Defining Overlay Territories


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Understand overlay territories.
  • Associate an overlay type with a territory program.
  • Create an overlay type.
  • Define an overlay territory.

Understanding Overlay Territories

Overlays are territories that derive their quotas from a collection of associated base territories that the overlay supports. A base territory in the territory hierarchy can have any number of subordinate overlay territories as children. However, an overlay territory can only have other overlay territories as children. Overlay quotas don’t roll up with base territory quotas.

Let’s look at an example of how Bikes in Motion might use overlay territories. The US East territory is aligned with all accounts in the eastern region of the US, and includes all products. However, the sales team also has a product specialist, Mike Mitchell, who specializes in the sale of racing bikes. Since racing bikes are a subset of all products, Mike’s territory would be an overlay of the US East territory.

To do this, we would start by creating an overlay type called Product Specialist. When creating the new territory, selecting the overlay type tells the system this is an overlay territory. From there, we can assign Mike Mitchell as the position and align the correct products, as shown in the image below.

Overlay Territories

Overlay quota distribution is always top-down, even if the base territory quota distribution is bottom-up.

Associating an Overlay Type with a Territory Program

Once an overlay type has been added to the application, it can be associated to a territory program.

Associate an Overlay Type with a Territory Program


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminTerritory Programs and open the territory program to which you want to associate an overlay type. The territory program opens, and the Territory Tree tab is displayed.

  2. Navigate to the Settings tab, then the Overlay Types tab.

  3. Choose Create (). The Select Overlay Types screen opens.

  4. Select each Overlay Type you want to associate with the territory program.

  5. Choose Assign Selected Overlay Types. A banner message will appear confirming the overlay types have been saved to the territory program.


Creating Overlay Types

To use overlays, you must first create a set of overlay types and apply color coding to distinguish overlay territories in the territory tree. Once the overlay type is created, it can be associated with a territory program. Territory and Quota enables you to create custom Overlay Types that are unique to your business operations and goals.

Create an Overlay Type


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminOverlays. The Overlay Types screen opens.

  2. Choose Create (). The Add New Overlay Type screen opens.

  3. Enter the Name of the new overlay type.

  4. Enter a Description that provides information about the new target type.

  5. Select a color for the Color Code of the overlay type. The color code you select is used in a territory tree to display the overlay representation.

  6. Specify the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date for the overlay type.

  7. Save your changes. The new overlay type is added to the list of overlay types on the Overlay Types workspace.


Defining an Overlay Territory

Overlay territories of a given type can be created for a territory program once the overlay type has been associated with the program.

A base territory in a territory hierarchy can have any number of subordinate overlay territories as children, however, an overlay territory can only have other overlay territories as children.

Overlay quotas don't roll up with base territory quotas. Overlay quota distribution is always top-down, even if the base territory quota distribution is bottom-up.

Create an Overlay Territory


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminTerritory Programs and open the territory program. The territory program opens, and the Territory Tree tab is displayed.

  2. Select the parent territory and then choose Create Territory (). The Create - New Territory screen opens in the right pane.

  3. Enter the Name of the new overlay territory.

  4. Territory Type defaults to Roll Up Territory.

  5. Parent defaults to the territory you selected before choosing Create Territory, but you can select a different parent territory if necessary.

  6. Select the Associated Overlay Type from the list.

  7. Enter a Territory Label, Territory Number, and Head Count, if applicable.

  8. The Effective Start Date and Effective End Date are set to the dates of the territory.

  9. If the Utilize All to Qualify in Alignment Rule Execution option is enabled at the territory program level and you want to override it for accounts, select the Override All To Qualify in Account Execution option.

    The application uses default behavior in which the first applicable rule (subject to priority) determines the alignments and alignment properties that are created.

  10. If the Utilize All to Qualify in Alignment Rule Execution option is enabled at the territory program level and you want to override it for products, select the Override All To Qualify in Product Rule Execution option.

    The application uses default behavior in which the first applicable rule (subject to priority) determines the alignments and alignment properties that are created.

  11. Save your changes.

    A banner message will appear confirming your overlay territory is successfully saved. The overlay territory will appear in the Territory Tree and the pane on the right will show the details of the overlay territory.

  12. Choose Associated Territories.

  13. Select the base territories for which this overlay territory is associated.

  14. Choose Associate Selected Territories. The territories will be listed under Associated Territories in the Overlay Territory Details.


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