Setting up an ABAP Environment in SAP BTP


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Set up an ABAP Environment in SAP BTP.

ABAP Instance

After Michael logged into his subaccount as an administrator and ensured that ABAP entitlements are configured, he enabled cloud foundry and created space for adding users. He is now ready to create an ABAP instance.

Watch the video about how to create an ABAP instance.

Steps to Create an ABAP Instance
  1. In the SAP BTP cockpit navigate to your subaccount.
  2. Choose Instances and Subscriptions.
  3. Choose Create. A wizard opens that helps you to create your instances.
  4. In the wizard, open the Service dropdown list and select ABAP environment.
  5. Open the Plan dropdown list and select standard.
  6. Open the Runtime Environment dropdown list and select Cloud Foundry.
  7. Open the Space dropdown list and select the space that you created previously.
  8. In the Instance Name field, enter a CLI-friendly name and choose Next.
  9. Provide additional instance parameters for the configuration by either using the default form or by uploading a JSON file from your computer, or by specifying the parameters in JSON format.
  10. Choose Next .
  11. Choose Create.

For more information about additional instance parameters required for the configuration, refer to the following table.

Admin Email Address

Use the Admin Email Address to create the initial administrator for the ABAP Instance automatically, including the assignment of the administrator role to this user. You can access the ABAP environment system only with this specified user. By default, the email address is used as subject name identifier.

Using email addresses as the subject name identifier might not be possible if the email addresses are ambiguous across users, or the trusted identity provider configured for authentication in the ABAP Environment instance’s subaccount is already configured with subject name identifier Login Name. You can then change login_attribute to user_name via the parameter and in addition also provide the user name for the initial user in parameter Admin User Name.

ABAP System Description

The ABAP System Description is optional.

Development System

The Development System checkbox is selected by default. By using this setting, you can control the changeability of development objects in the system. If you want to protect all your customer-related software components and ABAP namespaces against manual changes via ABAP Development Tools, clear the checkbox. This setting is used for test and productive systems, where changes must be imported only. For information about which business catalogs are available in development systems only.

ABAP System ID

The ABAP System ID must consist of exactly three alphanumeric characters. Only uppercase letters are allowed. The first character must be a letter (not a digit). The ID does not have to be technically unique.

ABAP Runtime Size

The ABAP Runtime Size (parameter size_of_runtime) refers to the size of the ABAP runtime. It is part of the quota plan abap_compute_unit, with one ABAP compute unit representing 16 GB. The supported number of abap_compute_unit is 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, or 24.

HANA Memory Size

The HANA Memory Size (parameter size_of_persistence) refers to the size of SAP HANA memory. It's part of the quota plan hana_compute_unit, with one HANA compute unit representing the suitable block size for the underlying SAP HANA Cloud instance (15 GB on AWS or 16 GB on Microsoft Azure). The supported number of hana_compute_unit per HANA instance is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.

Size of Persistence Disk

The Size of Persistence Disk (parameter size_of_persistence_disk) refers to the size of the SAP HANA Cloud storage in GB. If the parameter is set to auto, the SAP HANA Cloud storage size is set to the minimal value 40 * size_of_persistence + 40. The maximum allowed value is 120 * size_of_persistence + 40. If you set a higher value, it will consume 0.002 HANA compute units (HCU) for any GB exceeding the minimal default size of the persistence disk. Therefore, the HCU ratio of additional storage disk to RAM is 1 : 33.33 per GB on AWS (as 1 HCU = 15 GB) and 1 : 31.25 per GB on Microsoft Azure (as 1 HCU = 16 GB).

Service Key

Create an ABAP Instance Service Key

Michael has created the ABAP instance. Next, he needs to generate credentials to communicate directly with the service instance.

In the SAP BTP cockpit, you can create a service key for the ABAP system. You can use this service key later to specify the ABAP instance to which you want to log on from the ABAP Development Tools (ADT).

In general, you can use service keys to generate credentials to communicate directly with a service instance. After you have configured the service keys for your service, local clients, apps in other spaces or entities outside, your deployment can access your service with these keys. A service key is one way to access the service instance of the ABAP environment. For example, as administrator for test purposes. Note, however, that there is also another option for users of ADT. Instead of using an existing service key, developers and other users with a user and password for the ABAP system can also use the project creation wizard in ADT to log on to the ABAP service instance and use the service key that is automatically provided by the service instance.

Watch the video about how to create a service key.

Steps to Create a Service Key
  1. Go to your SAP BTP subaccount with the already created ABAP Instance.
  2. Choose the ellipsis button and select Create Service Key.
  3. Enter a name for the service key and choose Create.
  4. Choose Save.
  5. Select the name of the service key or choose ellipsis button and View to open and copy the created JSON for later reuse.

Web Access for ABAP Service

Subscribe Web Access for ABAP

To get direct browser access to your instances in the ABAP environment, including access to the administration launchpad for ABAP, you need to subscribe to the Web Access for ABAP SaaS application.

This subscription is required to access the SAP Fiori launchpad for the administrator and to access developed SAP Fiori applications. Subscription is required only once per subaccount (for all systems to be created in all spaces of this subaccount). After subscribing to the application, you have access to the administration launchpad, where you can configure application roles and assign those roles to your users.

Watch the video about how to subscribe to Web Access for ABAP.

Steps to Subscribe for Web Access for ABAP
  1. Go to your subaccount in the SAP BTP cockpit as administrator.
  2. Choose Instances and Subscriptions and choose Create.
  3. Choose Web access for ABAP as entitlement.
  4. Select the plan default (Application).
  5. Wait for the subscription to be provisioned.

