Configuring the Account View


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Configure the account view.

Configuring the Account View

The account view is your main account workspace, and you can customize different elements of your account view.

Accounts can be displayed in Tree View or List View. Both views enable you to perform the same functions with the following differences:

  • List View: Displays the list with the most recently added account at the top, unless you change the sort order
  • Tree View: Displays an Expand icon next to the account ID that you can use to view accounts with a parent-child relationship in a hierarchical view

To change your view, choose the icon to the very left in the account view header. If you’re in the List View, you’ll see a table icon. If you’re in the Tree View, you’ll see a tree icon.

Customize the Account Workspace


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminAccountsAccount List.

  2. Choose Select Columns ().

  3. The fields that are currently in the account view are shown on the right side of the screen. Remove any fields you don’t want in the account view by choosing the "x" next to the fields.

  4. Select the fields you wish to show in the account view from the list of available fields on the left side of the screen.

  5. Choose Add to move the fields to the right side of the screen.

  6. Change the order of the fields on the right by grabbing each field and dragging it into the position you wish it to be.

  7. Choose Save Changes.


Customize the Account Workspace

Business Example

In this exercise, you'll add columns to the Account Workspace to customize the data being shown for the accounts. Adding columns to a workspace also expands the search options for that workspace.

You can also customize the columns that appear in the view, and the order of the columns.

Configuring the Account Details Screen

The Account Details screen, shown when you add or edit an individual account, can also be customized. You can add or remove sections to group fields together; customize the names of the sections; and delete fields.

To learn more about configuring the Account Details screen, watch this video:

Configure the Account Details Screen


  1. From the Account View, choose Select Columns () on the far right in the Account View header.

  2. Choose Create Configuration () at the top of the Account Details Layout screen.

  3. Enter a Name for the configuration.

  4. Enter a Business Unit if you’d like this to be the default view for a specific Business Unit only.

  5. Toggle "Set As My Default View" if this should be your new default view.

  6. Toggle "Set View For Others" if you wish this new view to be available for other users.

  7. Toggle "Lock Configuration" if you do not wish others to be able to change this view.

  8. The current sections will show on the right. Choose Create Section () to add a new section.

  9. Give the new section a Name.

  10. Select the fields you wish to show in the new section from the list of available fields on the left side of the section area.

  11. Choose Add to move the fields to the right side of the screen.

  12. Change the order of the fields on the right by grabbing each field and dragging it into the position you wish it to be. Choose Additional Settings () to enter a Section Description or to enable "Section is collapsed by default."

  13. Save your changes using Save in the middle.

  14. The new section will now show at the top of the sections. You can add another new section or change the order of the sections.

  15. Before closing the screen, Save your changes using the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Close the screen with the "x" in the top right.


Editing the Customized Account Details Screen

Once you’ve created your custom view, you can return to the Account Details Layout screen to edit, hide, lock, and delete sections.

If you delete a section that has fields in it, the fields will be put into a section called "Other" that is collapsed by default. The fields will not be deleted even if you delete the section. They are still in the account details.

From the Account Details Layout screen, you can also delete the custom layout you created using the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

Filtering Accounts

From the account view, you can easily filter accounts to find the list of accounts for which you’re looking.

To learn more about filtering accounts, watch this video:

Search Accounts


  1. From the Account View, choose Column Search () on the far right in the Account View header.

  2. Each column in your account view now has a filter box at the top. Go to any field/column and enter a search value in the box, then choose Filter (). Only accounts matching that value will be shown in your account list.

  3. You can combine more than one field for your filter. You can also add columns to your account view to increase options for your filters.

  4. At the top of the account view, choose Save Configuration to save this filter and use it in the future. Give the configuration a name and description (optional) and Save your changes. You can also set this filtered view as your Default view.

  5. Once you have filters saved, you can quickly run a filter by choosing the down arrow at the top of the account view next to "Account – Default Configuration."

  6. To remove a filter, choose Delete Filter () in the top right of the Account View.


If the column search doesn’t provide enough options to filter your accounts, you can always use the Advanced Search feature to create more complex search queries.

Search Accounts

Business Example

In this exercise, you'll learn how to filter the accounts in the account workspace and save search configurations you'd like to use again in the future.

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