Creating Custom Fields


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create custom fields.

Creating Custom Attributes

If you need to track data in SAP SuccessFactors Territory and Quota for which a field does not exist, you can use the Custom Attributes feature. You can create and manage custom attributes for the following Territory and Quota objects:

  • Territory Programs
  • Territories
  • Accounts
  • Products
  • Geographies
  • Territory Positions
  • Territory Accounts
  • Territory Products
  • Territory Geography

Custom Attributes are comprised of various data types such as Text, Text Area, Number, Date, Currency, Enumerated (an itemized list), and Formula. Once created, you can add custom fields to workspaces related to the field’s associated object type. For example, custom attributes created for the account object type can be used in the Account Classifier Hierarchies workspace when defining rules, or in the Territory Account Alignment Rules workspace.


Once saved, a custom attribute cannot be deleted. To ensure data integrity, if you need to delete a custom attribute, contact SAP Support for assistance.

Creating Custom Attributes

Custom attributes can be created one at a time, or they can be uploaded in bulk using the Excel Data Loader. Additional information about the Excel Data Loader is available in Unit 8.

Create Custom Fields and Identifying Personal Identifiable Information (PII)


  1. Navigate to Custom Attributes in the Territory Admin menu to open the Custom Attribute workspace.

  2. Choose Create (+) to add a new custom attribute. The Add New Custom Attribute screen opens.

  3. Enter the Name of the attribute.

  4. Required: Select the Object Type for which the attribute is defined from the drop-down list. For example, to add an attribute to the Account record, select Account.

  5. Required: Select the Data Type. Data types can be text or text area, number, date, currency, enumerated, or formula.


    If the custom attribute is an enumerated list, once you save the attribute, you can only edit existing values or add more values. You can't delete values of the attribute once the attribute has been saved.

  6. Enter the Business Unit.

  7. Enter the Default Value if applicable.

  8. Select the PII Setting if applicable. The default value is Not PII.


    PII and Sensitive field data is visible and accessible only to an administrator.

  9. Save your changes.


Adding a Formula to a Custom Attribute

If the Custom Attribute has the Data Type set to Formula, you can specify a formula to automatically populate the attribute.

Create Custom Fields and Identify Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Business Example

In this exercise, you'll learn how to create Custom Fields (Attributes) and identify if the new field contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Properly identifying PII in custom attributes is critical to ensure that only people with proper permissions can see private data.

Edit Custom Fields

Business Example

In this exercise, you'll learn how to edit custom fields (attributes) and work with formulas and enumerated lists within the custom attributes.

Let’s look at an example. Bikes In Motion would like to have a custom attribute that calculates and displays year-over-year sales growth for each account, using the Account.Sales and the Account.Prev Yr Sales attributes.

Custom Attribute Formula

The image above shows the syntax for the formula: (Account.Sales/Account.Prev Yr Sales)*100

Adding this custom attribute to the Account workspace will now display Year over Year sales growth for each account:

Custom Account Attribute

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