Modifying an effective-dated record when changes are needed


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Modify an effective-dated record.

Modification of an effective-dated record

Transaction Fundamentals 

A transaction occurs when you change an employee record (for example, to promote or hire an employee). For certain blocks, when the initiator starts the transaction, they must provide a start date for records. The start date can be in the past, present, or future. When the transaction is submitted, it may trigger an approval process, also known as a workflow.

Watch the video to learn how effective dating is used in Employee Central transactions.

Effective Dating 

Many of the records in EC are effectively dated. Each time you insert a new record for one of these items, the system prompts you to provide the effective start date. Understanding and maintaining effective dates are important because they enable you to create historical, present, and future records. For example, if Marcus is moving in January, you can add his new address with an effective date in the future. However, Marcus will not see that change in effect until January.

In the application, the fields start-date and end-date are used for effective dating. The start date is displayed in the UI. The field end date doesn't typically appear in the UI but is visible in reports. When you create the first record for an entity, the start date is supplied by the user creating the record, and the end date will be automatically set to December 31, 9999.

Learn how to administer changes to the employee file in the following interaction.

Manage Effective-Dated Record

Selecting the pencil icon allows you to create a new dated entry into the employee's file. This action can trigger an approval process, which must be completed before the record is active in the system.

If you navigate to the history of a block and select a dated record, you will see various options. The Edit button enables a user to make changes to the historical record. For example, Marcus Hoff moved on January 5, 2010, but accidentally entered the incorrect ZIP code. To make changes to the historical record, choose HistoryEdit. This record will show the corrected ZIP code only.

The Insert New Record is located inside the History UI (the clock button). Transactions initiated from the History UI do not trigger workflows. Approval processes are only triggered through the pencil icon or the Take Action option.

Exercise: Modify an effective-dated record

Business Example

Jane Millers’s address records are incorrect. Her manager has asked HR to correct the current address. Jane will also be using a new address next month and needs the new address added to the system. Her manager, Marcus Hoff, would like to verify this change has been made afterward.


The Prepare an Instance (Unit 1) and Prepare the Data Models (Unit 2) exercises are prerequisites for this hands-on. This activity is not required to complete succeeding hands-on exercises for this course.

Watch the video to know how to modify effective dated employee record.


  1. Go to Jane Miller's profile to correct the current home address information. Use the As Of Hire Date entry in the table.

    Address Correction (As of Hire Date)New Address (As of First Day of Next Month)

    Jane Millers

    74 W Fernando St

    Apt 24

    Arlington, VA 22205

    Jane Millers

    4122 21st Road N 

    Arlington, VA 22207

    1. Log in to your instance as an administrator. 

    2. Navigate to Jane MillersPersonal InformationAddress Information.

    3. Select the clock icon (Addresses History) in the Address Information block. 

    4. On the right of the screen, choose Edit

    5. Make the required updates based on the given information. 

      Address Correction: (As of Hire Date) 

      Jane Millers 

      74 W Fernando St 

      Apt 24 

      Arlington, VA 22205  

    6. Choose Save.

  2. Add a new home address effective next month for Jane Miller by using the Insert New Record in the history. Use the As of First day of Next Month entry in the table.

    1. Navigate to Jane MillersPersonal informationAddress InformationHistory.

    2. On the left of the screen, choose Insert New Record.

    3. Set the effective date: use the first day of next month.

    4. Insert the record based on the given information.

      New Address: (As of First Day of Next Month)

      Jane Millers 

      4122 21st Road N

      Arlington, VA 22207 

    5. Select Save. Select Cancel to close the history window.

    6. Verify that the address change is pending in the Address Information section.

  3. As Jane Millers’ manager, Marcus Hoff would like to verify if the changes have been made.

    Go to Manage Permission Role to modify the manager role to view the Address History.

    1. Log in to your instance as an administrator. 

    2. Proxy as Marcus Hoff.

    3. Navigate to Jane Miller's Employee filePersonal InformationAddress Information. Verify that you do not have access to Address Information history as a Manager.

    4. Switch back to your user account by selecting the user menu → become self.

    5. Navigate to Manage Permission Roles using Action Search.

    6. Select Edit in the actions column for the Manager Role. Select next.

    7. Search for the Addresses block in the Employee Central Effective-Dated Entities.

    8. In theAddresses Information Actions, grant the View History permission.

    9. Select next and save. Log out and log in.

    10. Proxy as Marcus Hoff and verify that Marcus can now see the changes in Jane Millers’s address history.

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