SAP Fiori app: Manage In-House Repairs
The SAP Fiori app called Manage In-House Repairs can be used to create and later access again an in-house repair.
Repair objects are added to an in-house repair. The dialog box used to add repair objects in the Manage In-House Repairs app filters objects for the current customer that is assigned to the equipment. The filter field Current Customer is filled with the currently used sold-to party number. This field value can then be changed if required. When the dialog box is closed and later reopened, the field Current Customer is filled again with the currently used sold-to party number.
If an equipment is added as a repair object that has been assigned to a customer different from the sold-to party, a warning message displays.
Under Repair Objects, it is possible to navigate to the equipment details. If a user has the required authorizations, they can access the details screen to check and correct the customer assignment of an equipment.
Perform Prechecks
From within the SAP Fiori app Perform Prechecks, several process steps can be executed. One of these steps is to create a repair quotation. A standard or a fixed price repair quotation can be created.
Such a repair quotation can contain multiple repair objects. For example: a second repair object can be added to an already existing quotation (with the status New or Under Review) for a repair object of the same in-house repair. It is also possible to create separate quotations for each repair object.
Repair orders can also be directly created from within this SAP Fiori app (without first having created a repair quotation). A standard (time and material) or a fixed-price repair order can be created. This is similar to the logic that was discussed for repair quotations.
After a repair quotation has been created, the Repair Quotation Details can be accessed from within the Transaction History.
Here, the description which by default is Unnamed, can be changed. This description is displayed to help identify the correct quotation here.
When a repair quotation has multiple repair objects, the quotation items can be filtered by and processed per repair object. The output document for the repair quotation contains the quotation items sorted by item number and grouped by repair object.