Performing Intercompany Matching and Reconciliation


After completing this lesson, you will be able to perform intercompany matching and reconciliation

Consolidation Process: Matching Intercompany Transactions

The image illustrate a person standing holding a tablet . To represent the person from the text bellow.

Anthony's colleague, Peter, knows that after you translate local currency into group currency, you need to match the intercompany transactions.

Let’s learn more about this below.


In this scenario, matching is not possible in your source systems.

Matching Intercompany Transactions

Watch the following video to learn the overall process of matching and reconciling intercompany transactions.

Reconciliation Balances

At ABC Corporation, you're getting ready to match and reconcile intercompany transactions. You can use the Reconciliation Balances app to view the balances and differences for pairs of trading partners.

With the Reconciliation Balances app, you can display the YTD and period amounts of your specified organizational units and their partner units and their amount differences in a specific fiscal year/period.

In the following Reconciliation Balances example, two different measures are used to display the intercompany values in different currencies. For example:

  1. TSL Closing measure:
    • Displays the true (without any currency impact) variance.
    • Based on transaction currency values at the closing rate. -5,395 is the transaction/true variance for DE02 and US02.
  2. KSL Amount in Global Currency measure:
    • Displays the total variance.
    • Based on local currency values at the closing rate. -7,087 is the total variance for DE02 and US02.
The image shows two tables from an SAP Reconciliation Balances report, comparing financial data for different units and partners.

View Intercompany Balances

Business Scenario

You're in the process of reconciling intercompany balances at ABC Corporation. To get started, you'll run the Reconciliation Balances app.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Analyze intercompany transactions between trading partners
  • Display the data with a custom measure that identifies the true differences
  • Evaluate the data in group currency

Intercompany Matching

Now that you viewed the intercompany balances, you can do some matching.

You can perform a matching run manually or automatically via background jobs.

You can run matching from several apps:

  • Define Matching Methods

  • Manage Assignments - By Matching Method

  • Manage Assignments - By Reconciliation Case

  • Schedule Matching Runs

Manage Assignments

You can use the Manage Assignments - By Reconciliation Case app to view matched items and assign the items that aren't matched:

  1. Select the reconciliation case you want to use.
  2. Enter the filter values for Display Group, Amount Field, and Currency,
  3. Choose Go to show all unassigned items for your selected leading unit and all its partner units.
  4. Choose Auto Match to run matching for unmatched items. All items are compared by all matching rules sequentially.
  5. Check any matched items and their generated assignment numbers in the Assignments table in the lower part of the screen. From there, you can proceed with manual assignments, adjustments, or approval as necessary.
The image shows the Manage Assignments interface, it displays unassigned leading and partner unit amounts, with options to assign, communicate, or process assignments.

In the Manage assignments by reconciliation case, there are two main options to assign leading and partner unit transactions:

  1. Manual matching
  2. Auto-Match is used to assign the leading and partner items automatically.


In the Manage assignments by reconciliation case image, the assignment page is displayed so that you can see how you might do manual matching. In most cases, however, this is an automated process.

For any items, matched or unmatched, you can take the following actions (non-workflow related):

  • Assign: This is a manual match in case the matching rules don't apply. If you think certain unmatched items should be exempted from matching rule validation and matched manually, you can select the items and choose Assign to match them manually. The assigned items are then moved to the list in the lower area of the table called Assignments.
  • Communicate:
    • Add Note: Add a public comment and optionally, a due date. This option results in the communication status Note Added. Based on your set due date, any overdue matching items are highlighted in red. These are only viewed from the assigned items log.
    • Send Notification: Send a notification to selected recipients, and optionally, a due date. As a result, the communication status changes to Notification Sent and the recipients receive the notification in the header bar of the SAP Fiori launchpad.
    • Send e-mail: Send an email to an SAP S/4HANA user.
    • Set to Done: When a certain comment or notification is resolved, you can set the item to be done so that the due date and overdue alarm are cleared.

When there are discrepancies, you can use the built-in communication features for messaging and notifications. For a matching item with any processing status except New, you can always add a communication message.

The image shows a software interface for managing assignments, with options for processing, communicating, and assigning tasks. The dropdown menu under Communicate includes options like adding notes, sending notifications, and sending emails.

