Managing Emission Factors


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Import emission data for your purchased products from sources like the Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) databases or your suppliers..

Management of Emission Factors for Purchased Products

Emission data for purchased products are the basis of carbon footprint calculations for manufactured products. You can maintain this emission data in the Manage Purchased Product Footprints app. The categorization of emission data is based on the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.


Additional information about the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) is a widely used standard to categorize emissions. It establishes a comprehensive, global, standardized framework for measuring and managing emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains, products, cities, and policies.

The GHGP is a partnership between the World Resource Institute (WRI) ( and the Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)( It provides accounting and reporting standards, sector guidance, calculation tools, and training for businesses and government.

Imports of Emission Factors

To evaluate the environmental impact of acquired business data and to calculate footprints at scale, SAP Sustainability Footprint Management offers the capability to import and manage emission factors. The application focuses on the climate change impact, representing the Global Warming Potential (GWP) measured in CO2-equivalents (CO2e). You import the emission factors into the application through Excel file upload and you can collect them from different sources:

Maps of Emission Factors

After importing the required emission factors, you need to map those to your purchased products, replicating them from your ERP business data. You can configure all your mappings at various levels of granularity, such as suppliers, product groups, and commodity codes.

The mapping template is auto-generated by the system based on your imported ERP master data and pre-filled with the respective information, such as products, commodity codes, and suppliers. With in-app editing, you can edit, add, or remove entries, and you can associate the emission factor for every line item. Through the value app, you can filter and search all your imported emission factor databases for the most appropriate match. Alternatively, you can also maintain the mappings in a CSV file and upload it to the application.


For more information on the mapping, refer to Using the Manage Mappings Application in the SAP Help portal at:

Purchased Product Footprints

The Manage Purchased Product Footprints app provides an overview of all emission factors maintained and used in the footprint calculation and their validity.

It can import the following tasks:

  • Import mapped factors from the mapping table.
  • Enter or edit emissions manually and assign a data source.
  • Display a list of all purchased products that have no associated footprints.
  • Display a list of imported goods receipts that have no footprints associated.

Manage Emission Factors for Purchased Products

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