Running Data Validation


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Perform data validation.

Data Validation

You can run data validation at three points in the process:

  1. Reported Data Validation: Run after data collection.
  2. Standardized Data Validation: Run after currency translation.
  3. Consolidated Data Validation: Run after eliminations.

When you run the reported, standardized, and consolidated data validation tasks, you can use the interactive log to view the results and diagnose issues.

In the validation log, you can perform the following activities:

  1. View the status
  2. View the Log
  3. Go to the details
  4. Use settings to add different columns
  5. Run the validation dashboard (Show Result Analysis)

After each task is run, a detailed validation log can be displayed showing the validation result and any error or warning messages.

In the result detail, you can do the following:

  1. Revalidate
  2. Switch to the Tolerance Currency
  3. Input comments
  4. Download to Microsoft Excel
  5. View the validation rule
  6. Drill down


In the preceding Validation Log Detail image, there’s a variance of 1. If variances occur, consider these steps to identify the root cause of the issue:
  • Switch to the tolerance currency (if configured).
  • If the consolidation unit is integrated into SAP S/4HANA Finance, run the Data Release Task and check the totals report.
  • Run a report by consolidation unit, FS item, posting level, and document type to identify where the difference is coming from.

Run Data Validation

Business Scenario

Now that you've released and imported data into group reporting, you need to run data validation intotegrity of the reported financial data.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Set your global parameters if necessary
  • Run reported data validation
  • Analyze the results in the log

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