Configuring Additional Features in Career Worksheets


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Configure Preferred Next Move in the Career Worksheet template in XML
  • Configure Links to current employees in positions in the Career Worksheet template XML

Preferred Next Move Configuration

On the V12 Career Worksheet, you can include a checkbox on each Future Role which allows the User to specify that the Role is a Career Interest on the Employee Profile or People Profile.

In order to use the Preferred Next Move portlet in the profile, the corresponding background element code has to be configured in the Succession Data Model

Code snippet

<background-element id="preferredNextMove" type-id="16">
  <label>Preferred Next Move</label>
  <data-field id="title" field-name="vfldl" required="true" max­ length="4000" max-file-size-KB="1000">

The instance must also have a "title" data-field defined within that background­ element.

Additional data-fields may also be present.

The Career Worksheet template must also have the share permission enabled for one or more relative roles.

For example, in the top configuration shown in the figure, only the employee can share his/her own future career plans. In the bottom configuration, no roles are listed in the share permission, so no roles have permission to share the career worksheet information.

Enabling this function exposes a checkbox to the user on the Career Worksheet.

This function only copies the role name from the Career Worksheet to the Live Profile data model. An advantage of this approach is that if the user enters a value directly into Live Profile that is an exact match with a role name, and that role is on his/her career worksheet, the system will detect the match and check the checkbox. However, there are limitations to internationalization with this approach. At this time, the Families & Roles structure is not fully internationalized, so role names are always in the same language in which they were originally set up and selected.
Do not set any fields in the background-element to be required="true", except for "title". Doing so will render the Career Worksheet unable to add records to the background-element, since it is only populating the "title" field.

Adding the Portlet to the Profile Configuration and Assigning Permissions

Once the portlet exists in the Succession Data Model, you can go to the Action Search and navigate to Configure People Profile.

Go To Configure People Profile

The Preferred Next Move block is available under the Live Profile Background Information section.

You can drag and drop this block where it makes sense in the profile. You can also give the block and subsection a name. You can keep the name Preferred Next Move or name the block anything you’d like, such as Career Goals or Future Roles of Interest.  Save the modifications you made in Configure People Profile.

People Profile Custom Blocks

Once the configuration of Preferred Next Move is complete, the end user view within People Profile looks similar to the figure below.

Enabling Role-Based Permissions for the Preferred Next Move Portlet

As with any newly created portlet, the permissions in RBP have to be updated. From the Action Search, go to Manage Permission Roles. Select the roles that should be able to use the portlet. The name of the portlet will depend on the label used in the Succession Data Model. In our previous example that label was Preferred Next Move. Under the User Permission, the Preferred Next Move Portlet is found in the background for the category Employee Data. Save the modified permissions.

Add Additional Feature Preferred Next Move

Business Example

As a consultant, you are asked to add the additional feature Preferred Next Move.

To learn about the Additional Feature Preferred Next Move, watch this video:


  1. Export the latest version of your Succession Data Model XML from Provisioning and open it in a preferred XML Editor. 

    1. Log into Provisioning.

    2. Select your instance from the company list and choose the company name link.

    3. Locate the Succession Management section and choose Import/Export Data Model.

    4. Open the file you just exported in your preferred XML editor. Save a new version of the file and title it THR95 Data Model v03.xml. This will allow you to make incremental changes and revert to older versions if needed, when troubleshooting.

    5. Validate the file against the DTD (sf-form.dtd) provided with your Course Files

  2. Confirm the background element preferredNextMove is in your company's Succession Data Model.

    1. Use CTRL+F to search for preferredNextMove and confirm the background element is in the Data Model. It should be added after the last background element in the file, but before the custom filters section. It should match the following code:

      Code snippet
      <background-element id="preferredNextMove" type-id="16">
       <label>Preferred Next Move</label>
       <data-field id="title" field-name="vfld1" required="true" max-length="4000" max-file-size-KB="1000">

      If it’s not there, add it. You can also use the sample Succession Data Model xml included with the THR95 Course Files.

    2. Save the file if you needed to add the code. If no changes were made, skip to Step 3.

    3. Validate the newly saved file against the DTD.

      Make sure your XML file is pointing to the correct location of the DTD. It is easiest to put the DTD in the same folder as your Succession Data Model XML file and use the following DOCTYPE tag:

      <!DOCTYPE succession-data-model PUBLIC "-// SuccessFactors, Inc.//DTD Succession Data Model 1.0//EN" "sf-form.dtd">

    4. Import the new file to Provisioning.

    You may see some red warning messages. They can be ignored, as long as you also see a green successful upload message stating the following: Template(s) has(have) been uploaded and saved.

  3. Add the Preferred Next Move block to People Profile.

    1. Use Action Search to navigate to Configure People Profile.

    2. Make sure no areas on the left side of the screen are highlighted (for example General Settings or Profile) so that you can see Available Blocks on the right side of the screen.

    3. Under Custom Blocks select Live Profile Background Information and drag it into the area below the Development Goals block. Hold the block there until a new subsection opens, then drop the block.

    4. Choose the subsection name, currently Untitled, and over on the right, rename the subsection to THR95 Future Roles of Interest.

    5. Select the block. If the block name did not change to Preferred Next Move, on the right-hand side, select the dropdown under Background Element and select Preferred Next Move.

    6. Scroll up and title the block THR95 Future Roles of Interest. Add the same for the description.

    7. Save your changes.

  4. Edit RBP permissions to see this newly added background element.

    1. Use Action Search to navigate to Manage Permission Roles.

    2. Open the Administrator role.

    3. Choose Edit and change the basic information if necessary.

    4. Choose Next and navigate to the User Permissions section.

    5. Select Employee Data. Scroll down to locate the background element Preferred Next Move. Confirm View access is granted.

      Edit access is not required since this block will simply display data selected by an employee on a Career Worksheet.
    6. Choose Next, review the role’s permissions, and choose Save. If you made changes to permissions, log out and log in to let the new RBP settings take effect. If no changes were made, go to the next step.

  5. Test to see that data from the Career Worksheet populates in the Future Roles of Interest block.

    1. Use Action Search to navigate to View my career worksheet.

    2. Under Job Roles I'm Considering, select a job role and click the checkbox Show in People Profile.

    3. Navigate to My Employee File and confirm that the role you selected appears in the Future Roles of Interest block.

Links Configuration

Configure Links to current employees in positions in the Career Worksheet Template in XML

By default, the V12 Career Worksheet includes an indicator of how many active employees are linked to a given role (via their current job codes). This is enabled using the attribute cws-people-role="true" located in the <obj-plan-template> area at the top of the Career Worksheet template.

To link to a list of the employees in the role, the Employee Directory (part of the Employee Profile module) must be enabled in Provisioning. Otherwise, the number will still display but will not be linked, as shown in the figure Links to Current Employees in Positions.

To indicate how many TBH positions exist for that role, the Position Model (part of the Succession module) must be enabled in Provisioning.

If a customer does not want to use this feature, you can disable it by changing the cws-people-role attribute (in the top-level tag in the career worksheet) from true to false.

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