and the Design Panel. There are three general profiles available in Analysis for Excel:

  • Profile (User profile) - A profile created using the Customize User Interface dedicated dialog box from FileAnalysisCustomize Analysis.
  • Company Profile - A specific profile for your company defined by an administrator and provided to end-users; it cannot be deleted or modified by end-users.
  • Embedded Profile - A user profile that is embedded in a local workbook.

Troubleshooting Options

You can record traces to analyze problems in Analysis workbooks. A trace is a self-contained quantity of logged user actions. From FileAnalysisTroubleshoot, you can make various settings for the trace level and the location of the log file. The log file with the recorded traces helps to resolve problems that you report to SAP as customer messages.

On the General tab, you can define the following settings:

  • Folder for Log File: Destination folder for the log.
  • Log Severity: Log message severity levels to report.
  • Profiling: To activate the SAP BW query runtime statistics, select the Profiling checkbox, and choose from Standard or Modified.
  • Enable Workbook Profiling:

On the Analysis tab, you can define the following settings:

  • Enable BW Server Tracing: Enables or Disables BW Server Tracing.
  • Enable Workbook Profiling (BW Statistics): To activate the SAP BW query runtime statistics, select the Enable Workbook Profiling checkbox.
  • Enable NCO Tracing: This setting may be used for SAP error handling.
  • Enable CPIC Tracing: This setting may be used for SAP error handling.
  • Show Suppressed Messages: Select this checkbox if you want the suppressed messages to be shown.

On the EPM tab, you can define settings for the EPM Add-in, which is outside the scope of this course. For more information on these troubleshooting settings, see the Analysis for Office Administrator Guide.

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