The next step is to configure file requirements. This includes three steps: global settings, inbound file type settings, and outbound file type settings.
Global settings are default settings that apply to both inbound and outbound file transfers. Global settings include such options as the default time zone, character encoding, compression type, and the e-mail recipient for success and failure notifications.
Inbound file type settings include the standard settings and metadata of each file that is imported. A file type must be configured for each template file, which means that every template must have an associated file type. Settings include the file type, import options, and target staging table. You can also override the default character set and delimiter by setting these in the file type settings.
Outbound file type settings include the standard settings and metadata of each file that is exported, such as accounts or quotas. Settings include the outbound file type, source stored procedure, and compression mode. As with inbound file type settings, you can override the default character set and delimiter by setting these in the file type settings.
Let’s look at how we can configure both global and inbound settings to match the import file we created in the previous topic.