Outlining the 360 Review Process


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Receive Feedback using the 360 Review Process.

360 Reviews

SAP SuccessFactors 360 Reviews enables you to combine self-feedback with anonymous input from colleagues and external sources to have the most comprehensive view of the performance of employees in the organization. 360 Reviews can be used as developmental surveys to identify employee blind spots and hidden strengths to guide development or as a multi-rater assessment that can factor into an employee’s formal performance review. If desired, feedback can be anonymous.

Open the 360 Reviews from the Performance tab.

The 360 Review Form is an online form used to review the employee’s performance. Typically, 360 Review forms are sent to the employee at the start of the process. The employee has the option to nominate the people from whom they would like to solicit feedback and submit the rater list for approval to his/her manager who might choose to make additional changes. Participants in the 360 Review process can include peers, managers, direct reports, and even external parties such as customers or partners. The participants would then provide their reviews and the data will be combined into one complete form.

The 360 Review Process

The process of a 360 Review evaluation includes the following steps:

  1. A 360 Review form is sent to the employee at the start of the process.
  2. Employees have the option to nominate participants in the 360 Review process, which can include:
    • Peers
    • Managers
    • Direct Reports
    • External parties, such as customers, partners
  3. Employees submit the participant list for approval to their manager.
  4. Managers review the participant list, make any changes, and distribute the 360 Review form to all participants for evaluation.
  5. Participants complete the evaluation of the subject, and ratings provided will be analyzed in the Detailed 360 Report views.

The Detailed 360 Report

Once the 360 Review Form has been completed, the Detailed 360 Report becomes available and provides an overview and an in-depth look at employees’ ratings. The report contains several views: Graphical Summary, Gap Analysis, Hidden Strength and Blind Spot, and Rank. If the feedback provided is anonymous, thresholds can be set in order to secure anonymity. If there is only one rater in one rater category, the category can be rolled up to another category or dropped, ensuring that anonymity is not compromised.

Navigate to the detailed reports from a completed 360 Form.

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