Match Intercompany Transactions

Business Scenario

You're in the process of matching intercompany transactions at ABC Corporation.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Use auto-match for Germany and the United States.
  • Run Matching for all consolidation units.

Task 1: Use Auto-match for Germany and the United States

Task 2: Run Matching for all Consolidation Units

Reconciliation Status Overview

Now that you have run matching, it is a good time to run the Reconciliation status overview app.

The image shows a SAP Reconciliation Status Overview screen with various consolidation units and their reconciliation statuses. The list view includes details such as matching status, reconciliation balance, and data cutoff time for each unit.

In the Reconciliation status overview image, the matching status is based on line-to-line item document matching. There are four possible matching statuses:

  • Initial: No matching run has been executed.
  • Not Assigned: Not all documents have been assigned.
  • All Assigned: All documents have been assigned but not all of them have been matched.
  • All Matched: All documents have been matched.

In the Reconciliation status overview image, the Reconciliation Balances column can have any of the following three colors::

  • Green indicates that the partner unit has identical aggregated amounts as the leading unit.
  • Yellow indicates that the partner units has aggregated amounts different from the leading unit that are equal to or lower than the tolerance.
  • Red indicates that the partner units have aggregated amounts different from the leading unit that are greater than the tolerance.

The reconciliation close status, which is maintained in the Manage Reconciliation Close app, indicates whether period reconciliation is closed for a certain unit pair. The possible statuses are:

  • Open: The period is still open to receive data for matching and reconciliation.

  • Closed: The period is closed for data matching and reconciliation. As a result, no more matching runs are allowed and any new postings aren’t included in the matching process for the period.

  • Pending Approval: The request for reconciliation close has been submitted for approval and the approval workflow is yet complete.

Run the Reconciliation Overview Report

Business Scenario

You're in the process of matching intercompany transactions at ABC Corporation. You just finished matching.

Now, you’ll run the Reconciliation Overview app.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • View the matching status
  • Determine which trading partners have differences that exceed the tolerances

Manage the Reconciliation Close

With the Manage the Reconciliation Close app, you can set the reconciliation close status, view reconciliation differences by reason code, trigger an approval workflow, and generate reconciliation statements.

In the following image, these are the key points:

  1. Because the variance for US and CA is over the threshold, it appears in red.
  2. The Elimination Status is Initial because elimination has not been run yet.
  3. The Workflow Status is Approved and the Reconciliation Status is Closed.
  4. In the details, you can find the leading and partner amounts, add comments, and download the document as a PDF file.
The image shows the Manage Reconciliation Close interface with a list of items displaying consolidation units, partner units, differences, elimination status, workflow status. A detailed view of a selected reconciliation case is also shown, highlighting the difference breakdown by reason code and other relevant details.

When closing the reconciliation, any variances outside the tolerance generates an approval workflow for users who are on the reconciliation team. In the resulting inbox, the trading partner data is displayed. The user can then approve or reject the approval request. They can also download a PDF with the summary.

Workflow Status: This status is relevant for the reconciliation cases that require an approval workflow to close reconciliation. The possible workflow statuses are Waiting, Ready, In Process, Error, and Completed. Only when the workflow is completed, that is, the reconciliation close request is approved, can the reconciliation close status be set to Closed.

Elimination Status: This is the execution status of the IC Balance Sheet Elimination consolidation monitor task. It's only relevant for the reconciliation case that is consolidation related and is assigned with the elimination method SC001 in configuration step Define Elimination Methods. The following statuses are possible:

  • Initial: The elimination task hasn't been executed yet.

  • In Process: The elimination task is initiated and running.

  • Completed: The elimination task has finished successfully.

  • Failed: The elimination task ran into an error, for example, due to system error or misconfiguration. The error details can be viewed in the Task Logs app.

  • Outdated: The elimination task was once executed and finished successfully, but after that, a new matching run was triggered and brought new posting data, which makes the prior Completed status outdated. Therefore, the elimination task needs to be executed again.

Manage the Reconciliation Close

Business Scenario

You're in the process of matching and reconciling intercompany transactions at ABC Corporation.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Run the Manage Reconciliation Close app
  • Use the workflow process for the largest discrepancy

Task 1: Run the Manage Reconciliation Close Report

Task 2: Use the Workflow Process

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