Working with Modeling Content in a Project


After completing this lesson, you will be able to audit calculation views using provided tools

Auditing Dependencies Between Calculation Views

Two features are available in SAP Business Application Studio to analyze modeling content within a project. These are:

  • Data lineage

  • Impact analysis

They work in a symmetrical way. For any calculation view you choose, you can show the dependencies with other modeling content.

To use these features, right-click a calculation view file in the Explorer view, and choose Show Data Lineage or Open Impact Analysis.

Data Lineage

Screen capture of a data lineage result showing referenced tables and calculation views.

Data lineage shows all the calculation views and source tables on which a given calculation view depends.

Impact Analysis

Screen capture of an impact analysis result showing dependent calculation views.

The purpose of impact analysis is to show all the chain of calculation views that depend on a given calculation view.


In the Data Lineage or Impact Analysis view, you can directly open a calculation view from the dependency tree by double-clicking it.

Lineage and Impact Analysis Across HDI Containers

From QRC 3/2022, SAP HANA Cloud is able to perform a lineage and an impact analysis not only within a given HDI container, but also towards another HDI container.

This feature is useful, when calculation views from a container are consumed by calculation views from another one, to check as exhaustively as possible how a change you make to a calculation view might impact another HDI container. You can also, similarly, track all the dependencies of a calculation view, including the ones located in an external container.


The privileges of the _RT user (the technical user interacting on your behalf with the HDI container) determine which objects are visible outside of the HDI container.

So, if the _RT user has system privilege CATALOG READ, all objects are visible. Otherwise, only the objects for which the _RT user has an object privilege, such as SELECT, are visible.

Tracing the Origin of a Column in a Calculation View Scenario

Another powerful auditing feature is available within a calculation view to show the origin of a column.

Screenshot of a calculation view. A column is selected in the semantics. After selecting the show lineage icon, all the nodes containing this column are highlighted, until reaching the node and the data source where the column has been extracted from..

From the Semantics node, you can choose a column and trace its origin with Column Lineage.

The column lineage shows, within the scenario of the opened calculation view, all the nodes where this column exists. At the bottom of the calculation view scenario, you find the origin of the column. Opening the Mapping tab of this node allows you to identify the source column name in the data source.


In a cube with star join calculation view, the Show Lineage feature only works for private columns, not shared columns from dimension calculation views.

Column Lineage

Column lineage is useful when columns are renamed within the calculation scenario, or when you want to see quickly where a calculated or restricted column originates from.

It also helps you to avoid mixing up columns with the same name, but not necessarily the same data that are present in several nodes of a calculation view.

For example, the NODE_KEY column in an SAP ERP system is used in many tables to join the master data-defining attributes.

You might want to make sure that the NODE_KEY column in the output of a dimension calculation view originates from the correct table (for example, the table SNWD_BP containing business partners) and not from another table, also used in the calculation view, in which a NODE_KEY column is present but does not identify business partners (for example, the NODE_KEY in the table SNWD_AD containing Contact addresses).


The Show Lineage feature stays active until you exit the Show Column Lineage mode by choosing Exit.

The Outline View

Watch this video to learn about the Outline View.


Make sure you don't mix up the Outline feature of the calculation view editor with the general Outline view of SAP Business Application Studio, which displays structured code into a hierarchy.

Where-Used Functionality

In the Calculation View editor, you can quickly identify within a Calculation View where a particular object is used. It allows you to identify superfluous elements that can be deleted or to avoid modifying an object that is used in several places, in case it would break the consistency of your Calculation View.

The Where-Used feature supports the following objects:

  • Input Parameters
  • Calculated Columns
  • Restricted Columns
Screenshot of a calculation view node properties. The Parameters tab shows a Year input parameter. The Where Used icon has been selected and the different places where the input parameter is used are listed.

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