Managing Career Paths V2


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Manage Career Paths V2

Career Path V2 Overview

The Career Worksheet allows end users to learn about available jobs and associated competencies. The Career Path displays information about the expected path for a position.

Administrators or other assigned roles (HR managers, for example) are responsible for managing Career Paths.

Career Path V2 enables the creation of unique and complex organizational career paths. HR managers or other assigned roles can create multiple new career paths, associate them to a given role, and restrict access as needed throughout the organization.

Career Path V2 Provisioning Options

In order to utilize Career Path V2 within an instance, you first must enable the correct Provisioning Options.

Provisioning Options are enabled as follows:

  1. Confirm Career Path V2 is enabled.

    This content is constructed for the use of Families and Roles within this section and not Job Profile Builder (JPB). If you are using JPB, you will need to reference the guides located in the SAP Help Portal.
  2. Confirm Generic Objects or the Metadata Framework (MDF) is enabled.

  3. Confirm the Attachment Manager is enabled.

Career Path V2 Admin Options

Once you have enabled Career Path V2 along with its prerequisites in Provisioning, navigate to Manage Permission Roles. Choose the role and edit it to navigate to the Metadata Framework Permissions. Be sure that you have permission to Configure Object Definition.

Career Path V2 Object Definition

With the proper permissions, you are now able to navigate to Configure Object Definitions.

Career Path V2 Object Definition

Once in this area, select the Object Definition and Legacy Career Path. Confirm that the object is active, that the Security option is set to Yes and the Permission Category is Miscellaneous Permissions as demonstrated in the figure.

Manage Career Paths Permissions (RBP)

The first step is to enable the Career Path feature by applying the correct permissions:

  1. Navigate to Manage Permission Rolesusing Action Search.

  2. Select the role for which you’re editing permissions.

  3. Choose Edit and change the basic information if necessary.

  4. Choose Next and navigate to the Administrator Permissions section.

  5. Select Manage Career Development.

  6. Grant Manage Career Path permission to the selected role.

  7. Confirm Configure Career Path Node is selected. You would use this option if you want to grant the right to specify which elements to display or hide on role nodes in the Career Path. Additional details about this feature are provided later in this section.

  8. Choose Next, review the role’s permissions, and choose Save.

Grant View and Edit Access to the Career Path Tool

This permission only gives access to the Manage Career Path tab under HomeDevelopment.

The next step is to grant view and edit access to the Career Path tool. Without these permissions:

  • Nothing can be viewed within the Manage Career Path tab (a red error message appears).

  • Career Paths cannot be viewed from the Career Worksheet.

Under Miscellaneous Permissions within the desired RBP permission role, confirm View, Edit, and Import/Export permissions are selected for the Legacy Career Path object.

This grants view or edit access to all Legacy Career Paths and all fields within each Legacy Career Path. Some roles may be assigned to create Legacy Career Paths (Edit), while others simply need to be able to read Legacy Career Path details (View).

Grant Field Actions


What you see in RPB may be confusing at this stage even if Career Path V2 is properly enabled. The Career Path RBP permissions in Miscellaneous Permissions are tied to whether you have Job Profile Builder enabled and not which Career Path version you have.

  • If the legacy families and roles system are used, then RBP will display Legacy Career Path permissions. Do not worry! You will have Career Path V2 enabled, but in RBP you will still see Legacy Career Path. You need to enable Legacy career Path permissions.

  • If Job Profile Builder is used, then RBP will display Career Path permissions in Miscellaneous Permissions. You will enable these permissions for users to see Career Path V2.

Field Level Overrides

To give access to particular fields within the Career Paths, select the Field Level Overrides checkbox. Specify to which fields the permission role should have special access.

Limit Access to Specific Career Paths

It is possible to limit access to specific Career Paths based on code, business unit, division, department, or any custom fields previously configured using the following steps:

  • Within the desired RBP permission role, scroll to the Grant this role to area at the bottom of the page.

  • Choose Edit Granting under the Action column.

  • Scroll to Step 3: Specify the target population for the other objects.

  • Next to Career Path, select the Restrict target population to button.

  • Specify the restrictions based on fields available in the drop down menus. For example, you might want to limit a role to only see Career Paths in a certain Division or Department.

In the figure, the permission role is limited to only see Career Paths with an External Code equal to Sales. If there are Career Paths in the system with other External Codes, this role will not be able to see them.

Manage Career Paths

Set Up Career Paths

The next step is to set up the Career Paths. This can be done in the system by a person in a role with Manage Career Path and Edit permission using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to HomeDevelopmentCareer Path.

