Managing Files


After completing this lesson, you will be able to manage and share files.


The Files area is where many of the SAP Analytics Cloud resources reside.

The following image displays the File Types that are available in SAP Analytics Cloud from the Files area:

File Types list of file types available in SAP Analytics Cloud from the Files menu.

My Files

All users have the My Files area. It displays content you own and all content that is shared with you but owned by other users.

The area also includes these folders:

  • Input Forms: Contains input/planning stories and other planning-related elements assigned to you.
  • Public: Contains content that is available to all users; however, the availability may be limited to read-only access. Content that you save in a public folder has read-only permission for other users by default. The Public Folder cannot be deleted or copied, but administrators can assign copy and delete permissions on the folder so that items that are created in this folder will inherit the sharing permissions.
  • Samples: Contains sample models and stories.

Clicking on a file name will open it, however, each file also has a check box to the left of it. Checking the box gives you other file-related options in the file ribbon.

Watch this video to view and learn more about the files area and the ribbon.

Security, Management, and Monitoring

Like most SAP systems, SAP Analytics Cloud defines security for both functional and data access. The security model is typically created and controlled by your corporate SAP Analytics Cloud system administrators.

Content Network

Content in SAP Analytics Cloud includes all files as well as planning-related objects such as data actions and value driver trees. To promote content across multiple SAP Analytics Cloud tenants, administrators transfer over the cloud using the Content Network.

The Content Network helps to keep your content organized, available, and secured with appropriate permissions. Administrators can set different access rights for each sharing destination. Each system can store up to 300 MB of exported content for free in the My Content area. The Content Network is also where SAP Business Content is stored; administrators can import any Business Content necessary and make it available for you to use.

Security and Monitoring

SAP Analytics Cloud logs all activities that users perform on anything in then system. Administrators can access and view these audited activities from the Security area in SAP Analytics Cloud. In addition, they have access to standard monitoring reports to monitor the real-time statistics and usage of the system.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud shares the same quarterly release cycle with other major cloud products from SAP. Each quarter, information on new features and changes can be found in the SAP Analytics Cloud release highlights.
  • The SAP Analytics Cloud software release versions installed on the source and target tenants need to match (same version) or may differ by only one version. There is no backward compatibility.

Additional Information

If you are an SAP Analytics Cloud administrator, you can find more information on SAP Analytics Cloud security and monitoring here: Managing Security and Administration in SAP Analytics Cloud

Share Content

You can share SAP Analytics Cloud files by granting either individual permissions or access levels to users or teams. Access levels are predefined groups of permissions that can be assigned to users. In many cases, these access levels are easier for administrators to assign and manage than individual permissions simply because they apply to multiple users at one time. 

The access levels available when sharing are as follows:

Access LevelPermissions Included
ViewRead, copy, view comment, add comment
EditUpdate, create files, create folders
Full ControlDelete, delete comment, share
CustomAny customized combination of the permissions

With the exception of Custom, each access level beginning with Edit contains the permissions from the access level above it.

You can share a file either by checking the box next to the file name in the Files area or from within the opened file. If you share from the Files area, you can select multiple files to share. With either option, you then select the Share icon and choose Share.

Share Story dialog.

In the Share dialog, add the users or teams of users with whom to share, and choose the appropriate access level. If you want to alert the recipients using email, check the Email new recipients box. Then simply choose the Send button.

You can also unshare following the same process, but expand the Shared with area, select those users/teams with whom you no longer wish to share, and select Delete.

Share Story dialog.

Similarly, administrators can make content easier for you to access by adding the Featured Files tile to your Home screen.

Pin to Home

You can pin a chart from a story to your Home page for quick access to the information it displays. When you are viewing a story, you can use a chart's More Actions button to choose Pin to Home. We will discuss the More Actions button in detail later in this course.

SAP Analytics Cloud story menu with Pin to Home highlighted.

Share a Story and Remove Sharing Permissions

Business Scenario

You are new to SAP Analytics Cloud and you need to learn how to work with some of SAP Analytics Cloud's sharing options.

Task Flow

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Locate your story in My Files
  • Share your story
  • Remove sharing permissions


As a content owner, you can schedule sharing a story with users and teams of your choice on a regular basis. You can share the publication with any number of SAP Analytics Cloud users within the tenant but a maximum of three non-SAP Analytics Cloud users. In order to schedule, you must be assigned the Schedule Publication privileges, such as Create and Manage. You can schedule a story from the Favorites menu, Featured files, or the Files page.

Watch this video to learn how to schedule, configure, and distribute a story.

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