After completing this lesson, you will be able to summarize tools for downtime-optimization
Technical Downtime Optimization App: Analysis of Maintenance Events
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This section introduces the Technical Downtime Optimization app. The Technical Downtime Optimization app helps you to analyze maintenance events based on the Software Update Manager statistics file.
Technical Downtime Optimization Application
With the Technical Downtime Optimization application, SAP offers a tool to evaluate the runtime of a completed maintenance event with Software Update Manager. At the end of a Software Update Manager run, you are asked to provide feedback to SAP. The feedback includes the statistical data of the Software Update Manager run, encapsulated in a file called UPGANA.XML and, in case of a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA®, also APPLANA.XML.
After the statistics files of a Software Update Manager run have been provided to the Technical Downtime Optimization app, the respective maintenance event can be accessed in the app. A chart visualizes the duration of uptime and technical downtime, as well as the main phases of the technical downtime. Additionally, recommendations on how to potentially improve the runtimes of Software Update Manager are available.
The Compare feature compares two Software Update Manager runs that have been uploaded to the Technical Downtime Optimization app. Additionally, the Technical Downtime Optimization app offers Simulation features to estimate the potential downtime savings in case any downtime-optimization option is utilized. The following simulations are available (if applicable for the respective maintenance scenario):
Downtime reduction through data archiving
near-Zero Downtime Maintenance
Zero Downtime Option
downtime-optimized Database Migration Option
downtime-optimized Conversion
Additionally, a Cutover Plan feature is available. The runtime information from Software Update Manager as well as modifiable blocks for manual activities (such as modification adjustments or ramp-down activities) are presented in an easy-to-consume timeline to serve as a starting point for project planning.
Options of Software Update Manager
This section provides an overview of the different downtime-optimization approaches that are available with Software Update Manager.
The landing page for the Software Logistics Toolset in the SAP Support Portal is the entry point for information on Software Update Manager as well as for all information around updates and upgrades:
Software Update Manager supports several scenarios like system conversion to SAP S/4HANA®, database migration, and updating or upgrading ABAP-based systems. For some of them, downtime-optimized approaches are offered.
Downtime-Optimization Approaches for Maintenance Activities
Three Main Approaches for Updating or Upgrading SAP S/4HANA
More details on project planning and functional validation will be covered in unit 3.
The Software Update Manager Toolbox
This section introduces the features delivered with Software Update Manager Toolbox.
Software Update Manager Toolbox is an ABAP-based transaction that allows you to run certain tools and reports related to the various scenarios offered by Software Update Manager 2.0. Especially tools required for downtime-optimized approaches are in the focus of Software Update Manager Toolbox.
Software Update Manager Toolbox is shipped with the regular software delivery of SAP_BASIS. Additionally, Software Update Manager Toolbox is delivered with a TCI SAP Note (TCI: transport-based correction instruction, see SAP Note 3092738).
Tools and checks delivered with the Software Update Manager Toolbox, which are relevant in the context of ZDO, are:
ZDO Preliminary checks
Export data for Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis of Software Update Manager
DB Table Lock Analyzer
This list is non-exhaustive. Additional checks and tools are added to Software Update Manager Toolbox and may be used for the execution of ZDO maintenance events. For more information on available checks, see SAP Note 3092738 and respective SAP Note of latest available version of the Software Update Manager Toolbox.
ZDO Preliminary Checks
ZDO Preliminary Checks of the Software Update Manager Toolbox are executed on a system, which is planned to be maintained using ZDO. This collection bundles several checks that you can use to verify the prerequisites of ZDO before the Software Update Manager is started. More information can be found in the section, "Preparing the System for an Upgrade or Update with Zero Downtime Option".
The checks contain the following:
BW - Check for Active Usage of SAP Business Warehouse
ZDO does not support updates/upgrades on systems where embedded SAP Business Warehouse (BW) with the use case of data warehousing is active and used. ZDO is only possible when no use case or the Embedded Analytics use case is active. The check shows all SAP BW objects that are not ZDO-compliant and cannot be used during a ZDO upgrade.
SDMI - Check for Unfinished Silent Data Migrations
Migration of application data usually happens during the downtime of release upgrades or updates. In contrast, the Silent Data Migration Infrastructure (SDMI) allows zero downtime upgrades and runs after the upgrade in parallel to regular operations. Before starting a zero downtime upgrade, it is essential that all relevant silent data migration classes in all clients from the previous release upgrade have been executed successfully.
DDIC - Check for Inconsistent Objects in the Data Dictionary
Inconsistent objects, or objects that are not defined in Data Dictionary (DDIC), might have an impact on the ZDO procedure, especially when tables need to be cloned. Therefore, this check verifies that all active nametabs have a corresponding object in Data Dictionary and on the database.
HANA_CONTENT - Check Deploy Ability and Consistency of SAP HANA® Content
HANA content needs to be deployable during the ZDO procedure. This check validates the consistency of all SAP HANA content deployed by HTC, HTA, or HDI.
Nametab - Check Consistency of Active Nametabs
Inconsistent nametabs might have an impact on the ZDO procedure, especially when tables need to be cloned. Therefore, this check provides a consistency check if all active nametabs have a corresponding object in Data Dictionary and on the database.
DBTRIGGER - Check ZDO Compliance of database triggers
This check validates whether database triggers are used in the system and whether the setup is ZDO-compliant and how these database triggers might have an impact on a ZDO upgrade. This also includes checks of SLT replication triggers, which are supported by ZDO.
Export Data for Impact Analysis
This feature exports table statistics to a compressed file (ZDIMPANA.ZIP), which is used by Software Update Manager for Impact Analysis, or for manual execution of Impact Analysis with Software Update Manager Toolbox. Please note that data should be exported from production system. Impact Analysis is described in detail in later units.
Impact Analysis of Software Update Manager
This is the dialog version of the Impact Analysis. It can be utilized as soon as table statistics from production and table classification from any Software Update Manager run that applies the planned stack with ZDO is available (for example, after a sandbox update or upgrade). Impact Analysis is described in detail in later units.
DB Table Lock Analyzer
The Database Table Lock Analyzer tool can be used to find a suitable time interval to run lock-intensive Software Update Manager phases, such as the Smart Switch (Software Update Manager phase EU_SWITCH_ZDM) of the Zero Downtime upgrade procedure.