Configuring Communication options


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Enable or disable plan communicator features in SPM.
  • Designate a proxy.

Enabling Plan Communicator

You now know how to create compensation plans and generate results that are communicated to your payroll team. From the point of view of compensation, our job is done, but an important part of compensation management is keeping the lines of communication open between you and your payees.

In this unit, we'll cover two features that enable this communication: Plan Communicator and Dashboards. Each of these features is enabled by default, but they can be enabled or disabled in the Sales Performance Home – Global Settings.

Plan Communicator

Plan Communicator is an easy-to-use tool that allows the compensation administrator to manage two-way communication about compensation plans with payees. It has two modules: Document Distribution and Dispute Management. Both of these modules include the ability to customize communications and create a basic workflow.

Use Plan Communicator to:

  • Create and distribute plan documents
  • Create a document distribution workflow
  • Track the acceptance of plan documents
  • Create and Track Disputes


Dashboards are a fast and easy way to retrieve the information that matters to payees the most. They are made up of a collection of widgets, arranged on a single screen to provide payees with a comprehensive overview.

To enable or disable Document Distribution, Dispute Resolution, and Dashboards:

  1. Select Incentive Management Portal from the application picker in the upper right.
  2. On the Incentive Management Portal, select Global Settings.
  3. Enable or disable any of the following settings:
    • Enable Dashboards Tab in Portal for Payees
    • Enable Documents in Portal
    • Enable Disputes in Portal
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.


Since we'll be designing features to communicate with payees, it’s a good idea to set yourself up to proxy as one or two payees. This enables you to test communications and ensure that visibility to payee compensation data is correct.

Only an administrator can designate a proxy.

To designate yourself as a proxy for a payee, the payee is added as an internal user in the User Administration page. To do this:

  1. Return to the Incentive Management Portal by selecting Return to Administration.
  2. Select User Administration
  3. Select Add an Internal User
  4. Enter the User ID for the payee and select Add. This will add the payee to the list of users in the left panel.
  5. Select the new user and scroll down to the Proxies section. Select Add.
  6. Enter the User ID for the user who will need to proxy as the payee. Select Save.

Once you have been granted the ability to proxy as another user, you can now enter proxy mode:

  1. From the profile menu in the upper right, select Proxy As.
  2. Enter the user for which to proxy.
  3. Enter your own password and select Proxy.

To exit proxy mode:

  1. From the Profile menu, select Exit Proxy.

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