This lesson will educate how to foster a diverse and inclusive ideation environment where every participant has an equal opportunity to contribute and why it is integral to successful Design Thinking.
Diversity in Ideation
Diversity is crucial in a Design Thinking workshop as it brings varied perspectives, different experiences, and a wide range of problem-solving approaches. This includes diversity in skills, cultures, genders, experiences, and cognitive styles.
Inclusive Environment
It's essential to create an inclusive environment where everyone's input is valued. All participants should be given the opportunity to speak, and ideas should be encouraged and not criticized immediately. An inclusive environment fosters trust, collaboration, and, most importantly, free-thinking, which enables the generation of a vast number of ideas.
Rules of Engagement
- Active participation by everyone - YOUR team needs you!
- Everyone has a voice
- Defer judgment
- Listen
- Build on the ideas of others
- Hearing and exploring divergent perspectives is the goal
- Pay attention - don't work on the side!
Techniques for Encouraging Participation
The role of the facilitator is critical in creating an inclusive environment. Here are some techniques that can help:
- Ground Rules: Establish ground rules for interaction and engagement in the beginning. For instance, everyone should listen to others without interrupting.
- Equal Opportunities: Ensure each participant has a fair opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas.
- Idea Validation System: Use an idea validation system like voting with stickers to maintain neutrality and encourage all ideas.
Handling Dominant Participants
Manage dominant participants by diplomatically restricting their speaking time or by encouraging them to listen more.
Encouraging Quieter Participants
Motivate quieter participants to come forward by directly asking for their input or providing them with the opportunity to write down ideas before sharing them with the group.
Homework: Think of a situation where you contributed to an ideation session. Reflect on the environment: whether all participants were included, how ideas were treated, and who played the significant roles.The next lesson will focus on the importance of Documenting and Reporting in Design Thinking and ways to create an impactful report.