Handling Negative Reactions


After completing this lesson, you will be able to provide strategies and techniques to deal with negativity and criticism during the Design Thinking workshop, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive, supportive, and respectful environment for idea sharing.

Handling Negative Reactions

Learn strategies to deal with negativity or criticism during the workshop. Understand the importance of maintaining a positive, supportive, and respectful environment for idea sharing.

What is Negativity in Design Thinking Workshops?

Negativity in a design thinking workshop can manifest in various forms such as dismissing ideas prematurely, overly critical comments, dominating discussions, or a lack of participation. This can hinder the free-flowing exchange of ideas and imbalance the creative dynamics of the group.

Impact of Negativity

The negative attitude can stifle creativity and lead to decreased participation, inhibiting collaboration, and reducing the potential for innovative solutions. It's critical to foster a positive atmosphere to foster creativity and bold thinking.

Strategies for Handling Negativity

  • Facilitate Open Dialogue: Encourage the participant displaying negativity to openly discuss their concerns. This can often lead to uncovering valuable insights or issues.
  • Model Positive Behaviour: As a facilitator, demonstrate positive behaviour like showing respect to all ideas, practicing active listening, and encouraging participation, which sets the tone for the sessions.
  • Establish Ground Rules: At the beginning of the workshop, establish ground rules regarding respectful and open communication.
  • Reframe Negative into Constructive Feedback: Teach participants the difference between destructive criticism and constructive feedback.

Empathy and Respect

Handling negativity requires empathy and respect. Understanding that negative reactions often arise from frustration or misunderstanding can help facilitators address the root cause and discourage adverse effects.

A Coach should not:

  • Participate in the discussion
  • Enter in conflict with other coaches
  • Give up too fast on 'killer' participants
  • Have a pre-conceived view of the challenge definition, or solution
  • Stress out, have fun!

Facilitators play a crucial role in dealing with negativity. They need to be proactive in addressing issues, promoting positive behaviour and creating a safe space where all ideas are valued.


Homework: Reflect on a past occasion where you encountered negativity in a brainstorming or collaborative setting. Record how the situation was dealt with and how you would handle it now using the strategies learned in this lesson.

In the next Lesson Successful Implementation and User Testing we will learn about planning for implementation, incorporating feedback from user testing, and ensuring the feasibility of ideas selected for implementation.

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