Analyzing Footprint Overview


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Leverage the built-in analytics reports to get actionable insights into your company’s main footprint drivers.

Overview of Footprint Analysis

The footprint overview gives an overview of the available analytical reports.

To analyze your calculated footprints and gain valuable insights, SAP Sustainability Footprint Management provides many different built-in dashboards. Those are automatically loaded with data and offer various options for drilling into the details of the results. The Footprint Overview app is the starting point for footprint analytics. It displays your corporate balance, basing it on all the emission and outflows in the selected period and inventory.

The overview screen further provides you with various charts, displaying the top five purchased and sold products and energy consumers with the highest emissions. You can also drill down into the emissions by GHG scope and scope category, as well as by energy source. A trend from the past months is also available. Choosing buttons on the dashboards for Corporate Balance, Purchased Goods, Sold Goods, and Energy Consumers navigates to further apps that provide even more details and list reports. For example, you can analyze the emissions in total and per unit from all the products you purchase from suppliers.

Purchased Goods Analysis

The purchased goods list report is an analytics view of the footprint of purchased products. It shows the footprint of all purchased materials in detail per supplier.

Sold Goods Analysis

The sold goods report is an analytics view of the footprint of sold products. It shows the footprint of all sold materials in detail per product or plant.

Energy Consumer Analysis

The energy consumers list report is an analytics view of the footprint of energy consumers. It shows the footprint of all facilities, process infrastructure, and resources.

Corporate Balance Analysis

The corporate CO2e balance shows the inflow and outflow of emissions for the selected period.

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