Using S/4HANA Business Content Packages


After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe business content packages and their uses for finance and group reporting

Business Content Packages

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Business Content Packages

When implementing integrated planning in SAP Analytics Cloud, you should review the free SAP S/4HANA Cloud business content packages. These packages are prebuilt SAP Analytics Cloud elements for common business practices that can be used with your own data and customized to suit your specific business requirements.

In general, the business content for planning includes:

  • Dimensions
  • Planning models
  • Stories
  • Data actions
  • Multi actions
  • Allocations

In this lesson, we will focus on three of the business content packages:

  1. Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA (Best Practices)
  2. Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA
  3. Group Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA


This business content can be used in both the private and public cloud editions of SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Evaluate a Business Content Package Story and Prepare Planning Data

Evaluate Business Content Package Samples

Watch this short video to learn how to evaluate a story included in a business content package.

Required Permissions

You can import sample business content packages from the Content Network if you have:

  • Read and Maintain permissions for Lifecycle
  • Admin or BI Admin standard application role

Additional Information for Administrators

Administrators can access information on how to import SAP S/4HANA business content by going to Getting Business Content and Samples from the Content Network.

Administrators can access the SAP Signavio Process Navigator for more information on how to import and use SAP S/4HANA business content packages.


The SAP S/4HANA Cloud business content package contains solutions for SAP Analytics Cloud that relate to both SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA. The SAP Analytics Cloud best practice content for SAP S/4HANA can be activated in the SAP Analytics Cloud Content Network.

Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA (Best Practices)

Who Should Use This Content?

In the Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis (rFP&A) Suite for SAP S/4HANA, there are three best practice solutions:

  1. Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA
  2. Rapid Sales Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA
  3. Rapid Workforce Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA

Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA is the best content to consider if you are focused on external accounting and SAP S/4HANA integration.

Overview information can be found at Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA (Best Practices).

SAP Analytics Cloud FPA Business Content Packages Story

Accessing the Business Content

Once the business content has been loaded into SAP Analytics Cloud, the landing page above can be accessed by going to FilesPublicSAP ContentSAP_FI_FPA_S4_Financial_Planning and then choosing SAP_FI_FPA_IM_S4FinancialPlan_RapidSuite_LandingPage.

New Model Type

Rapid FP&A for SAP S/4HANA uses the SAP Analytics Cloud New Model Type, which uses both a standard account dimension and measures. This offers flexibility and consistency across the rFP&A suite and includes local and global currency conversion.


The measures in the model include:

  1. Flow_Opening_LC: The opening balance in local currency
  2. Flow_Changing_LC: The change in local currency
  3. Flow_Opening_GC: The opening balance in group currency
  4. Flow_Changing_GC: The change in group currency
SAP Analytics Cloud model with New Type Model measures highlighted.


  • The Account type dimension, which is displayed in the following example, includes G/L accounts. You can see that it has 705 different members and one hierarchy.
  • The Organization type dimension includes company codes.
SAP Analytics Cloud model with New Type Model account dimension highlighted.

Calculated Measures

There are several calculated measures for fixed and variable costs in the model. There are also two converted measures to translate from local to group currency.

SAP Analytics Cloud model with New Type Model calculated measures and conversion measures highlighted.

Additional Information (Optional)

Want to know more about the Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis Suite for SAP S/4HANA? The Unleashing the Full Potential of Financial Planning and Analysis webinar goes into detail on all three of the solutions, including Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP S/4HANA.

Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA

Who Should Use This Content?

Integrated Financial Planning (IFP) for SAP S/4HANA is the best content to consider if you are focused on management accounting.

IFP for SAP S/4HANA supports the integrated financial planning process including:

  • Cost center
  • Product cost
  • Sales and profitability
  • Capital expense
  • P&L
  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow planning
  • Greenhouse gas emission planning

It can be integrated with SAP S/4HANA, SAP Integrated Planning, and SAP SuccessFactors.

Integrated Financial Planning (IFP) for SAP S/4HANA also includes a Simulation Cockpit to perform what-if simulations for sample processes based on changes to drivers.

Overview information can be found at Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA.

SAP Analytics Cloud Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA story landing page.

Accessing the Business Content

Once the business content has been loaded into SAP Analytics Cloud, the landing page above can be accessed by going to FilesPublicSAP ContentSAP_FI_IFP_Financial_Planning and then choosing SAP_FI_IFP_IM_Cross_LandingPage.

Financial Statement Model for IFP

Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA uses the SAP_FI_FPA_IM_S4FinancialPlan planning model.


The measures in the model include:

  1. Amount_LC: The local currency amount
  2. Amount_GC: The group currency amount
SAP Analytics Cloud Financial Statement Model for IFP model with measures highlighted.


  • The Account type dimension, which is displayed in the following example, includes the flow members such as opening balance, changes, and closing balance. You can see that it has 27 different members and one hierarchy.
  • The Organization type stores company codes.
  • G/L Account is a Generic type dimension.
SAP Analytics Cloud Financial Statement Model for IFP model with account dimension highlighted.

Calculated Measures

There are four calculated measures to display INC and LEQ values as positive numbers.

SAP Analytics Cloud Financial Statement Model for IFP model with account dimension highlighted.

Group Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA

Who Should Use This Content?

Group Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA is the best content to consider if you are focused on group reporting consolidated data.

Group Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA supports target setting and bottom-up planning processes including P&L by profit center, P&L by partner, balance sheet, and balance sheet by partner planning. In the end, a complete group reporting plan, P&L, and balance sheet are derived.

Overview information can be found at Group Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA.

SAP Analytics Cloud Group Financial Planning story landing page.

Accessing the Business Content

Once the business content has been loaded into SAP Analytics Cloud, the landing page above can be accessed by going to FilesPublicSAP ContentSAP_FI_GFP_Group_Financial_Planning and then choosing SAP_FI_GFP_IM_LandingPage.

SAP S/4HANA Data Model

Group Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA uses the SAP_FI_GFP_IM_GroupFinance planning model.


The measures in the model include:

  1. Amount_LC: The local currency amount
  2. Amount_GC: The group currency amount
SAP Analytics Cloud SAP S/4HANA data model with measures highlighted.


  • The Account type dimension, which is displayed in the following example, includes transaction types such as opening balance, and net variation. You can see that it has 29 different members and one hierarchy.
  • The Organization type stores consolidation units (legal subsidiaries).
  • Financial statement (FS) item (similar to G/L accounts) is a Generic type dimension.
SAP Analytics Cloud SAP S/4HANA data model with account dimension highlighted.

Calculated Measures

There are no calculated or converted measures in the SAP_FI_GFP_IM_GroupFinance planning model, however, you can add your own as required to meet your business requirements.

Additional Information

We've included some key points in this lesson, however, detailed information on the model, stories, and available data actions can be viewed by going to Group Financial Planning - Content Elements.

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