Performing Provisioning


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explain how to provision SAP systems with a configured SAP Landscape Management and how to work with templates.


SAP Landscape Management helps you to automate complex provisioning activities such as system clone, copy, refresh, or rename.

SAP Landscape Management supports the following use cases:

Supported Use Cases

Use CaseDescription
Clone SystemCreate a duplicate of an existing system with an identical system ID. To avoid conflicts with the original system, the cloned system is isolated from the rest of the landscape.
Copy a Tenant DatabaseYou copy a tenant database from one SAP HANA system to another. The new copied tenant database runs as a separate, independent database.
Copy SystemCreate a duplicate of an existing system with a different host name and a unique system ID.
Refresh SystemOverwrite an existing target system with the latest data from a source system while maintaining the configuration.
Refresh DatabaseRefresh a database to keep the configuration settings of your application instances such as central instance (CI), dialog instance (DI), and so on.
Refresh a Tenant DatabaseLeveraging SAP HANA System Replication (HSR) functionally to refresh a tenant database by setting up HSR to copy the data.
Restore-based RefreshPerform a restore-based refresh for a system with SAP HANA databases using a complete database backup from the source system.
Rename SystemChange system ID, host names, instance numbers, and mount points from the source system to the target system.
Standalone PCACarry out several configuration steps on a system, which was not provisioned by SAP Landscape Management.
Provision Application ServersInstall and uninstall the application server.
Provision Diagnostics AgentsInstall and uninstall diagnostic agents.
Configure System ReplicationConfigure or destroy SAP HANA system replication tiers.
Provisioning BlueprintsSave configured provisioning procedures as provisioning blueprints. You can then parameterize and execute provisioning blueprints without navigating through a provisioning workflow.

System Provisioning, Features

The features of system provisioning are as follows:

  • All possible system provisioning options are available via ProvisioningSystem and AS.

  • Virtual Host provisioning is possible via ProvisioningVirtual Host.

  • Provisioning options for system provisioning have to be enabled explicitly in the system configuration, as outlined in the previous figure.

The general prerequisites for provisioning are as follows:

  • No validation issues in SAP Landscape Management with the hosts, systems, and instances that you want to use

  • No alerts on the instances that you want to use

  • You can log on to the source system

  • Comply with all prerequisites described in SAP Note 1709155 - System Provisioning with SAP Landscape Virtualization Management

  • The system can be used for cloning — the initial entities and provisioning setup procedure are configured

  • Configured repository

Facts about Storage-Based Provisioning:

  • The source system must be installed on a shared storage system.

  • The target resource must match all prerequisites for a relocation of adaptively installed systems.

  • The corresponding storage manager is configured.

Facts about Virtualization-Based Provisioning:

  • The system to be cloned must be installed into a VM that is managed by a virtualization provider.

  • The VM itself must be registered with SAP Landscape Management.

  • The corresponding virtualization provider is registered with SAP Landscape Management and supports VM cloning.

The following are additional prerequisites for SAP HANA systems:

  • The SAP HANA systems and ABAP on SAP HANA systems are adaptively installed and configured.

  • You can use a compatible version of the SAP HANA lifecycle management tool (hdblcm) with used revision.

  • The version of the ABAP kernel is compatible with the SAP HANA version.

  • A compatible SAP HANA 1.0 (or higher) client with the SAP HANA system is installed on the host where the SAP ABAP application servers are running.

  • For SAP HANA single-node standalone systems and ABAP based application systems on SAP HANA single-node, you need at least SAP Host Agent 7.20 SP 191 or above.

  • For SAP HANA multi-node systems, you need the latest SAP Host Agent 7.21.

  • Comply with all prerequisites described in SAP Note 2050537 - Support for SAP HANA in SAP Landscape Management.

  • The SAP Host Agent must be able to write to the operations.d subfolder.

    If this is not possible, because it is a mounted NFS share, extract the latest patch of the SAPACEXT.SAR as per SAP Note 1759181 – Information into this share.

The following are additional prerequisites for SAP HANA Multi-tenant Database Containers (MDC):

Comply with all prerequisites described in the Operations Guide for SAP HANA Multi-tenant Database Containers.

Clone System

You can create an identical clone of the source system with the following features:

  • Same SID.

  • Isolated from the rest of landscape.

The following approaches are available for cloning:

  • Storage-based cloning.

  • Virtualization-based cloning.

  • Custom cloning.

Clone System (Storage Based)

Copy System

The figure, Copy System, shows some of the required screens in the system, required for the system copy.

You can create a copy of an existing source system with the following features:

  • Different SID.

  • Different hostname.

The system copy consists of the following:

  • Clone source system.

  • Rename cloned system.

  • Post-copy automation.

Performing Provisioning: Copy System (Storage Based)

Performing Provisioning: Copy System (VM Based)

Refresh System

Facts about refresh system:

  • With a refresh, you can overwrite an existing target system with the latest data from a source system while maintaining the configuration.

  • For ABAP systems, the following occurs:

    • SAP Landscape Management exports the target system tables that contain configuration information before starting the system refresh. This prevents it from overwriting the target system configuration.

    • After the system refresh has finished, SAP Landscape Management imports the configuration information into the target system.

  • For Java systems, the following occurs:

    • Use the Java post-copy configuration wizard to export target system tables that contain configuration information before starting the system refresh. This prevents it from overwriting the target system configuration.

    • After the system refresh has finished, you can use the Java post-copy wizard to import the configuration information into the target system.

Refresh your system with current data of your Prod system, for example.

The system refresh consists of the following:

  • Export configuration data of target system.

  • Refresh of target system.

  • Import of configuration data.

