Using the SAP Automation Studio


After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain how to adapt SAP Landscape Management to individual infrastructure requirements

Customization Options

Customization Options: General Information

It is possible to extend the existing SAP Landscape Management operations and functions to manage your own on-premise SAP system landscape.

This enables you to create your own processes, for example, custom processes or custom cloning.

  • Custom hooks that enhance SAP operations with its own functionality.

  • Custom process that combine SAP and its own functionality to complex end-to-end processes.

  • Custom operations that execute your own functionality using SAP Landscape Management.

  • Custom cloning that is a Bring your own replication technology for SAP system provisioning.

SAP Landscape Management Extensions

See the table, SAP Landscape Management, Extensions, for possible extensions.

SAP Landscape Management, Extensions

Custom hooksCustom specific functionalities to extend predefined actions, for example, run cleanipc each time you stop a system.
Custom operationsCustom specific action buttons to define your own operations, for example, create restart HostAgent operation.
Custom notificationsCustom specific definitions, when you want to receive a notification, for example, receive message for failed activities.
Custom processesCustom specific process chains, to combine operations, for example, change profile parameter and restart the instance.
Custom provisioningCustom specific process for system provisioning, for example, backup/restore via script.
Menu ItemsCustom specific tabs to access further tools and home pages within SAP Landscape Management, for example, including SAP help into SAP Landscape Management.
LinksCustom specific external applications can be called via custom links, for example, call NWA from SAP Landscape Management.
Custom propertiesCustom specific properties like username of custom instances, for example, username.
Custom instancesCustom specific non SAP applications can be added, for example, add mail server to SAP Landscape Management.
Custom dependenciesCustom specific dependencies between systems, for example, start system x before system y.

Customization Options: Custom Hooks

You use custom hooks so that you can invoke a provider implementation definition implicitly for instances or virtual hosts, for example, if you want to run cleanpic each time you stop a system via SAP Landscape Management.

Custom hooks are defined at Automation StudioCustom Hooks.

Preliminary element is a Custom Provider Implementation, which is defined as hook.

Different options such as, start, stop, and many more are possible.

Add constraints to limit its execution for specific systems, OS/DB combinations, and so on.

For each hook, you have to decide, which operation is the trigger of the hook and define the hook type.

These are possible Hook Types:

Custom Hook Options

Hook TypeDescription
Pre hookCustom hook is executed before the operation.
Post hookCustom hook is executed after the operation.
Error hookCustom hook is executed after the operation.
Replacement hookCustom hook is executed instead of the operation.

You use custom hooks so that you can invoke a provider implementation definition implicitly for instances or virtual hosts, for example, you want to run cleanipc each time you stop a system via SAP Landscape Management:

  • Preliminary element is a Custom Provider Implementation, which is defined as a Hook.

  • Different operations like start, stop and many more are possible.

  • Add constraints to limit its execution for specific systems, OS/DB combinations, etc..

The figure, Custom Hooks, shows the screen, with which custom hooks can be maintained.

For each hook you have to decide, which operation is the trigger of the hook and define the hook type:

Operation Types

Type of OperationDescription
StartStarts the instance.
PrepareBinds virtual host names of the instance to network interfaces and mounts remote memory locations to the local file system.
ABAP post copy automationExecutes a task list for ABAP PCA.
Application server installationInstalls an SAP application server using the software provisioning manager.
HANA Lifecycle ManagementCalls hdblcm to rename SAP HANA instances.

Customization Options: Custom Operations

You use custom operations to create your own action buttons within SAP Landscape Management, for example, restart HostAgent:

  • Preliminary element is a Custom Provider Implementation.

  • For each custom operation, you have to define details like required permissions in SAP Landscape Management and constraints.

  • You can define your own parameters, which are necessary for your custom operation (for example, change profile parameter).

  • Custom operations are available in UI5 and also in WebDynpro.

The figure, Custom Operations, shows screen, in which custom operations can be maintained.

Customization Options: Custom Notifications

You configure custom notifications to implicitly invoke a provider implementation for an entity type if a notification event occurs:

  • Preliminary element is a custom provider implementation.

  • For each Custom Notification, you have to define several details.

  • Activate custom notification in the system configuration settings.

The figure, Custom Notifications, shows screens, in which custom notifications can be maintained.

Customization Options: Custom Processes

You create custom processes where you combine operations available for execution as per your needs, for example, for changing the profile parameter and to restart the instance.

Execute these custom processes on all entities that fulfill the constraints defined for the custom process.

The figure, Custom Processes, show the screen, in which custom processes can be maintained.

