Posting Goods Receipts for Purchase Orders


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Procure required materials
  • Create an inbound delivery



See the following video to see Marcia, Herbert, and Peter talk about the various procurement options available in SAP S/4HANA:

When procuring materials externally, a purchase order is used. Internal procurement via a production process means that either a production order or a process order is used, depending on the type of production process involved. Procurement via a stock transport process means that a stock transport order is being created when procuring the materials.


In this course, procurement of materials is always done using purchase orders. No stock transport orders or production/process orders are used.

A purchase order is created, containing a requested delivery date, and then sent to a supplier. The supplier confirms the receipt of the purchase order. When it is time to do so, the supplier sends to materials towards the ordering company.

How to Post a Goods Receipt Without a Warehouse Involved

Goods Receipt with SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM)

When posting a goods receipt in an SAP EWM-managed warehouse, it is necessary to work with an inbound delivery for the purchase order or the production/process order that is used. There are several ways to create this inbound delivery, depending on the physical process or the information flow between the supplier and the receiving company.

An inbound delivery can be a follow-up document to a production/process order, a purchase order, or a stock transport order.

The inbound delivery is the document based on which the physical putaway of a material in the warehouse (Warehouse Management) and the posting of the goods receipt (Inventory Management) is executed.

Purchase Order and Inbound Delivery

The process of procuring externally from suppliers and also from other plants within your own company is handled in SAP S/4HANA using purchase orders. When you procure from another plant in your own company, this purchase order has a specific document type and is called a stock transport order.

The Logistics Execution (LE) inbound delivery (as a follow-up document to a purchase order) can be created automatically when you receive a shipping notification from a supplier. It can also be created manually with reference to a purchase order. In both cases the inbound delivery is replicated to SAP EWM. Alternatively the inbound delivery can be created directly in SAP EWM at the time of the physical receipt of the products. In that case a LE inbound delivery is created as well.

For items relevant for putaway in an SAP EWM warehouse number, it is necessary to create an inbound delivery document in SAP EWM as well. This document is the basis for posting the goods receipt and creating the warehouse tasks for putaway in EWM. The Logistics Execution (LE) inbound delivery can be created automatically when you receive a shipping notification from a supplier. It can also be created manually with reference to a purchase order. In both cases, the inbound delivery is replicated to SAP EWM. Alternatively, the inbound delivery can be created directly in SAP EWM at the time of the physical receipt of the products. In that case, an LE inbound delivery is created as well.

Confirmation Control Key

In order to be able to create an inbound delivery for a purchase order, it is necessary to enter a confirmation control key in the purchase order item.

A vendor confirmation is a notification/message from a supplier regarding the delivery status of a specific purchase order. Vendor confirmations enable a company to plan better. This is because in the period between the PO date and the planned delivery date, more reliable and up-to-date information from a supplier (that is, a confirmation/delivery notification) can then immediately be used to re-plan quantities if needed. The confirmation control key defines what types of confirmations are expected from a supplier and also defines the requirement for and the possibility to create an inbound delivery in the SAP S/4HANA system.

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