Customization Options: General Information
It is possible to extend the existing SAP Landscape Management operations and functions to manage your own on-premise SAP system landscape.
This enables you to create your own processes, for example, custom processes or custom cloning.
Custom hooks that enhance SAP operations with its own functionality.
Custom process that combine SAP and its own functionality to complex end-to-end processes.
Custom operations that execute your own functionality using SAP Landscape Management.
Custom cloning that is a Bring your own replication technology for SAP system provisioning.
SAP Landscape Management Extensions
See the table, SAP Landscape Management, Extensions, for possible extensions.
SAP Landscape Management, Extensions
Extension | Description |
Custom hooks | Custom specific functionalities to extend predefined actions, for example, run cleanipc each time you stop a system. |
Custom operations | Custom specific action buttons to define your own operations, for example, create restart HostAgent operation. |
Custom notifications | Custom specific definitions, when you want to receive a notification, for example, receive message for failed activities. |
Custom processes | Custom specific process chains, to combine operations, for example, change profile parameter and restart the instance. |
Custom provisioning | Custom specific process for system provisioning, for example, backup/restore via script. |
Menu Items | Custom specific tabs to access further tools and home pages within SAP Landscape Management, for example, including SAP help into SAP Landscape Management. |
Links | Custom specific external applications can be called via custom links, for example, call NWA from SAP Landscape Management. |
Custom properties | Custom specific properties like username of custom instances, for example, username. |
Custom instances | Custom specific non SAP applications can be added, for example, add mail server to SAP Landscape Management. |
Custom dependencies | Custom specific dependencies between systems, for example, start system x before system y. |
Customization Options: Custom Hooks
You use custom hooks so that you can invoke a provider implementation definition implicitly for instances or virtual hosts, for example, if you want to run cleanpic each time you stop a system via SAP Landscape Management.
Custom hooks are defined at Automation Studio → Custom Hooks.
Preliminary element is a Custom Provider Implementation, which is defined as hook.
Different options such as, start, stop, and many more are possible.
Add constraints to limit its execution for specific systems, OS/DB combinations, and so on.
For each hook, you have to decide, which operation is the trigger of the hook and define the hook type.
These are possible Hook Types:
Custom Hook Options
Hook Type | Description |
Pre hook | Custom hook is executed before the operation. |
Post hook | Custom hook is executed after the operation. |
Error hook | Custom hook is executed after the operation. |
Replacement hook | Custom hook is executed instead of the operation. |
You use custom hooks so that you can invoke a provider implementation definition implicitly for instances or virtual hosts, for example, you want to run cleanipc each time you stop a system via SAP Landscape Management:
Preliminary element is a Custom Provider Implementation, which is defined as a Hook.
Different operations like start, stop and many more are possible.
Add constraints to limit its execution for specific systems, OS/DB combinations, etc..
The figure, Custom Hooks, shows the screen, with which custom hooks can be maintained.
For each hook you have to decide, which operation is the trigger of the hook and define the hook type:
Operation Types
Type of Operation | Description |
Start | Starts the instance. |
Prepare | Binds virtual host names of the instance to network interfaces and mounts remote memory locations to the local file system. |
ABAP post copy automation | Executes a task list for ABAP PCA. |
Application server installation | Installs an SAP application server using the software provisioning manager. |
HANA Lifecycle Management | Calls hdblcm to rename SAP HANA instances. |
Customization Options: Custom Operations
You use custom operations to create your own action buttons within SAP Landscape Management, for example, restart HostAgent:
Preliminary element is a Custom Provider Implementation.
For each custom operation, you have to define details like required permissions in SAP Landscape Management and constraints.
You can define your own parameters, which are necessary for your custom operation (for example, change profile parameter).
Custom operations are available in UI5 and also in WebDynpro.
The figure, Custom Operations, shows screen, in which custom operations can be maintained.
Customization Options: Custom Notifications
You configure custom notifications to implicitly invoke a provider implementation for an entity type if a notification event occurs:
Preliminary element is a custom provider implementation.
For each Custom Notification, you have to define several details.
Activate custom notification in the system configuration settings.
The figure, Custom Notifications, shows screens, in which custom notifications can be maintained.
Customization Options: Custom Processes
You create custom processes where you combine operations available for execution as per your needs, for example, for changing the profile parameter and to restart the instance.
Execute these custom processes on all entities that fulfill the constraints defined for the custom process.
The figure, Custom Processes, show the screen, in which custom processes can be maintained.
Customization Options: Custom Provisioning Processes
To replace or add additional custom provider implementation definitions to the storage or rename step during system provisioning, you configure custom provisioning processes.
You use custom provisioning processes
to use already existing restore scripts for system refreshes.
Not all prerequisites for the standard provisioning processes are fulfilled.
The standard behavior is not suitable for your requirements.
Preliminary element is a custom provider implementation. It is important to select the Provisioning Replacement checkbox.
The figure, Custom Provisioning Processes, shows the screen, in which custom provisioning processes can be maintained.
Customization Options: Menu Items and Links
You create and provision Menu Items (Custom Navigation Pane Entries), to view external applications or files within the SAP Landscape Management application.
You configure custom links to launch external applications, for example, SAP NetWeaver Administrator or SAP Logon, from SAP Landscape Management.
The figure, Menu Items and Links, shows the screens, in which menu items and links can be maintained.
Customization Options: Custom Properties
You configure custom properties to centralize configurable and secure properties within SAP Landscape Management.
Custom properties are passed to any of the following:
Custom provisioning process.
Custom operation.
Custom hook executed on an instance or host.
For example, custom properties for users or password data, which are used by scripts to connect to central components.
The figure, Custom Properties, shows the screen, in which custom properties can be maintained.
Customization Options: Custom Instance
You integrate non SAP systems into SAP Landscape Management by configuring custom instances.
To manage custom instances, such as a mail server within SAP Landscape Management, you configure SAP Host Agent registered scripts.
The figure, Custom Instance, shows the screen, in which custom instances can be maintained.
Customization Options: Custom Dependencies
For custom instances and databases of type other database, you are able to configure custom dependencies.
Internal dependencies are still in place. Ensure that your custom dependencies do not interfere with the internal dependencies.
The figure, Custom Dependencies, shows the screen, in which custom dependencies can be maintained.