Using Master Data in Sales


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Extend the Master Data relevant for Sales.

Current Process Step

In SAP Sales and Distribution, master data refers to the fundamental data elements that are used to support business transactions and processes. This includes data such as material master data, customer master data, and pricing master data.

Let’s get familiar with the scope items for this lesson.

Bike Company has procured materials and produced the new E-Bike. Enough stock is stored in the warehouse to start selling them. They now need to sell the bike to their customers.  

Customer Master Data Record

You are already familiar with the concept of Business Partner. In this business process, we will extend the previously created Business Partner from the record-to-report and source-to-cash lessons with one last role: Customer. The Role: FI Customer was previously assigned to the record to-report-process. It is now necessary to extend that Business Partner so that they can be used in the lead-to-cash process.

Start the next interaction to learn how to do so.

How to Extend BP Roles for Customer Master Data

Product Master Record

If we want to sell materials for our Bike Company, we need to ensure that the product and all the sales-related details of that product are created in the system. Product master records (also called material master records) can be used to automatically populate fields with stored data whenever they are used.

Because the product master record has already been created for Accounting, Planning, and Production, it needs to be extended for Sales. To do this, the E-Bike master record needs to be changed in order to have specific settings for the Sales Organizations that will be selling the bike. These are details such as pricing, packaging, and transport within the plants that will be delivering it.

Symona has prepared some content for this topic.

How To Display Material for Sale

Condition Master Record

The condition master data includes prices, surcharges and discounts, freight, and taxes.

You can define condition master data (condition records) to be dependent on various data. You can, for example, maintain a material price per customer or define a discount to be dependent on the customer and the material pricing group.

Building conditions allows for the creation of Pricing Procedures. These procedures perform sales order pricing based on the condition records found in the system.

How to Create a Condition Master Record

Output Master Data

Output is information that is sent to the customer via various media, such as mail, EDI, or fax. An example of an output is the printout of an order confirmation.

See what Symona has prepared for you.

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