Using Questionnaires Within the Integration Assessment Tool


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Use Questionnaires within the Integration Assessment capability.

Questionnaires Within the Integration Assessment Capability

Within the Integration Assessment, you are faced with so-called questionnaires, which are a list of questions used during the request process. Therefore, they contain questions about your integration requirements. With the Integration Assessment Tool, you are able to either use predefined questionnaires provided by SAP, or custom questionnaires. From a technical perspective, you are able to use interface request questionnaires, or from a business perspective, business solution request questionnaires. This helps your enterprise to capture the interface requirements in a structured way, as the system uses the results of the questions for intelligent technology recommendations. So, the technology mapping determines the suitable integration technology, depending on the answers to the questions.

However, before diving deeper into the questionnaires themselves, it is important to understand the key characteristics within SAP Integration Assessment as the questions are structured along these defined key characteristics. Those key characteristics are therefore criteria that help enterprise and integration architects to map integration styles to relevant capabilities of integration technologies. The Integration Assessment tool is equipped with the following key characteristic groups:

Key Characteristic Groups of the SAP Integration Assessment Capability

Key Characteristic GroupKey Characteristic Examples


Contains criteria important to implement connections between the systems of the enterprise landscape.

  • Connectors

    Provide connectivity with remote systems such as business applications or data sources.

  • Protocol conversion

    Converts the protocol of the source system to a protocol supported by the target system to achieve interoperability.

Integration use cases

Contains patterns, or reusable solutions for recurring integration problems, for the data integration and process integration style.

Patterns relevant for the data integration style: Common use case patterns (including relevant cross use cases) for data integration.
Metadata managementData cataloging: Allows you to discover, classify, and profile data to be stored in one central data catalog.
Monitoring and operationsBusiness-oriented monitoring: Allows business users to monitor the execution status (including errors) of integration scenarios.
TransformationsData transformation: Level of data structure transformation (such as mappings) and/or data translation that is required for the receiving system to consume the data.

When it comes to questionnaires within Integration Assessment, these key characteristics work as the basis for those, as they guide you through the interface request process (during the requirement analysis phase).

You will see the key characteristics throughout the following lessons and exercises again.

Describe Predefined Questionnaires

In the Integration Assessment Tool, you have the option to review the predefined questionnaires by navigating to SettingsQuestionnaires:

By choosing a name of a predefined questionnaire (for example, Interface RequestQuestionnaire for the Data Integration Style), you are provided with further information on this specific questionnaire, for example, with metadata like Name, Description, Style, and Status under Properties, and a list of questions under Sections:

Under the list of questions, there are different attributes listed for each question:

Attributes per Question

PositionPosition of the question in the questionnaire
QuestionThe text of the question
TypePossible values are:
  • Multi Select

    An associated question can have more than one answer.

  • Single Select

    An associated question can only be answered with Yes or No.

Answer-SourceSource where to retrieve the answer to the question.

If Key Characteristic is shown, the possible answers to the question are given by the definition of the key characteristic.

To follow the given example, it looks like the following when choosing the first section Integration Use Case Patterns:

Creating Custom Questionnaires

On the same interface where we started the previous lesson, you can also create new questionnaires by choosing Create on the upper-right corner:

As you can see, it is possible to define two different types of questionnaires, either a Business Solution Request or a Style Request. Both parameters differ in its characteristics as follows:

Differences in the Characteristics of Style and Business Solution Requests

Request TypeType of Questionaire
Style Request

Questionnaire for a dedicated integration style.

Use this kind of questionnaire to guide the user through the creation of an interface request.

When creating an interface request, the business domain expert needs to specify a dedicated integration style, for example, process integration. The associated questionnaire, therefore, also needs to be related to a dedicated integration style.
Business Solution Request

Questionnaire for a specific business solution request.

Use this kind of questionnaire to guide the user through the creation of a business solution request.

In the following exercise, you create your own custom questionnaire, based on the information given in this lesson.

Create Custom Questionnaires

Business Scenario

You want to create a custom questionnaire depending on the needs of your enterprise.

Task Flow

In this exercise, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Log on to the Integration Assessment Tool.
  2. Configure the Integration Assessment Tool.


  1. You have access to the SAP Integration Suite.
  2. You have access to the Integration Assessment tool.

Outcome of This Exercise

Learn how to analyze your data by using the Integration Assessment tool.

What Do You Learn Within This Exercise

This exercise enables you to analyze data in the Integration Assessment tool as an Integration Manager.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Live Environment: choose Start Exercise, and from the entry page choose Open PDF Document. Follow the steps described in this pdf in your own system landscape.
  2. Simulation: choose Start Exercise, and from the entry page choose Start Tutorial. Watch the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.


We recommend running the simulation first.

Task 1: Create a Custom Questionnaire


  1. Create a custom questionnaire.

    Use the following data:

    NameLearning Journey_example
    DescriptionThis is an example of a custom questionnaire for the SAP Integration Assessment learning journey.
    Request typeBusiness Solution Request

    1. Navigate to SettingsQuestionnairesCreate.

    2. Insert the data from the table above.

    3. Choose Create.


      If you choose Style Request instead of Business Solution Request, you have to define the Style parameter. Possible entries are either Analytics Integration, Data Integration, Process Integration, Thing Integration, or User Integration. You can find thorough information regarding these different integration styles here.

    4. Check that you see the following interface:

  2. Edit your questionnaire: Copy the Question section.

    1. To make adjustments to your custom questionnaire, choose Edit on the upper-right corner.

    2. Choose Create to either create a question section or to copy a question section:

    3. Choose Copy Question Section to add your own questions to an existing questionnaire.

    4. Select the Business Solution Request (SAP delivered example):

    5. Select all checkboxes to ensure that all existing options from the questionnaire get copied. Choose Copy to finish this step.

    6. Check that you see the copied components of the predefined questionnaire under the Sections tab on your overview page.

  3. Edit your questionnaire: Create a Question section.

    Use the following data:

    NameLearning Journey_Question Section
    DescriptionLearning Journey_Question Section
    QuestionIs this relevant for the eventing scenario?
    Answer SourceFree Text

    1. Choose Create on your overview page of your questionnaire setup.

    2. Choose Create Question Section.

    3. Enter the data from the table above.

    4. Choose Create.

      An interface opens.

    5. Choose CreateCreate new Question.

    6. Enter the details of your question. You can use the entries in the table above as a suggestion.

    7. Choose Create.

    8. Select your desired parameters and select Done on the upper-right corner once you are finished.

      On the new interface, you are able to provide additional information for this custom question (Question, Question Description, Mandatory, Answer Source, Type).

    9. Choose the Learning Journey_example link to get back to where you started this exercise.

  4. Activate your custom questionnaire.

    1. Choose Edit.

    2. Choose Activate to activate your custom questionnaire.

      A pop-up displays.

    3. Choose Confirm.

    4. Choose Done to finish the setup.

  5. Check your newly created questionnaire.

    1. Navigate to SettingsQuestionnaires.

    2. Check that your newly created custom questionnaire displays and that it is live.

    3. Create a new Business Solution Request, to check that your custom question is successfully added.

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