Customization Options: Custom Provisioning Processes

To replace or add additional custom provider implementation definitions to the storage or rename step during system provisioning, you configure custom provisioning processes.

You use custom provisioning processes

  • to use already existing restore scripts for system refreshes.

  • Not all prerequisites for the standard provisioning processes are fulfilled.

  • The standard behavior is not suitable for your requirements.

Preliminary element is a custom provider implementation. It is important to select the Provisioning Replacement checkbox.

The figure, Custom Provisioning Processes, shows the screen, in which custom provisioning processes can be maintained.

Customization Options: Menu Items and Links

You create and provision Menu Items (Custom Navigation Pane Entries), to view external applications or files within the SAP Landscape Management application.

You configure custom links to launch external applications, for example, SAP NetWeaver Administrator or SAP Logon, from SAP Landscape Management.

The figure, Menu Items and Links, shows the screens, in which menu items and links can be maintained.

Customization Options: Custom Properties

You configure custom properties to centralize configurable and secure properties within SAP Landscape Management.

Custom properties are passed to any of the following:

  • Custom provisioning process.

  • Custom operation.

  • Custom hook executed on an instance or host.

For example, custom properties for users or password data, which are used by scripts to connect to central components.

The figure, Custom Properties, shows the screen, in which custom properties can be maintained.

Customization Options: Custom Instance

You integrate non SAP systems into SAP Landscape Management by configuring custom instances.

To manage custom instances, such as a mail server within SAP Landscape Management, you configure SAP Host Agent registered scripts.

The figure, Custom Instance, shows the screen, in which custom instances can be maintained.

Customization Options: Custom Dependencies

For custom instances and databases of type other database, you are able to configure custom dependencies.

Internal dependencies are still in place. Ensure that your custom dependencies do not interfere with the internal dependencies.

The figure, Custom Dependencies, shows the screen, in which custom dependencies can be maintained.

Customization Options, Details

Provider Implementation Definition

You provide the definitions of your existing provider implementations to enable the functionality for custom operations, custom hooks, custom notifications, or the custom provisioning process.

Provider implementation definitions are as follows:

  • Preliminary element for custom hooks, customer operations, and so on.

  • Provider implementation definition specifies what is executed and where it is executed.

The following table shows the available types of provider implementation definitions.

Provider Implementation Definitions

SAP host agent registered scriptsA script that is registered on and executed by SAP host agent.
HTTP post serviceA servlet or similar that is called directly by SAP Landscape Management.
Web serviceA web service (server-side) that implements the WSDL defined by SAP Landscape Management.
Remote function callAn ABAP function module that is called and executed by SAP Landscape Management.
Confirmation actionA text that appears for user confirmation.

Provider Implementation Definition - SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts

SAP Host Agent executes user-defined scripts within SAP Landscape Management on all managed hosts with a registered configuration file.

The configuration file is stored in the operations.d folder within SAP Host Agents exe/ folder(for example, /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d). The configuration file specifies how to execute your script and which parameters it needs to work.

Your scripts are referenced from the configuration files and can be placed anywhere.

Ensure that the configuration file and the script are available on all resources, where the corresponding custom operations, custom hooks, or custom notification should be executable.

The figure, Configuration File, Example, shows an example of a configuration file.

To create SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Automation StudioProvider Implementation Definitions.

  2. Choose Script Registered with Host Agent for the field Type.

  3. In the Retrieve Registered Scripts from Host field, enter the host name to retrieve the registered scripts.

  4. Choose the required script.

  5. Define both the Provider Implementation Usage and Options.

  6. You can also add custom parameters, which need to be provided, when calling the script (for example, timestamp of backup).

The figure, SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts, shows the screen to configure SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts.

Provider Implementation Definition - HTTP Post

You configure an HTTP Post provider that executes an HTTP Post call to a specified URL. The URL is filled with context parameters specific to the entity type that currently has the focus in SAP Landscape Management.

SAP Landscape Management software calls a specified URL and passes the parameters as POST parameters. The call is a synchronous call.

The service provider implementation can provide a text/plain MIME type response that is recorded in the operations log.

Choose Automation StudioDesignCustom Operations, Hooks and NotificationsProvider Implementation Definitions.

In this step, provide the information contained in the following table:


NameEnter the name of the provider implementation definition.
TypeChoose the implementation definition type HTTP POST.
URLEnter the URL of the provider implementation definition.
User NameEnter the user name and password for testing the connection. If you have specified a user name or password, SAP Landscape Management uses the basic authentication method.

