Managing fine-tuning activities


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Complete fine-tuning activities to meet your customer’s business requirements..

Managing fine-tuning activities

In the Business Configuration, scoping is the process of matching your individual business requirements to predefined solution capabilities including:  

  • Countries and localizations     
  • Which business processes will be implemented  
  • Which integrations will be implemented   

In a typical implementation, the scope elements may be set up prior to the kickoff.

The scoping elements determine which questions will be available. The scoping elements and questions determine which fine-tuning activities are available under Business Configuration. The project team does have an option in Business Configuration to include fine-tuning activities that were not originally included at the beginning of the project.

If scope elements are changed, it usually impacts the project scope. The project manager should review the impact on budget, time, and schedule if items are added. Some elements also have dependent elements, this is important to identify and plan for in advance. The scoping solution will give a list of any dependent elements in the solution.

Click on each tab to learn more about the Business Configuration work center.

​During the fine-tuning portion of the project, you want to ensure that SAP cloud solution has been configured based on the stated business requirements. Fine tuning allows the tailoring of the solution by checking and adjusting the predefined settings within the selected scope.

In the following video, you'll learn how to create configuration activities for fine-tuning.

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