Importing Contact Data Manually in SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Import data manually to the SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement solution for improved contact segmentation and communication..

Birthday Scenario - Contacts

You collected new contact information, such as name and date of birth, in an event to promote your brand. So later, you can use this data to create a birthday campaign.

Let's look at how to import all contact data collected in this event!

Data Import Overview

The SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement provides an easy-to-use wizard for importing .csv files with field and value matching features for manual and auto-imports.

Manual Import

Manual Import has two main uses:

  • the initial upload of your contacts, during the onboarding phase
  • when the use of the SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement API is unsuitable, for example, uploading lists of contacts collected offline.

Before starting with Manual Data Import:

  • Only .csv files can be uploaded. When importing a file manually, please note that files should not exceed 64 MB.
  • If you have requirements different from this, consider setting up an auto-import.
  • Ensure that fields and values for single or multi-choice fields that you want to use in the platform are defined in your file. If you want to use custom fields, create them previously in the Field Editor.

How to Import Contacts Manually

Let's look at how to import a file manually in the SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement to add new contacts.

For further information on how to import contact data, go to:​ Data Import - End-user guide

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