Define what your provider implementation can be used for as illustrated in the figure, Provider Implementation Usage – HTTP Post.

The figure, Provider Implementation Usage – HTTP Post, shows the screen, in which the provider implementation usage is maintained.

Provider Implementation Definition - Web Service

You use a predefined Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file to provide a web service interface for custom operations and custom notifications.

Choose Automation StudioCustom Operations, Hooks and NotificationsWeb Service.

In this step, provide the information contained in the following table:

Web Service

NameEnter the name of the provider implementation definition.
TypeChoose the implementation definition type Web Service and provide the corresponding details.
URLEnter the URL of the provider implementation definition.
User NameEnter the user name and password for testing the connection. If you have specified a user name or password, SAP Landscape Management uses the basic authentication method.

Choose Download WDSL.

Provider Implementation Definition - Web Service

Define what your provider implementation should be used for, for example, Instance Operation, Instance Hook).

You can also add custom parameters. These parameters are presented to and prompted from the user executing the operation or the provisioning process.

The figure, Provider Implementation Usage — Web Service, shows the screen, in which the web services of the provider implementation usage is maintained.

Provider Implementation Definition - Remote Function Call

You configure a provider implementation definition of type remote function call to use an ABAP function module as provider implementation definition.

Use an existing ABAP module or an ABAP function module you have created.

Choose Automation StudioProvider Implementation Definitions.

Choose Remote function call for the field Type.

Provide the information contained in the table, Remote Function Call:

Remote Function Call

NameEnter the name of the provider implementation definition.
TypeSelect the type Remote Function Call.
URLEnter the name of the ABAP function module.
User NameTo execute the operation on the central system only, select this checkbox and the central system.

Define what your provider implementation can be used for (for example, Instance Operation).

Provider Implementation Definition - Remote Function Call

To retrieve the custom input and output parameters, select the system in the Retrieve Parameters from Function Module.

Choose Retrieve Custom Parameters. Import parameters are added as custom parameters. Export parameters and table parameters are added as output parameters.

See the figure, Lock User, for an example of an RFC use case where a lock user in a SAP system is triggered by SAP Landscape Management.

The figure, Lock User, shows the screen, in which the RFC is configured.

Provider Implementation Definition - Confirmation Action

If manual tasks are necessary during a process, you can configure confirmation actions.

The SAP Landscape Management process waits for user confirmation until it proceeds with further steps. You can define a customizable confirmation text. For example if you want to use the predefined steps of a system refresh, but want to do the restore of DB manually.

Choose Automation StudioProvider Implementation Definitions.

Choose Confirm Action for the Type field.

The figure, Configure Confirmation Action, shows the steps to configure an action.

Provider Implementation Definition - Confirmation Action

At least one of the buttons in the table, Confirmation Action, need to be used:

Confirmation Action

Has OK ButtonThis checkbox is selected by default and renders an OK button on the confirmation action dialog box configured. If you choose the button, the CONF_RESP_OKAY parameter is set to true.
Has Cancel ButtonThis checkbox is selected by default and renders a Cancel button on the dialog box configured. If you choose the button, the process will be canceled.
Has Skip ButtonRenders a Skip button on the dialog box configured. If you choose the button, the CONF_RESP_SKIPPED parameter is set to true. Direct custom successors will also be skipped.
Has Yes ButtonRenders a Yes button on the dialog box configured. If you choose the button, the CONF_RESP_YES parameter is set to true.
Has No ButtonRenders a No button on the dialog box configured. If you choose the button, the CONF_RESP_NO parameter is set to true.
Has Input FieldRenders an input field on the dialog box configured. The CONF_RESP_TEXT parameter contains the input entered.

Custom Operations

You use custom operations in order to create your own action buttons within SAP Landscape Management, for example, restart HostAgent.

The preliminary element is a custom provider implementation.

Custom operations are defined at Automation StudioDesignCustom Operations, Hooks and Notifications and the Custom Operations tab.

For each custom operation, you have to define details such as, required permissions or constraints.

The figure, Custom Operations Details, shows the screen to configure custom operations.

Custom Operations

Custom operations are available in UI5.

It is a safe way to grant SAP Basis Administrator access to defined OS commands.

The figure, Operations, shows the screens in which operations are configured.

Order of Custom Operations and Hooks

You order custom operations and hooks to define the sequence of the custom hook execution and to define the order of the shown operation buttons in the user interface.

Prerequisites are configured custom operations and/or hooks.

Choose Automation StudioCustom Operations.

Let’s assume that you want to change the order of operations buttons shown in the instance menu. Use the up and down button to adjust the order.