Maintain Employees in ABAP Dashboard

Michael wants to add employees to ABAP dashboard.

Watch the video about how to maintain employees in ABAP.

Steps to Maintain Employees in ABAP

To open ABAP dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. In the SAP BTP cockpit, navigate to your subaccount with the ABAP Environment as administrator.
  2. Choose Instances and Subscriptions.
  3. Choose the service instance name of the ABAP environment.

    If you are using the custom Identity Authentication service for SAP BTP and you are the initial administrator of the ABAP Instance, you don't need to enter your user and password. If you need to enter your user and password, remember to log on with the correct user that was defined before.

To maintain employees, follow these steps:

  1. From the Administration launchpad, open the Maintain Employees app.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. Enter the data of the new employee, including employee ID, name, and e-mail address. The entered e-mail is important because it is the default approach to authorization, and represents the mapping between the user in the identity provider and in the ABAP environment.
  4. Choose Create.

Identity and Access Management

What Is Identity and Access Management?

The main components of Identity and Access Management are:

  • User and Identity Management
  • Roles and Authorization
  • Authentication

In the configuration phase, an administrator registers and authorizes access rights.

In the operation phase, business users identify and authenticate themselves. The access to applications is based on previously authorized access rights.

In a business scenario, this means that an administrator manages the authentication and authorization of business users, including configuring trust and identity federation in the Subaccount, usually by configuring a custom identity authentication service tenant. As a fallback, SAP ID service is configured as the default identity provider. Additionally, an administrator also creates roles using templates, adds roles to role collections, and assigns role collections to business users. The business users can then log on to SAP Fiori applications to be authenticated.

To access the Identity and Access Management open the Administration menu of the administration launchpad.

Maintain Business Users

You use this app to provide business users with access rights and to maintain business user settings.

Business users gain access to Fiori apps through business roles. A business role can comprise one or several business catalogs, which in turn comprise several apps.

You can use this app to:

  • Edit business user data
  • Assign business roles to a user and remove existing assignments
  • Update user role assignments
  • Lock users so that they cannot log on to the system
  • Unlock users
  • Download list of users
  • Set the language of the user interface for each business user

Watch the video about how to maintain business users using Identity and Access Management.

Steps to Maintain Business Users
  1. To start the app choose the tile with the title Maintain Business Users.
  2. On the main screen of the app, choose New.
  3. Select the employee you want to create the user for, and fill in the required fields.

    For User Name, enter a name or ID that is identical to the login name of the same user in the identity provider.

    The user name can only contain uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores. It must have a maximum length of 40 characters and must not start with an underscore, or with SAP.

  4. To grant users access to applications, assign the respective business roles to them.
  5. In theAssigned Business Roles area, choose Add.
  6. Mark the checkbox of the ABAP developer role (SAP_BR_DEVELOPER) to grant development access for your developers. The other Business Role is to administrate the ABAP dashboard.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Save the new Business User.

ABAP Development Tools (ADT) on Eclipse

ABAP development tools for Eclipse is SAP’s state-of-the-art integrated development environment (IDE) for ABAP development on the open Eclipse platform.

ABAP development tools for Eclipse enables you to perform ABAP-based development tasks when you want to build, to extend, and to run ABAP applications based on SAP products, such as SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition for classic ABAP development as well as SAP BTP, ABAP environment and SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Cloud development.

ABAP development tools for Eclipse supports ABAP developers with the following possibilities:

  • Highly flexible, customizable Eclipse UI for ABAP development tools.

  • High-performance, failover-safe online development in multiple ABAP systems simultaneously.

  • Display and edit functionality for multiple ABAP objects in parallel.

  • Advanced and efficient source code editing including refactoring support.

  • Optimum support of task-oriented and test-driven development.

  • Robust and reliable quality assurance and supportability tools.

  • Built-in extensibility of the IDE using the established Eclipse plug-in technology.

In particular, ABAP development tools for Eclipse is a modern development toolset where ABAP developers can use features such as the following:

Setting Up ADT on Eclipse

Michael wants to set up ADT tools on Eclipse to help developers build, extend, and run ABAP applications based on SAP products.

First, you need to have the Eclipse IDE set up on your local environment. If you do not have the IDE, download and install ABAP Development Tools (ADT) from


SAP GUI is not supported in the ABAP environment. You can only use ADT as your development environment.

Watch the video about how to set up ADT on Eclipse.

Steps to Set up ABAP Development Tools on Eclipse
  1. Set up the Eclipse IDE on your local environment.
  2. Open the ABAP perspective from the menu bar (Window → Perspective → Open Perspective → Other → ABAP) or from the toolbar.
  3. In Eclipse, from the menu, select File → New → ABAP Cloud Project.
  4. In the New ABAP Cloud Project wizard of the ABAP service instance connection, select SAP BTP ABAP Environment. Select the Use a Service Key radio button, and choose Next.
  5. Insert an ABAP service key in the wizard. You can find the ABAP service key under your ABAP Instance of your SAP BTP subaccount. Choose Copy to clipboard or Download the ABAP service key.
  6. On the System Connection Using a Service Key page, paste your ABAP service key from the clipboard into the Service Key in JSON Format text box, or choose Import to import a .json file containing your ABAP service key.
  7. To log on to the ABAP service instance, choose Open Logon Page in Browser. Enter your e-mail address and password of the Business User which is already created in the ABAP dashboard.


    Authentication is performed in the integrated browser. Single Sign-On is not supported. Tools, such as password managers, are not supported for this logon option

    Your browser opens with a success message. You can close the browser. Finish your ABAP cloud project in the wizard.

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