Using Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create service contracts with configurable products

An Introduction to Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU)

Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU)

Customers can create service contracts with configurable products. Configurable products can be added as standard contract items, price adaptation items, and ad-hoc billing items. If you add a configurable product as a service contract item, it's required to configure the product that has been added.

To configure the product, the customer navigates to the configuration user interface and selects the characteristics and characteristic values that are defined in the product master data. By default, the status of the configurable product is incomplete. When the product configuration is complete, the configuration status is changed to released.

Depending on the product definition, the selection of characteristics and characteristic values of a configurable product can impact the price of a contract item based on the defined variant conditions.

After creating configurable products in service contracts, customers can follow the process of service contract management of the Service Contract Management (3MO) scope item to finalize service contract relevant steps.


Complete the following steps to access and download all the documentation that is available from SAP for scope item Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU):

  1. Log on to SAP for ME if needed.
  2. Navigate to the list of solution processes on the SAP Signavio Process Navigator website. Use URL and choose Solution Process. You can now see a list of all available solution processes.
  3. Using the Search in SAP Signavio Process Navigator field (in the top right corner of your screen), search for solution process 6GU.
  4. In the resulting list, select the entry for the current (i.e. the most recent) version of the solution process for solution scenario Best Practices for SAP S/4HANA Cloud. You can now see the details for the solution process.
  5. Choose Accelerators.
  6. Choose Test Script to download the test script as a Microsoft Word file, and open this file.
  7. If available, choose Set-up instructions to open the set-up instructions for the solution process.

Key Process Flow

  1. Create a service contract with a configurable product.
  2. Check the net value of the service contract with the configurable product.
  3. Print the service contract with the configurable product.
  4. Trigger service contract billing for a service contract with a configurable product: schedule billing document creation.
  5. Manage billing document requests.
  6. Create billing documents (i.e. invoices).
  7. Manually renew a service contract item with a configurable product (optional).
  8. Manually renew an entire service contract with a configurable product (optional).
  9. Change the sold-to party of a service contract with a configurable product (optional).
  10. Cancel a service contract with a configurable product (optional)

Business Benefits

  • Reduced complexity: Work with variant configuration in service contracts to cover many (complex) cases and combinations regarding service contract items and their pricing with a relatively simple set-up.
  • Flexibility in pricing: Depending on the product definition, the selection of characteristics and characteristic values of a configurable product can impact the price of a service contract item based on the defined variant conditions.


Master data script Create Configurable Service Product (5BE) also describes the creation of a configurable service product for a service contract and for service orders, as well as all related prices. These products are used in scope item Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU).

The Process Steps for 6GU

Process Steps

A diagram of Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU) with two elements indicated with arrows: first, check pricing & release or print contract and, second, remaining process follows standard contract management flow (3MO).

The main characteristic of the business process supported by scope item Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU) is that it allows for the use of a configurable product in the service contract that is being created.

After creating the contract with the configurable product in it as an item (step 1), and entering the configuration (i.e. choosing the values for the characteristics with which the product is configured: step 2), the pricing of the service contract can be checked (step 3). After this, the contract is released and can be output (e.g. printed).

The rest of the process is very similar to the standard process as described for scope item Service Contract Management (3MO). For example the way service contract billing is handled.


The variant configuration functionality used in this context is Advanced Variant Configuration. Currently, single-level configurations are supported.

Advanced variant configuration functionality is also supported in service orders and service confirmations. Scope item Service Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GS) supports this process. For use of advanced variant configuration in a solution order, see scope item Solution Order Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6HY).

A separate license for the use of Advanced Variant Configuration (AVC) functionality as used in the scope items described, is required.

A Service Contract with a Configurable Service Product

Two screens: the Service Contracts screen, on which a wrench symbol is highlighted; the highlighted symbol is connected to two fields (Car Size and Extra Polish) in the second screen, which is a Service Contract: New - Variant Configuration screen.

You can use the SAP Fiori app called Manage Service Contracts to create a service contract that can contain a configurable service product as an item. Once the product has been added to the item, the icon Configure Products can be used to start the configuration.

A class of class type 300 (Variants) needs to be assigned to the product master record of the configurable product that you want to use in the service contract. This class contains all characteristics and values for these characteristics that the user can choose from when configuring the service product in the contract.

Pricing (using variant conditions) for the service contract item is dependent on the chosen value combinations for the characteristics used.

The rest of the process steps (like triggering and executing service contract billing) are executed in the same way as is done for scope item Service Contract Management (3MO).

The Service Orders screen with a wrench symbol and the Service Contract Data field highlighted.

Service orders can also be created using the service contract with the configurable product as a reference. The specific configuration needed for the service order needs to be entered and this in turn again influences the pricing in the service order.


The SAP Fiori app called Manage Service Contract Templates can be used to create template service contract documents, that can be used as a basis for creating real service contracts for customers.

It is also possible to add configurable products as service contract template items. Any characteristics and characteristic values that are configured for/maintained in the template are forwarded to any follow-up service contract(s).

See also scope item Service Order Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GS).


Release 2402 of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition, service also added some new configuration objects or configuration items for making settings related to services. These can be found in the configuration environment of the system (e.g. Central Business Configuration (CBC)). In addition to this: with this release, some changes have been made to some previously delivered configuration objects or configuration items, so be sure to check the What's New information (or similar) for release 2402, if you were using an older release of the system, where configurable services were used in service contracts.

Business Roles for Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU)

Business Roles

Business roleBusiness role ID as delivered by SAP
Customer Service ManagerSAP_BR_CUSTOMER_SRVC_MGR
Configuration Expert - Business Process ConfigurationSAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT

The table above provides an overview of all the standard business roles that are used in Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU).


This information is based on the test script for scope item Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU), which can be found on and downloaded using the SAP Signavio Process Navigator. Use URL and choose Solution Process. You can now see a list of all available solution processes.

These roles can be used as a template to create your own business roles for your business users working with Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU).

Simulation of the Main Process Steps for Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU)

You can use the following simulations to work your way through the main process steps for Service Contract Management with Advanced Variant Configuration (6GU):

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