The figure, Custom Operations Order, shows steps to configure custom operations and hooks.


Custom_Operation1 is not shown in Instance Details because its entity type is Host.

Custom Notifications

You configure custom notifications to implicitly invoke a provider implementation for an entity type if a notification event occurs.

The preliminary element is a custom provider implementation with provider implementation usage "Notification".

For each custom notification you have to define several details, for example, for which type the notification should be activated.

Activate custom notifications in the system configuration and in SetupSettingsNotifications.

The figure, Configure Custom Notifications, shows the screens to configure custom notifications.

To configure Custom Notifications

Choose Automation StudioDesignCustom Operations, Hooks and Notifications and the Notifications tab.

Choose Add and enter the information provided in the table, Notifications:


NameEnter the custom notification name
Definition NameChoose the name of the corresponding implementation definiton.
Enable Custom NotificationChoose the following notification on which this custom notification can be executed:
  • Validations
  • Activities
  • Scheduling

You create custom processes where you combine operations available for execution as per your needs, for example, for changing profile parameter and restart the instance.

Execute these custom processes on all entities that fulfill the constraints that are defined for the custom process.

Define the custom process via Automation StudioOrchestrateCustom Process and use the + button to add a new custom process.

The figure, Custom Process, shows the screen to configure a custom process.

Define your custom process with your operations and constraints and choose Save.

Custom Processes

The figure, Define Custom Process, shows the configuration screen for configuring custom processes.

Custom Processes, Execution

Execute your custom process in Operations and MaintenanceOperations either Systems, Instances, or Hosts depending on your entity type.

Later on, you can edit, copy, or delete your custom processes.

The figure, Execute Custom Processes, shows the screen to execute custom Processes.

Custom Provisioning Processes

To replace or add additional custom provider implementation definitions to the storage or rename a step during system provisioning, you configure custom provisioning processes.

You use custom provisioning processes to use already existing restore scripts for system refreshes. Not all prerequisites for the standard provisioning processes are fulfilled. The standard behavior is not suitable for your requirements.

The preliminary element is a custom provider implementation. It is important to select the Provisioning Replacement checkbox.

The figure, Provisioning Replacement Checkbox, shows the position of the provisioning replacement checkbox in the relevant configuration screen.

Custom Provisioning Processes

You can replace the operations shown in the table, Replace Operations, for storage cloning on the source or target system:

Replace Operations

Prepare clone volumesUseful for operations which have to be performed before the physical cloning and do not require database consistency.
Clone volumesYou can use the SAP Landscape Management consistency, if you configure a replacement for this operation for the source database. Only available for storage cloning on the target system.
Restore backupOnly available for storage cloning on the target system.
Post clone volumesUseful for operations which have to be performed after the physical cloning and do not require database consistency.
Restore backup after prepareExecuted after the prepare step. The prepare step mounts file systems and virtual host names if configured in SAP Landscape Management. Only available for storage cloning on the target system.
Finalize clone volumesThese steps are executed in the background. Example Split mirror if clone file system can be mounted and accessed.

Create a new Custom Provisioning Process via Automation StudioDesignCustom Provisioning Process.

Choose the step you want to replace, for example, Restore Backup (Target System).

Choose Add and a new row appears below the chosen step.

Choose the created custom provider implementation that replaces the step.

Choose the instance type for which the replacement is valid (for example, System database) and choose Save.

The figure, System Database, shows the configuration screen of the System Database.

Note the following in regard to storage cloning replacements:

  • Replacements have to copy the relevant data of the instances to the target hosts.

  • Data consistency has to be ensured by the custom operation replacements.

  • Standard step is not executed if at least one custom operation replacement is configured for the storage clone step.

  • If the software provisioning manager is used for the database, the custom operation replacement has to create the database description files.

Note the following in regard to system renaming replacements:

  • Replacements have to recover, rename, and register the instances.

  • SAP Landscape Management executes the software provisioning manager for all not assigned instances.

Customization Options, Details

You create and provision custom tabs (Custom Navigation Pane Entries), to view external applications or files within the SAP Landscape Management application.

Custom tabs allow you to minimize the number of browser windows that you need to navigate for reference while performing operations in SAP Landscape Management. This simplifies the working experience with SAP Landscape Management.

Choose UI CustomizationMenu Items.