  2. Choose Create New Career Path.

  3. Complete the relevant information for the Career Path. Note the following:

    • External Code and Name are required fields.

    • Other fields (such as Business Unit, Division, and Department) are optional.

    • The Business Unit, Division, and Department criteria enable you to restrict access to the Career Path to employees belonging to these areas, as described earlier in this section.

  4. Choose Save.

Connect Job Roles

After adding Career Paths to the system, continue the process by connecting job roles (called role nodes) to paths.

Continue to step 1 or if you're on the main Career Path screen select the Career Path Name and complete the following steps or enter the Career Path Name in the search box and complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Select a Role.

    Edit Career Path
  2. Select a role name or search by a role.

  3. Choose Save.

To help with searching for role nodes, use the icons highlighted in purple to toggle between family hierarchical view and list view.

Update a Career Path

To learn about how to update a Career Path, watch this video:

Choose the next button in the bottom right of the screen to learn more about Career Path configuration.

Once you have added an initial role node, choose the down arrow to the right of the role and select from the following options to update the Career Path:

  • Add a lead-from role: This inserts a preceding role to the left of the current node.

  • Add a lead-to role: This inserts a forward-progression role to the right of the current node.

  • Add a peer role: This inserts a lateral role above the current node. You can add a maximum of two peer roles to any given node.

  • Replace node with a new role: This removes and replaces the current node with a role of your choice. This does not affect any other nodes in the Career Path.

  • Cascade delete roles: This removes the current node and any forward-progression nodes following it.

  • Delete Role: This removes the current node and connects the Lead-from role to the Lead-to role.

Career Path Nodes

The example above shows a Career Path with six role nodes. Each node displays information about key elements for the job role as follows:

  • The number of competencies needed for taking the job role

  • The number of skills needed for taking the job role

  • The number of people holding this role

  • The job Family

  • The job Code

Configure and Display Elements on Career Paths

The Configure Career Path Node permission mentioned earlier in this section allows permissioned users to decide which key elements will be viewable on a Career Path. For example, a client may not use skills in their job role setup, so they might want to remove the skills display.

Configure Career Path Node
Career Path Elements

To configure the display of elements on Career Paths, complete the following steps:

  1. Under Manage Career Path, choose Configure Career Path Node.

  2. Select the desired element checkboxes. In the figure above, skills have been removed and the skills icon does not display. This will flow over to the Career Path.

  3. Choose Save.

Career Path Tab

Career Path Tab

On the Manage Career Path page, you can view existing career paths to which you have permission under the Career Paths tab. Simply select one of the career path links in the list.


Users with view permission will not see the Create New Career Path button.

Alternately, you can search career paths via a specific job role by selecting the Job Roles tab and choosing the role name for which you want to see all existing associated career paths.

If you select a job role for which more than one career path exists, a drop down menu appears on the job role page enabling you to choose the career path you want to display.

End User

Once career paths have been created, the end user can view the Career Path from the Career Worksheet, as long as view permissions have been granted in RBP.

For the Current Role or Future Role, choose Career Path.

The Legend describes symbols on the path.

Hover over a role and choose the yellow star to add the role as a Target Role. This in turn adds the role to your Roles I’m Considering list. The popup icon displays the Job Description and competencies for that role.

Create a New Career Path

To learn how to complete this exercise, watch this video:

Practice creating a new Career Path:


  1. Navigate to the Career Path area.

    1. From the Menu, navigate to Development.

    2. Select Career Path.

  2. Create a new Career Path.

    1. Choose +Create New Career Path.

    2. For the External Code, enter MktgPath.

    3. For the Name, enter Marketing Path.

    4. If you see options for Business Unit, Division, or Department, you can skip them for this exercise.

    5. Choose Save.

  3. Build the Nodes for the Career Path.

    1. Choose Select a Role to add the first node of the Career Path and select the role of Marketing Manager. You can use the search bar at the top to help you find the roles.

    2. Choose the down arrow to the right of Marketing Manager and select Add a Lead From Role. Select Marketing Assistant.

    3. Choose the down arrow to the right of Marketing Manager and select Add a Lead To Role. Select Communications Director.

    4. Choose the down arrow to the right of Marketing Manager and select Add a Peer Role. Select Event Manager.

    5. Choose the down arrow to the right of Communications Director and select Add a Lead To Role. Select Vice President of Marketing.

    6. Choose the down arrow to the right of Vice President of Marketing and select Add a Peer Role. Select VP of Corp. Communications.

    7. Choose Save.

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