Recognizing SAP Commerce Server Features


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Recognize the features of SAP Commerce Server and the benefits of using a preconfigured server.

SAP Commerce Server Features

After configuring the properties files, you must redeploy the SAP Commerce Server to apply the configuration changes. But what exactly is the SAP Commerce Server and what features are offered "out-of-the-box"?

SAP Commerce Cloud comes bundled with a preconfigured Apache Tomcat Server. This bundle is called SAP Commerce Server and brings you many advantages and benefits.

The Apache Tomcat server:

  • Is both preconfigured and optimized.
  • Provides production-ready quality, best suited to run all SAP Commerce Cloud applications.
  • Includes assorted configuration templates for development and testing.
  • Can be easily installed and is independent of the operating system for local installation.
  • Contains a wrapper that automatically restarts the Apache Tomcat Java Virtual Machine if Apache Tomcat freezes or fails.

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