Performing Provisioning: Refresh System (Storage Based)

Refresh Database

Facts about refresh database:

  • You can refresh a database to keep the configuration settings of your application instances, such as central instance (CI), dialog instance (DI), and so on.

  • For storage based systems, the following occurs:

    • Mount points containing the database logs, data, and software are only configured for the database instance and must not be shared with any other instances of the system.

    • Install the database client software on a separate volume if it is needed by the SAP application servers.

  • For virtualization based systems, the database is installed on a separate virtual machine.

Refresh a database to keep the configuration settings of your application instances such as central instance (CI) and dialog instance (DI).

A system refresh consists of the following:

  • Export configuration data of target system.

  • Refresh of target system.

  • Import of configuration data.

The following are examples for refreshing a database:

  • Storage-based.

  • Custom provisioning.

Performing Provisioning: Refresh Database (Storage Based)

The figure, Performing Provisioning: Refresh Database (Storage Based), shows an example of a system provisioning, following the formula: Refresh database (storage based) = export + system copy + import

Note that for a storage-based refresh database, the functionality can vary according to SAP partner integration.

Restore-Based Refresh (SAP HANA Only)

Facts about Restore-Based Refresh (SAP HANA Only):

  • You can perform a restore-based refresh for a system with SAP HANA databases using a complete database backup from the source system.

  • For storage based systems, the following applies:

    • Mount points containing the database logs, data, and software are only configured for the database instance and must not be shared with any other instances of the system.

    • Install the database client software on a separate volume if it is needed by the SAP application servers

  • For virtualization-based systems, the database is installed on a separate virtual machine.

  • You can refresh the SAP HANA database of the system but keep the configuration settings of your application instances such as central instance (CI), dialog instance (DI), and so on.

Refresh the SAP HANA database of the system, but keep the configuration settings of your application instances such as central instance (CI), dialog instance (DI), and so on.

The prerequisite is a backup share. For example, an NFS share is configured on the source system, and you can mount it on the target system.

Performing Provisioning: Restore-Based Refresh (SAP HANA Only)

Operations for Storage Cloning

To replace or add additional custom provider implementation definitions to the storage or rename step during system provisioning, you can configure custom provisioning processes.

You can replace the following operations for storage cloning on the source or target system:

Operations for Storage Cloning

Prepare clone volumesUseful for operations that have to be performed before the physical cloning and do not require database consistency.
Clone volumesYou can use the SAP Landscape Management consistency, if you configure a replacement for this operation for the source database. It is only available for storage cloning on the target system.
Restore backupIt is only available for storage cloning on the target system.
Post clone volumesUseful for operations that have to be performed after the physical cloning and do not require database consistency.
Restore backup after prepareExecuted after the prepare step. The prepare step mounts file systems and virtual host names if configured in SAP Landscape Management. It is only available for storage cloning on the target system.
Finalize clone volumesThese steps are executed in the background. Example Split mirror if the clone file system can be mounted and accessed.

Refresh System * Custom Cloning

You can perform the following:

  • Create a provider implementation definition, for example, a script registered with host agent.

  • Create a custom provisioning process and replace the corresponding step.

Performing Provisioning: Refresh System * Custom Cloning

Rename a System

You can rename a system to change the system ID, host names, instance numbers, and mount points from the source system to the target system. The following applies:

  • You can rename cloned or copied systems only.

  • After renaming, your source system is no longer available.

  • It manages the renaming of mount points.

Provision Application Servers

SAP Landscape Management enables you to install or uninstall application servers via predefined roadmap steps.

SAP Landscape Management automatically adds the new installed application server to the corresponding system.

Provision Diagnostics Agents

The Diagnostics Agent is a central component of the SAP Solution Manager system landscape and the remote component of end-to-end root cause analysis.

SAP Landscape Management enables you to install or uninstall Diagnostic Agents via predefined roadmap steps.

Standalone Post-Copy Automation

You can execute post-copy automation (PCA) standalone to carry out several configuration steps on a system, which was not provisioned by SAP Landscape Management.

You can use post-copy automation for the use cases shown in the previous figure.

Standalone Post-Copy Automation

Use CaseDescription
Task List Execution
  • Carry out several cleanup and configuration steps on the target system after a homogeneous or heterogeneous system copy has finished.

  • Data cleanup is required to delete the content of tables that contain source system information in the target system. This prevents the target system from interfering with the source system and other connected systems.

  • Use post-copy automation to run the required cleanup and configuration steps automatically.

  • Prevent overwriting the target system configuration with exporting the target system tables that contain configuration information before you start the system refresh.

  • Use post-copy automation to run the required export steps automatically.

  • Import the exported configuration information again into the target system after the system refresh has finished.

  • Use post-copy automation to run the required import steps automatically.

Configure System Replication

SAP Landscape Management supports several SAP HANA-specific operations. System replication is a mechanism for ensuring the high availability of your SAP HANA system, as follows:

  • The continuous replication of data from a primary to a secondary system, including in-memory loading, system replication, facilitates rapid failover in the event of a disaster.

  • Productive operations can be resumed with minimal downtime.

  • SAP HANA system replication is a prerequisite for SAP HANA operations such as nZDM or takeovers.

Provisioning blueprints represent system provisioning processes in XML format:

  • If required, SAP Landscape Management creates this XML file at the end of each system provisioning process.

  • The XML file encloses all operations and the corresponding properties of the system provisioning process in the <step> tag.

  • Input parameters are specific for one system provisioning process and must not be identical for further system provisioning processes.

  • When executing a provisioning blueprint, the monitoring screen appears where you can view all steps that are involved in the process.

  • For example, create blueprints, if you regularly copy your PROD to create a TST system with specific SID.

The figure, Provisioning Blueprints, shows the use of provisioning blueprints in UI5.

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