Analyzing Development Tools and Frameworks


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Analyze development tools.
  • Analyze development frameworks.

Development Tools

The three developer tools: SAP Business Application Studio, ABAP Development Tools, SAP BTP Cockpit.

There are lots of tools for software development from SAP and from third parties. But, these three tools are very important for the software development lifecycle.

The SAP Business Application Studio is the choice for the future from SAP. It's a modern, flexible, and extensible development environment for building applications for the intelligent, sustainable enterprise.

The ABAP Development Tools (ADT) is a collection of capabilities regarding ABAP programming based on the Eclipse IDE. It can be used for programming ABAP for on-premise purposes and for ABAP codings for the ABAP environment of the SAP BTP.

You can get the ADT from here.

For installing ADT, see this file.

The SAP BTP cockpit is the tool of choice for all administration or operational tasks. Developers deploy their applications on top of the SAP BTP or consume services provided by SAP BTP inside their applications. There are a bunch of services that are interesting for software development. For example:

  • SAP Business Application Studio
  • SAP HANA Cloud
  • Cloud Transport Management
  • Feature Flags Service
  • And many more

The SAP BTP cockpit is one of the most important tools for administrators.

SAP Business Application Studio


When your company is planning to develop application extensions on the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), SAP Business Application Studio (BAS) as an SAP BTP service will be the preferred choice that offers a modern development environment tailored for business application development.

Areas of the SAP Business Application Studio.

The SAP Business Application Studio provides a common development environment for your professional developers and citizen developers independent of the devices and operating systems they are using without missing any tool for modern cloud development, especially specific tools required for business application development in the SAP ecosystem. This is possible due to the flexibility that you have by using SAP Business Application Studio as a web tool from anywhere just with a web browser, but without missing the same development experience as you would have already known from desktop usage as, for example, with Microsoft Visual Studio Code.

By subscribing to the service in your SAP BTP subaccount, you will get, with SAP Business Application Studio, a development environment that offers all required tools for business application development including optimized editors, terminal, debugger and a command line for different use cases. In addition, the user experience is enriched by predefined roles for developers and extension developers as well administrators.

Dev. Spaces on the SAP Business Application Studio.

One of the characteristic features SAP Business Application Studio has are the Dev Spaces which are isolated environments with tailored tools and pre-installed runtimes that simplify and save time in setting up your development environment based on the type of applications that you want to build, for example, SAP Fiori, Full Stack Cloud Application, SAP HANA Native Application and more. Besides that, you can choose additional extensions to enhance your space, due to its open-source nature with the Open VSX Registry that you may also know from Microsoft Visual Studio Code.

SAP Business Application Studio also provides low-code/no-code capabilities that offers the possibility to model your CDS models through a graphical editor or create SAP Fiori Elements applications through a guided procedure. As well as that, there are even more tools available which simplify and accelerate the software development so that with all the other advantages a best development experience is achieved.

We have an own Learning Journey for SAP Business Application Studio with a lot more information you can find here:develop-full-stack-applications-using-productivity-tools-in-sap-business-application-studio

For more information about SAP Business Application Studio, see here.

Learn More

If you want to learn more about the SAP Business Application Studio, you can visit the SAP Community Topic.

Or, you can take a look at the following blog post.

Development Frameworks

Example of Development Frameworks from SAP

Examples of Development Frameworks from SAP

SAP's strategy is to fully unify this developer experience for the business expert, citizen developer, and professional developer.

Today, SAP has a number of powerful developer tools and frameworks supporting the full stack for UX, Data services, workflows programming models, and much more.

Here is a small extract from the developer tools:

SAP UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5)

SAP UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5) is based on the model view controller principle. SAPUI5 is a modern and flexible framework to build web applications for your business needs. In addition, there are tools for planning SAPUI5 apps, testing, icons and more.

Learn more about SAPUI5.

You can also use OpenUI5, the open source-based UI5 version.

Learn more about OpenUI5: .

Java and Spring

Through the Cloud Foundry or Kyma runtime, you are able to develop Java-based software development projects and operate them directly on SAP BTP. This has the positive effect that your Java project can get integrated easily into your enterprise landscape and your application can consume SAP BTP services. In addition, you can also use frameworks like Spring or SAP Cloud Application Programming Model.

Learn more about Spring.

SAP Cloud Application Programming Model

The SAP Cloud Application Programming Model is a superset of languages, libraries, and tools to develop enterprise applications. It is focused on a domain model powered by SAP HANA Core Data Services (CDS). The SAP Cloud Application Programming Model can be used for service development or application development. You can combine a SAP Cloud Application Programming Model project with SAP Fiori projects. In addition, the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model allows you to work with a Node.js or a Java stack, according to your needs.

Learn more about SAP Cloud Application Programming Model.

Learn more about SAP HANA CDS.

SAP Fiori User Experience

The SAP Fiori design system includes design languages for dedicated technologies: web, native mobile, and conversational. Each design language specifies the look and feel, controls and floor-plans and common functions, and includes guidelines and stencils for designers and developers.

SAP Fiori can be built using many technologies, with SAPUI5 being our reference HTML5 web technology. We have two native mobile design languages: one for iOS and one for Android.

Learn more about User Experience and SAP Fiori in our Learning Journey.

More information about SAP Fiori.

SAP's Mobile Development tools

When you want to create mobile apps, today there are a bunch of technologies that can do that. SAP offerings:

SAP Mobile Development Kit (MDK)
Build multi channel apps based on Javascript. Then, your apps get converted, and they will be a native app for IOS, Android, or even the web.
SAP BTP SDK for iOS enables you to quickly develop your own native apps with Swift. The SDK extends the standard Swift Apple iOS frameworks with re-useable SAP content.
SAP BTP SDK for Android

SAP BTP SDK for Android enables you to quickly develop your own native apps using Android Studio and your preferred programming language. In addition, SAP is offering content for Android-based projects such as SAP Fiori Guidelines for Android, or the SAP BTP SDK Wizard for Android, to accelerate your projects.

More information about SAP's Mobile Development Tools: or here:

ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model

The ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model offers developers an efficient way to build enterprise-ready, SAP HANA-optimized, OData-based Fiori UI services and Web APIs in the cloud as well as on-premise. It is based on technologies and frameworks such as ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) for defining semantically rich data models and a service model infrastructure for creating OData services with bindings to an OData protocol, and ABAP-based application services for custom logic and SAPUI5-based user interfaces.

Learn more about the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model here.

Key Takeaways Of This Lesson

SAP has a lot of developer tools and frameworks which provide the full development and user experience. The SAP BTP Cockpit is the central entry point for managing your SAP BTP accounts. In addition, there are the ABAP Development Tools for developers who program ABAP in the IDE Eclipse and the SAP Business Application Studio (BAS), which is a powerful and modern development environment in the cloud tailored for efficient development of business applications.

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