Setting up alert notification


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create an alert.

Alert overview

Alerts allow users to be notified of upcoming system events that may require their attention.

Alerts are supported in the following entities:

  • Employee Central Data
    • Compensation Information
    • Employment Information
    • Job Information
    • Pay Component Recurring
    • Pay Component Non-Recurring
    • Work Permit
    • Global Assignment
  • MDF Data

For example, you want users to be notified when their work visa is about to expire.

Depending on your configuration, employees can access the alerts from the system or receive the alert through e-mail notification.

The three critical elements of an alert are as follows:

  • Alert Message
  • Alert Recipient
  • Alert Rule

Watch the video to learn how alerts are configured. You can recreate the settings described in the video in your test environment.

Alert configuration

The Alert Message object is predelivered in the system. The message field (alertDescription) is set to 255 characters by default. To support your message, update the length up to 4,000 characters.

Available Tags

The tags are used as placeholders in the alert messages. Here are the available tags that can be used:

  • [[EVENT_REASON]] – used for EC data
  • [[OBJECT_TYPE]] – used for MDF (person and object-based) data
  • [[OBJECT_NAME]] – used for MDF (object-based) data

When configuring your alert message, you can also use [[VIEW_BLOCK_ON_PROFILE]] to generate a deep link that takes users to a specific block page of People Profile. The tag will be rendered as a deep link in e-mail notifications. The deep link will only work on Employee Central alert-supported entities.

Alert Recipient

Alert recipients are defined in workflow records. Recipients configured as workflow approvers receive alert notifications in the system, while those configured in the CC roles only receive the alert through e-mail notifications. Workflow contributors are not used for alerts.

Alert Rule

Generate Alerts is the Employee Central Core rule scenario to create rules that generate alerts for Employee Central data, for example, alerts for job information changes.

The general steps are as follows:

1. Define the IF Statement to correspond to your required condition.

2. Define the THEN Statement that will identify the following actions:

  • Alert.Workflow Information assigns the specific alert recipient workflow to your rule.

  • Alert.effective date defines when the alerts will be sent.

  • Alert.Alert Message assigns the alert message created in Manage Data.

Rules are assigned as save Alert at the element level of the EC alert-supported entity.

For MDF data, the steps are the same. The main difference is using Alert Purpose in Rules for MDF Objects scenario and assigning the rule as Post Save Rules.

Schedule a Recurring Provisioning Job

Create a recurring job in the Provisioning to check which records are valid for alerts and send alerts accordingly. The job creates alerts according to the IF conditions. It sends the alerts determined by the effective date or the alert due date in the THEN statement of the rule.

Manage Alert and Notification Tool

You can manage your pending Employee Central Alerts and To-Dos using the Manage Alerts and Notifications Dashboard. As an administrator, you can use the dashboard to filter, view, and delete pending Employee Central Alerts and To-Dos. The advanced filter allows you to manage alerts and To-Dos based on specific criteria.

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