Introducing SAP Fieldglass Analytics


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Explain the value of analytics functions in SAP Fieldglass.
  • Explain the influence of user roles and permissions on analytics visibility.
  • Navigate the Analytics menu.

Using Analytics

In the simplest terms, SAP Fieldglass is used to procure, manage, and pay for external workers. But it also helps organizations manage and track everything in between, like Job Postings, job seekers, Statements of Work, onboarding, Invoices, and so on.

But what happens to all that data? How can organizations like WorkingNet use SAP Fieldglass to access, view, and analyze their data to determine program performance or drive key business decisions?

The SAP Fieldglass Analytics module contains reporting tools that allow users to create, manage, and run reports that are essential to supporting and maintaining their program.

User Visibility

It is worth noting that all the potential users we just mentioned will not have access to the same data in SAP Fieldglass.

Visibility to the types of reports that can be generated, and the data within them, is driven by a variety of factors, including:

  • The users’ access to report folders, and
  • The users’ role and permissions within the application.

Report Folders

Report Folders are used to organize reports into groups in order to control access and visibility. For example, a Human Resources report folder can be used to group together reports that contain sensitive data that only the HR team should have access to, which is not available to other users.

image depicting how SAP Fieldglass user permissions connects various users such as Brian, Mavis, and Sheila, to various report folders as well as how it restricts them from others

Report Folders are associated with User Roles, which define specific permissions for a group of users in SAP Fieldglass, in order to drive visibility to reports and their data.

User Role and Permissions

Only users who are associated to a particular User Role—such as the Human Resources User role—will be able to access the reports grouped within that folder.

So while Nelson in HR will have access to the Human Resources reports, Mavis, a Hiring Manager, will not. She may, however, have access to plenty of other reports that allow her to analyze data from her external workers and services projects.

Navigate Analytics

Let’s take a look at how Brian, WorkingNet’s Program Manager, could navigate the Analytics menu to create and run reports for those audiences.

To access reports for WorkingNet, Brian will click on Analytics in the SAP Fieldglass menu bar. The menu will provide Brian with the various reporting options and tools he has access to.

My Reports

screenshot of the My Reports page showing the reports available to Brian; the Run button is highlighted on one report tile while the Action menu on another is showing the Edit Report and Go To Run Time Page options

The My Reports option will list the last twelve reports that have been recently run, owned, created, and starred by Brian.

He can run up to three reports at the same time, which works perfectly for him because he runs some reports frequently. For example, he will run the Contracts Expiring report on a weekly basis to keep track of upcoming assignments that need to be extended.

1He has the option to quickly Run each report based on the last run date and filters,
2or he can view the Actions, which allows him to jump straight to the reports Edit page, or go to its ‘Run Time Page where he can adjust the filters and settings.

All Reports

screenshot of the All Reports page showing the reports available to Brian; the Folders Menu, Create Report button, and Create Consolidated Report button are highlighted]

The All Reports section of the Analytics menu displays all of the available reports that Brian has permission to run and/or edit.

3He can use Filters to view all available reports, just his reports, only published reports, or past reports.
4He is also able to view the reports by their Folder grouping. This allows him locate reports for specific purposes, such as Performance or Spend. However, only the report folders that are associated to Brian’s user role will be listed here.
5Brian also has the ability to create a new report from scratch by selecting Create Report at the top of this page…
6…or he can select Create a Consolidated Report, which allows him to package multiple individual reports into a single workbook.

Report Outputs

screenshot of the Report Outputs page listing all of the reports that Brian has completed, the Download column is highlighted

The Report Outputs option displays a list of the reports Brian has either scheduled or run manually, along with the run status.

7A download link is available for the previous two versions of successfully executed reports. This information is useful when making comparisons on data, or for troubleshooting.

Report Fields

screenshot of the Report Fields page filtered to show only reports with the term “MSP Fee” entered into the description

The Report Fields section displays a full list of every available data field in SAP Fieldglass that is reportable. Which can be helpful when Brian needs to add a certain field to a report, but is not sure what the actual Data Field Name is. Because there are thousands of fields listed, Brian can filter by a number of criteria, including:

8Category, which is a particular section within module where the data field is housed, such as the Details or Custom Fields.
9The Description column is very useful for finding available data fields by filtering the list by keywords. You can see here that Brian entered "MSP Fee" into the Description field to filter the reports list to show only those reports related to MSP fees.
10Value Type, which indicates the type of data collected in the field, such as text, number, or percentage.


screenshot of the Formulas list page showing reports for the Time Sheet and Statement of Work modules

The Formulas section is used to create new fields for reporting by building formulas based on existing fields, while using standard functions similar to Microsoft Excel.

11He can create a new formula by selecting the Create Formula button then assembling the formula based on field prompts on the edit page.
12He can review existing formulas by selecting an appropriate link from the Data Field Name column. For instance, Brian created a formula to capture the time difference between two Time Sheets. He would select the Time Entry Day - Name link to review the formula.
screenshot of the Time Entry Day - Name (Formula) details page showing the formula “DATENAME(weekday,[Time Sheet | Line Items | Time Entry Date])”
13In SAP Fieldglass, formulas created for a tenant are based on existing fields but can be manipulated to generate a specific output. Examples include combining two or more text using a concatenate function, performing math on numeric fields, or calculating the number of days between two date fields.
14He could edit the formula by selecting the Edit button.
screenshot of the Time Entry Day - Name (Formula) edit page showing the Module, Fields, Type, and Function fields that are used to select the items that will make up the formula

All of the components to create a formula are available on the edit page and can be assembled by selecting the appropriate options from the various fields.

Create Menu

In addition to being able to create new reports from the All Reports page, Brian can also find those same report creation options in the Create menu. Formulas are assembled from a series of fields available on the edit page.

screenshot of the Create page with the Reporting menu highlighted

When Brian needs to create a new report from scratch, he can use the create Report option.

15The Report option will start a wizard which will guide him through the process of creating a report, starting by asking him which module he needs to analyze.
16He can also create a Consolidated Report that allows him to package multiple individual reports into a single workbook

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