Describing Financial Statement Items


After completing this lesson, you will be able to outline the use of FS item attributes

Consolidation Chart of Accounts

Consolidation Chart of Account – Key Points

  • A consolidation chart of accounts (COA) is a systematic grouping of financial statement (FS) items that belong together and are used for group reporting.

  • In local accounting, companies use a local COA with G/L accounts (General Ledger Accounts) and corresponding levels of detail.

  • In group reporting, to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements from the financial data of the consolidation units, however, the operational data must first be aggregated uniformly across the group. Therefore, at least one consolidation COA must be defined.

  • The predefined consolidation COA is fixed as Y1.

    Setting up a customer-specific ID for the consolidation COA other than Y1 is currently not supported.


In case Y1 does not fulfill your requirements, you can create or change the FS items which Y1 contains.

Check the How-to Guide "How to Replace FS Items in Consolidation COA", which is attached to SAP Note 2659656.

Financial Statement Items (FS Items)

This figure characterizes the Financial Statement Items in SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting.

AConsolidation Chart of Accounts (COA) is a systematic grouping of financial statement (FS) items that belong together and are used for SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting.

Financial Statement Items (FS Items) Key Points:

  • Financial statement (FS) Items represent accounts in group reporting.
  • FS items are dependent on the consolidation chart of accounts.
  • SAP pre-delivers a set of FS items.
  • One or more G/L accounts are mapped to each FS Item and form the basis for consolidation data collection, posting, and reporting along the consolidation process.
  • FS Items are used in balance sheets, P&L statements, statements of retained earnings as well as for maintaining metrics and key figures.
  • FS Items are updated via file upload or using the Define FS Items app.
  • You can create multiple hierarchies on FS Items.
  • FS Item mapping to G/L accounts are updated via file upload.

FS Item Attributes – Key Points

This figure gives an overview of the FS Item attributes which are split into Basic Data attributes, Selection Attributes and Target Attributes.

FS Items contain three types of Attributes:

  • Basic Data
  • Selection Attributes
  • Target Attributes.

Basic Data section:

The FS Item type attribute is a required attribute that indicates the nature of FS items.

The following item types are available:

  • INC: Income items in P&L statements
  • EXP: Expense items in P&L statements
  • AST: Asset items in balance sheets
  • LEQ: Liabilities and equity items in balance sheets
  • STAT: Statistical items that can be used to record financial and non-financial data. This data is not directly linked into P&L statements or balance sheets, such as headcount information.
  • REPT: Reporting items that are used in reporting. Reporting item is a reporting characteristic that allows you to define a report row or column structure. Reporting rules have to be defined to determine how the reporting items are calculated in each relevant report row or column. These rules are applied at report run-time.

Is Consolidation Item:

If an FS item is consolidation specific such as goodwill, the selection would be YES in the master data of an FS item. As a consequence consolidation items do not require a mapping to G/L accounts.

Blocked for Posting:

This setting is used to block postings.

Breakdown Category:

For each FS item, the breakdown category determines which subassignments must be recorded into the ACDOCU table.

Selection Attributes section:

In consolidation tasks for example you can select a Selection Attribute value.

Doing so, all FS Items which share the same attribute value are automatically selected and treated in the same way.

Target Attributes section:

FS item Target Attributes are designed to derive an FS item based on another FS item for specific purposes. This may be used, for example, for automatic offset postings in reclassification rules where you only refer to the technical name of the Target Attribute, for example Elimination Target and the system automatically selects the FS Items which is the Target Attribute value of the trigger FS Item and executes the posting with this FS Item.

For example, in the master data of FS item 411100-Sale of Goods, you select FS item 41200D – Clearing Account Gross Margin as the Elimination Target attribute.

If you select Elimination Target in the Target Attributes field of the reclassification rule, you don't have to assign the FS items itself in the rule. Instead, the system identifies FS item 41200D – Clearing Account Gross Margin based on the master data of trigger FS item 411100 - Sale of Goods in the reclassifcation rule.

Benefits of FS Item Selection Attributes and Target Attributes

This figure illustrates the advantages of FS Item Selection Attributes and Target Attributes.

FS Item Attributes: Purpose and Assignment Relation

The FS Item Role attribute which belongs to the Selection Attributes can be used, for example, to configure the calculation of annual net income, deferred tax, retained earnings, currency translation (CT) difference, and rounding difference.

This figure structures the FS Item attributes according to their purpose, the attribute values and the assignment relation.


An FS item can only have one role, and a role can only be assigned to one FS item in a certain fiscal year and period and consolidation version.

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