Shipping the Finished Product


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Describe release and shipment of finished product.

Manage Finished Product Shipment

Now that the processing activities have been completed, we can start with managing the finished product shipment.


  1. Allocate Batches to Shipment

    The first step is to allocate the batches of the finished product that are going to be shipped to the finished product shipment.

    For that, we navigate to the Allocate Batches to Shipment application in the Manufacturing Management section on the SAP Cell and Gene Therapy Orchestration landing page. And select the relevant shipment (in our example we have only one shipment, but it could be multiple shipments based on the flow version) of the order using the Chain of Identity ID.

    To allocate the batches to the relevant shipment, click on Allocate Batches in the Items to Ship section. A new pop-up will open up with all available items with status Available to Ship. Here, we select all items that we want to allocate to this shipment and confirm the selection by clicking on the Confirm button in the bottom right. This confirmation will require your e-signature.

    In the next view, we can now see that the selected batches and items are now all listed in the Items to Ship section. With this, we now have selected and allocated the appropriate batches to the finished product shipment. The next step is for the treatment order manager to book the courier for this shipment.

    To start this process, we use the Chain of Identity ID to navigate to the finished product shipment using the Manage Outbound Logistics app in the Treatment Management section on the SAP Cell and Gene Therapy Orchestration landing page.

  2. Book Finished Product Courier

    In the next view, we can first determine the transportation lane by clicking the appropriate button on the top right. This will select a suitable courier for this shipment based on the location and configured rules. Now, the next step is to book the courier using the Book Courier button on the top right and save the changes by clicking on the Save button at the bottom right. This will execute the booking and populate the waybill number in the Logistics section of this screen. As for the biospecimen shipment, the courier can also provide additional data, for example the shipment tracking link. Now the next step is for the manufacturing organization to confirm the finished product pickup.

  3. Confirm Shipment Pickup

    For this, we navigate to the Confirm Finished Product Pickup application in the Manufacturing Management section on the SAP Cell and Gene Therapy Orchestration landing page. And select the relevant shipment of the order using the Chain of Identity ID.

    In the next screen we can switch to editing mode by clicking on the Edit button on the top right and enter the actual pickup date and confirm that the serial number on the shipper matches the expected serial number as well as that the allocated finished product is packed into the shipper. We can now save the changes by clicking on the Save button on the bottom right. To confirm, your e-signature will be needed.

    This finalizes all the necessary finished product shipment steps.

Manage Finished Product Shipment

In this simulation, you will go through the main steps of managing the finished product shipment.

Learn how to:

  • Allocate select batches to the finished product shipment
  • Book courier services for the finished product shipment
  • Confirm the shipment pickup


In this simulation you're in Demonstration Mode. The Demonstration Mode consists a video and audio, which guides the participant through the whole demonstration. In the demonstration mode, the simulation is mostly moved automatically, but the user must click from time to time on the explanation bubbles to move it forward.


In this simulation, you are in Practice Mode. The Practice Mode is covering the same steps, but the participants have to execute all the steps (or just force the next steps in the top menu of the simulation).

Manage Finished Product Shipment - Simulation

Watch the simulation Manage Finished Product Shipment to learn more about the system-related activities.

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