Identifying the Quality Inspection Business Problem and Solution


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Identify the Quality Inspection business problem and solution.

Quality Inspection Collaboration Overview

Business Problem

Inspection generally refers to the activity of checking products. Quality Inspection Collaboration is a collaborative business process that supports inspection at the Supplier's facility. Historically, addressing quality inspection presented the following problems:

  • Suppliers submitted paper copies of inspection results, and a Quality Analyst at the Buyer/Customer site would manually transcribe the result into their system.
  • Sometimes the quality inspection results provided by the Supplier did not meet the quality specifications of the Buyer.
  • The process time required for manual quality inspection caused delays and the potential release of stock to unrestricted stock before the quality inspection process completed.
  • If communication between Buyers and Suppliers is done via e-mail, it has to be transcribed into the quality system, which is inefficient and ineffective in supporting the end-to-end process.

Solution Overview

  • The Buyer has the ability to request Quality Inspection results from the Supplier/Subcontractor.
  • The Supplier has the ability to:
    • Send inspection results for the Inspection Lot.
    • Send a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) as an attachment along with the inspection results.
  • The Buyer has the ability to confirm (or lock) the inspection results at the characteristics level.
  • The Buyer has the ability to share the final Usage Decision/Inspection Status with the Supplier.
  • E-mail notifications can be sent to Buyers and Suppliers in the case of Inspection Request, Result, Review, or Usage Decision.
  • Document flow and traceability is improved. Purchase Orders and Quality Inspection documents are linked, allowing the Supplier to easily navigate between documents.
  • Ensures end-to-end integration with the SAP Quality Management module.

For an overview of the Quality Inspection Collaboration, watch this video.

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