The table below shows possible entry types in the custom navigation pane:

Custom Navigation Pane Entry Types

Custom Navigation Pane Entry TypeURL
Link<Enter> https://<full path of the location>
Relative links<Enter> /<relative path of the location>
Shared folders<Enter> ftp://<full path of the location>

Customization Options, Details

Provide the following information to define a custom tab:

Custom Tab Definitions

NameEnter the name of the custom tab you want to create in SAP Landscape Management.
URLSpecify a fully qualified URL or a shared location.
DescriptionEnter a description which will be shown as a tool tip for the tab in SAP Landscape Management.
Target screenSelect the target section under which the custom tab will be added from the dropdown list.
Enable custom tabsSelect this checkbox to view the custom tab in the specified target section.
Externally providedThis checkbox indicates that this custom tab is provided by a storage or virtualization manager and not created by the user. Externally provided custom tabs can't be removed. If you delete your storage or virtualization manager configuration, the corresponding custom tabs are removed.
External providerThis field is only visible, if the custom navigation pane entry is externally provided. It displays which storage or virtualization manager provided this custom navigation pane entry.

Customization Options, Details about custom entries

You can specify the SAP Landscape Management section under which you want the custom entry to be available.

The figure, SAP Menu Items, shows the steps to configure the section in SAP Landscape Management under which you want the custom entry to be available

Customization Options, Details about launching external applications

You configure custom links to launch external applications, for example, SAP NetWeaver Administrator (SAP NWA) or SAP Logon, from SAP Landscape Management.

Choose Automation StudioDesignCustom Links.

Use placeholders to create generic custom links, for example, to call SAP NWA independent of virtual host name and instance number http:// <hostVirt>:5<instanceno>00 /nwa

If necessary, define constraints.

Provide the following information to create a custom link:

Create Custom Link

NameEnter the name of the application that you want to view from SAP Landscape Management.
Entity typeChoose Host or Instance, so that you can launch the application from the respective screen.
URLEnter the URL of the application.

Customization Options, Details about the starting place of custom links

Either call your custom links from UI5 or WebDynpro.

The figure, UI Customization Links, shows the different development tools, which can be used to configure the starting place of custom links.

Customization Options, Details

You configure custom properties to centralize configurable and secure properties within SAP Landscape Management.

Custom properties are passed to any of the following:

  • Custom provisioning process

  • Custom operation

  • Custom hook executed on an instance or host

Choose UI CustomizationMenu Items.

Provide the following information:

Custom Properties

Property NameEnter a name for the property. The entered name is available to the custom operations and custom hooks with the prefix PROP-<Property Name>
Property ValueEnter the value of the property.
SecureTo store the values in the secure store, select the checkbox. The values are not visible in the SAP Landscape Management logs.

Customization Options, Details

Configured custom properties for instances, systems, hosts, pools, or pool containers with the same property name, overwrite the general property values.

For custom instances, these parameters are also passed to the start, stop, attach, and detach operations.

The figure, Custom Properties – Global and Instance, shows the place in automation studio to configure custom properties for instances, systems, hosts, pools, or pool containers.

Customization Options, Details about integrating non SAP systems

You integrate non SAP systems into SAP Landscape Management by configuring custom instances.

To manage custom instances, such as a mail server within SAP Landscape Management, you configure SAP Host Agent registered scripts.

See SAP Note: 1396981 - SAP Landscape Virtualization Management - Custom Instance Configuration.

The figure, Custom Instance, shows the place to assign non SAP systems.

Customization Options, Details

For custom instances and databases of type other database, you are able to configure custom dependencies.

Choose ConfigurationSystems.

Internal dependencies are still in place. Ensure that your custom dependencies do not interfere with the internal dependencies.

Select the custom instance or other database.

Provide the following information:

Custom Dependencies

Dependency typeSelect one of the following options:
  • Start before

    The instance will be started before the selected instance and will be stopped after the selected instance.

  • Start after

    The instance will be started after the selected instance and will be stopped before the selected instance.

Instance nameChoose the instance name

The figure, Customization Options, Details, shows the screen to configure custom dependencies.

Perform Customization

Business Scenario

SAP Landscape Management operations and functions can be extended to fit to your needs. This includes creating your own hooks, which will enhance existing operations with your own functionality, and creating your own custom processes to combine SAP and your own functionality into one E2E process. If the provided system provisioning options are not suitable for you, you can create your own provisioning process to use: For example, restore scripts. You can also display external content with Custom Navigation Pane entries.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Start the exercise. From the entry screen, choose Start Tutorial to watch the simulation.
  2. Start the exercise. From the entry screen, choose Open PDF Document. This document contains all required steps to perform this exercise in your own system.

Perform Customization - Part 1

Perform Customization - Part 2

Perform Customization - Part 3

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