Using Detailed Features of the SAP Fiori App Manage Service Orders


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Use detailed features of the SAP Fiori app Manage Service Orders.

Detailed Features of Manage Service Orders

Creating Service Orders (and Confirmations)

This topics provides more details regarding the app Manage Service Orders. This topic is included since this is one of the key apps used in scope item Service Order Management and Monitoring (3D2).

The Manage Service Orders tile shows the number of items on the manager’s To Do List. Managers can use the various KPIs to prioritize their actions:

  • Open Orders: Shows all orders corresponding to the manager’s authorization with status Open.
  • Unassigned Orders: Shows all orders corresponding to the manager’s authorization that do not have a responsible employee assigned.
  • Without Confirmations: Shows all orders corresponding to the manager’s authorization that do not have an active confirmation assigned.

Search criteria in Manage Service Orders

The Requested Start Date and External Transaction Number fields are examples of field that are available as search criteria for service orders in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition. And there are many more field available.

The resulting list shows six tabs to differentiate the results, based on the priority of the information for the manager who started the search:

  • All Service Orders: Lists all the service orders in the system.
  • Unassigned Orders: Used primarily for external interfaces where service orders could get created without a responsible employee assigned (as the external systems may not have the Employee Responsible concept or may not have it integrated) and the employees responsible can be reassigned through this tab.
  • Open Orders: Lists all service orders with status Open.
  • Without Confirmations: Orders that are released (and contain no errors) and are eligible for confirmation creation but do not yet have any confirmation created.
  • With Open Confirmations: Orders that have at least one Confirmation with the status Open.
  • Billable Confirmations: Orders that are completed and relevant for billing.

The Search Results figure shows the results of a possible search. In this example, all service orders are presented to the user and the user can check, for example, the life cycle status of the selected orders.

Assigning a Responsible Employee to a Service Order

It is possible to assign an employee responsible to an order that does not yet have one. This is useful for orders created by external interfaces that do not have employees synchronized with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.

Navigating to a Service Order from the List of Orders

After navigation from the resulting list of a search, two columns are displayed. One column shows the list page. The other column shows the service order detail page.

Service Order Detail Page

The service order detail page of an order gives the user all information required at a managerial level to have an overview of the order progression. It also shows the Key Process Indicators (KPIs) related to the selected order.

The Price Overview graph (1) gives the user an overview of the gross price for the service order, the net price for the service order, and the tax value (difference between gross and net).

The Duration graph (2) shows the difference between the planned quantity for the service order and the actual quantity in its confirmations.

The Progress graph (3) indicates the progress of the service order with respect to the number of confirmations and billing done.

The Gross Value graph (4) shows the difference between the planned gross value on the service order and the actual gross value on its confirmations.

Editing Service Orders and Confirmations

At a later stage, if you want to edit a service order or a confirmation, select Edit.

Quick Actions

Quick actions for a service order are available for the following purposes:

  • Edit service order
  • Release service order
  • Create service confirmation
  • Reject service order (all items)

Service Order Header Tabs

Header facets (tabs) give the user detailed information specific to the header of a service order. You can navigate to the individual items/confirmations from within the items block on the screen.

The item details page shows the user all the relevant details of one service order item. The graphs provided at item level show a comparison between planned quantities (on the order) and actual quantities (in the confirmations).

Service Order Item Tabs

The facets/tabs at the item level provide the user with specific information related to certain aspects of the item, such as price details or the transaction history of the item.

Service Level Agreement Fields

Service Level Agreement (SLA) fields are available in the user interface. They contain Service Level Agreement (SLA)-specific data. This requires configuration in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition related to enabling service level agreements, using a Self-Service Configuration User Interface (SSCUI).

The Confirmations Tab

Confirmation details can be viewed from the Confirmations tab. Confirmations do not have a dedicated header tab. However, header-specific confirmation information is available in each of the confirmation items for easy reference.

Item Categories

Many different item categories are available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition, service to be used in service documents. They represent the different processes that are available at the item level in a service document. Examples include service items, expense items, and normal and Fixed Price (FP) service bundles.

Life Cycle Status

The life cycle status of a service order is represented by a micro chart. It is also available on the service order details page.

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