Viewing Data


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Use facet view and table view
  • Use graph panel

Data Mode

Like Web Intelligence Rich Client 4.2, the Data mode allows you to view the current document’s dataset.

This mode contains two components:

  • The Dataset View where the dataset can be seen as a table or through facets.
  • The Graph Panel that displays a graph of the document’s data sources, queries and cubes.

To switch to Data mode, select Data in the drop-down menu in the toolbar.

Dataset View

If it is not yet open, click the Main button in the toolbar to open the Main Side Panel. Its tab Objects displays the list of cubes of the documents. You can expand these cubes to see their objects.

When you select a cube in the Main Side PanelObjects tabor in the Graph Panel , a tab opens in the Dataset View to display the selected cube’s dataset.

Table Display

In Data mode, the cube dataset is displayed as a flat table by default. This table can show a huge number of rows very quickly since it does not have to take any reporting and formatting capabilities into consideration.

The first column of the table contains the row’s number in the table.

In the Build Side PanelData tabFeeding sub-tab, you may define what column(s) to display and in which order.

If you are connected through HTTPS or if you are using the Web Intelligence Rich Client, you can copy lines and columns from Dataset View tables or facets and paste them into the Operating System’s clipboard

With the mouse, select an area or multiple rows and columns in a table or a facet. It is not possible to select and copy disjointed cells, rows, or columns. You can use the following shortcuts:

  • [Ctrl] + [A]: To select a full table or a full facet.
  • Right-click + [Shift]: To select an area.
  • Right-click + [Ctrl]: To toggle a selected area.

Right-click this selection (rows headers, lines headers, selected area) and select the Copy command in the context menu (you may also use the [Ctrl] + [C] shortcut). Both the selected cells and their headers are copied into the clipboard, but the copy cannot exceed 25,000 cells.

If you paste this selection into another tool that supports Rich Text, then the table is added with its formatting and borders. If you paste it into a simpler text editor like Notepad, a plain text version is used. Its format (column separators, text qualifiers, charset) is defined in the options set in the Export to dialog box when exporting to CSV and saved in the user settings.

Facets Display

This view shows one facet per dimension of the selected cube. A facet is made of two columns:

  • The first column contains the list of values of the dimension. Its header contains the dimension name and the number of its distinct values..
  • In the second column, the facet displays by default the number of occurrences in the dataset for each value (Count).

Click the More menu in the facet’s first column to sort the values in ascending or descending order or apply a transformation on these values.

Click the More menu in the facet’s second column to open a contextual menu, where you can select:

  • A sort to the displayed measure (Count by default) in ascending or descending order.
  • Another measure of the cube to display its aggregation for each value, instead of Count.

Graph Panel

The Graph Panel is a visual component that displays the document’s data sources, queries and cubes and their relationships. The nodes representing the queries or the cubes contain some statistics about them, like the refresh date or the number of rows.

If a query is multi-flow, then it shows the different flows of this query. This graph can become very useful if your document has many data sources and if you have combined them.

The Graph Panel contains its own toolbar with the following actions:

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