Maintaining Quality Notification Types


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create the priority type for SAP Business Network
  • Configure Buyer-initiated and Supplier-initiated Quality Notifications
  • Create new Quality Notification Types
  • Assign the number range, partner schema, partner determination, and partner functions, to Quality Notification Types
  • Define the partner determination for Quality Notification Types
  • Set up catalogs, catalog profiles, formats, and priority types for Quality Notification Types

Priority Type for SAP Business Network

Create the Priority Type for SAP Business Network

This process allows users to create the priority type for SAP Business Network.

Step 1: Navigate to the Change View "Priority Types": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications﹥Notification Processing﹥Response Control.
  3. Select Define Properties.
  4. Double-click Priority Types.
  5. Choose New Entries.

Step 2: Enter the Priority Type

  1. On the New Entries "Overview of Added Entries": Overview screen, enter the following data and choose Save.
PrTypPriority Type
ANAriba Network Prio

Step 3: Create an overview

On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data and choose Save.

PrTypPRel.startRel.endPriority TextSDUn.EDUn.

Buyer-Initiated and Supplier-Initiated Quality Notifications

Before you can send or receive quality notifications, a number of configuration tasks have to be performed for Buyer-initiated and Supplier-initiated Quality Notifications.

The following table provides an overview of these tasks:

Configuration TaskBuyer-InitiatedSupplier-Initiated
Create new quality notification typesYesYes
Assign the number range to the quality notification typesYesYes
Define catalogs for the quality notification typesYesYes
Define the partner determination for the quality notification typesYesYes
Assign the partner schema for the buyer-initiated quality notification types to the supplier-initiated quality notification typesNAYes
Assign the partner determination procedure to the quality notification typesYesYes
Assign the partner functions to the quality notification typesYesYes
Configure and set up the quality notification typesYesYes
Set up the screen structure for the quality notification typesYesYes
Set up the catalogs and catalog profiles for the quality notification typesYesYes
Set up the format long text for the quality notification typesYesYes
Set up the priority type for the quality notification typesYesYes


Buyer-initiated and Supplier-initiated tasks must be performed as separate configuration tasks. This course provides the steps to configure either type.

New Quality Notification Types

Create New Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to create new Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Change View "Notification Types": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications﹥Notification Creation﹥Notification Types.
  3. Select Define Notification Types.
  4. Choose New Entries.

Step 2: Add new entry data

  1. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data and choose Save.
FieldValues for Buyer-Initiated NotificationValues for Supplier-Initiated Notification
Notification TypeQ6Q7
Notification Type DescriptionComplnt f. Cust.AribaComplnt f. Sup Ariba
Notification OriginComplaint against vendorComplaint against vendor
Catalog ProfileQM0000001QM0000001

Quality Notification Assignments

Quality Notifications require the assignments of a number range, partner schema, partner determination, and partner functions. Let's learn more about these Quality Notification assignments.

Assign Number Range

To learn how to assign the number range to the Quality Notification Types, watch this video.

Assign Partner Schema

Assign the Partner Schema for Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to assign the partner schema to Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Change View "Notification Types": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications﹥Notification Creation﹥Partners.
  3. Select Define Partner Determination Procedures.
  4. Double-clickAssign Partner Determination Procedure to Notif. Type.

Step 2: Enter the data

  1. On the Change View "Partner Determination Procedure for Notification Type": O screen, enter the following data:
    1. In the NoTyp column, enter Q6.
    2. In the PartnDetProc column, enter Q6.
  2. Choose Save.

Assign Partner Determination

Assign Partner Determination Procedures

This process allows users to assign partner determination procedures to Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Change View "Partner Determination Procedure for Notification Type": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications﹥Notification Creation﹥Partners.
  3. Select Define Partner Determination Procedures.
  4. Double-clickAssign Partner Determination to Notif. Type.
  5. In the NoTyp column, select the notification types Q6 (Buyer-initiated) and Q7 (Supplier-initiated).

Step 2: Find the Change Field Contents dialog box

  1. Choose Edit and select Change Field Contents.

Step 3: Indicate the Notification Type

  1. In the Change field contents: Entry dialog box, in the with val field, indicate the notification type.
    • Q6 Buyer-initiated
    • Q7 Supplier-initiated
  2. Choose Replace.
  3. Choose Save.

Assign Partner Functions

Assign the Partner Functions to the Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to assign the partner functions to the Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Change View "Partner Functions, Approval": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications﹥Notification Creation﹥Partners.
  3. Select Define Partner Determination Procedures.
  4. Select the quality notification type.Q6 (Buyer-initiated)
    1. Q6 (Buyer-initiated)
    2. Q7 (Supplier-initiated)
  5. Choose the Details icon.

Step 2: Enter the data

  1. On the Change View "Partner Functions for Notification type": Details screen, enter the following data and choose Save.
Implementing dept.Department resp.
Person responsibleCoordinator (user)
Task ProcessorUser Responsible

Partner Determination

Define the Partner Determination for Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to define the partner determination for the Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Maintain: Partner Determination screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications﹥Notification Creation﹥Partners.
  3. Select Define Partner Determination Procedures.
  4. Double-click Define Partner Determination Procedures.
  5. Select Quality Management and choose Change Partner.

Step 2: Choose New Entries

  1. On the Change View "Partner Determination Procedures": Overview screen, choose New Entries.

Step 3: Enter the data

  1. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data and choose Save.
FieldValues for Buyer-Initiated NotificationValues for Supplier-Initiated Notification
DescriptionCustomer ComplaintSupplier Complaint

Step 4: Functions in Determination Procedure

  1. In the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Functions in Determination Procedure.
  2. On the Change View "Functions in Determination Procedure": Overview screen, in the Supplier row, select the Partner mandat. and Unique columns.
  3. Ensure all other checkboxes are not selected.
  4. Choose Save.

Quality Notification Configurations

Quality Notifications require the following configurations:

  1. Catalogs
  2. Catalog profiles
  3. Formats
  4. Priority types

Let's learn more about these Quality Notification configurations.

Catalogs and Catalog Profiles

Set Up Catalogs and Catalog Profiles for Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to set up catalogs and catalog profiles for Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Display View "Notification Type": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications.
  3. Choose Overview of Notification Type.

Step 2: On the Display View "Notification Type": Overview screen, select the quality notification type

  1. Select the quality notification type.
  2. In the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Catalogs and Catalog Profiles.

Step 3: Enter the data

  1. On the Change View "Catalogs and Catalog Profiles": Details screen, enter the following data and choose Save.
Catalog profileQM0000001

Format Long Text

Set Up the Format Long Text for Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to set up the format long text for Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Display View "Notification Types": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management﹥Quality Notifications.
  3. Select Overview of Notification Type.

Step 2: Format Long Text

  1. Select the Quality Notification Type.
  2. In the Dialog Structure pane area, double-click Format Long Text.

Step 3: Select formatting options

  1. On the Change View "Format Long Text": Details screen, select the Log line and No text change checkboxes and choose Save.

Priority Type

Set Up the Priority Type for Quality Notification Types

This process allows users to set up the priority type for Quality Notification Types.

Step 1: Navigate to the Display View "Notification Type": Overview screen

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run transaction code QCC0.
  2. Navigate to Quality Management ﹥Quality Notifications.
  3. Select Overview of Notification Type.

Step 2: Select the Quality Notification Type

  1. Select the Quality Notification Type.
  2. In the Dialog Structure pane area, double-click Priority Type.

Step 3: Select Priority Type Options

  1. On the Change View "Priority Type": Details screen, select the Priority Type field, enter AN, and choose Save.

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