Creating an Activity Plan for Visit Execution


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Discover how to capture key sales visit information on the corresponding Activity Plan and manage the follow-up sales process..

Activity Planning and Visit Execution

The activity planner allows the sales rep to organize tasks, surveys, relevant notes, and attachments for the visit. There is a worklist determination process that takes the data from the Activity Plan and guides the sales rep through the assigned tasks.

When creating the activity plan: 

  • Notes, tasks, and surveys can be marked as mandatory for a sales rep to perform
  • Automatic assignment of a task/survey can populate the visit worklist 
  • One off tasks can be created and added to the activity plan after creation
  • Once the plan is created, it can be directly assigned to specific sales reps or available for any sales rep to complete

As we learned in the sales order unit, tasks can be created as a follow-up activities to product surveys. Multiple tasks can be created and viewed at the product level.

Tasks can also be created as a follow-up from a checklist survey. Multiple tasks can be created and viewed at the survey level.  

There is a new Flag option that allows for creation of follow-up tasks from surveys. This is available for both product and checklist surveys.

During a visit, make sure to note the following items regarding the visit.  


  • Capture visit timeframes for check in and out information  
  • Create, read, and update visits 
  • Take and upload photos or other attachments or survey responses. 
  • Offline mode can be enabled, if needed.
  • GPS tagging of visits and mapping capabilities can be enabled
  • Maintain and update visit contacts
  • Record visit attendees
  • View current promotional campaigns 
  • Create sales documents 
  • Manage follow up actions such as opportunities, quotes, sales orders, sales contracts, or appointments
  • Create visits on the fly with adhoc visit creation 
  • View the account in a timeline, showing all visits in chronological order 

Once the visit is in progress, the sales representative has the ability to record all aspects of the visit. Check in and check out times, details, notes, photos, surveys, campaigns relevant for the account, and any notes from the last visit to follow up on.

All of the information saved during the visit can be accessed in an offline environment on the mobile device, if necessary. 

Creating a Sales Document from a Visit

Now, I’ll demonstrate how to create a Sales Document from a visit.

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